"""NGPVAN Saved List Endpoints"""
from parsons.etl.table import Table
from parsons.utilities import cloud_storage
import logging
import uuid
from suds.client import Client
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class SavedLists(object):
def __init__(self, van_connection):
self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def get_saved_lists(self, folder_id=None):
Get saved lists.
folder_id: int
Filter by the id for a VAN folder. If included returns only
the saved lists in the folder
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request('savedLists', params={'folderId': folder_id}))
logger.info(f'Found {tbl.num_rows} saved lists.')
return tbl
[docs] def get_saved_list(self, saved_list_id):
Returns a saved list object.
saved_list_id: int
The saved list id.
r = self.connection.get_request(f'savedLists/{saved_list_id}')
logger.info(f'Found saved list {saved_list_id}.')
return r
[docs] def download_saved_list(self, saved_list_id):
Download the vanids associated with a saved list.
saved_list_id: int
The saved list id.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
ej = ExportJobs(self.connection)
job = ej.export_job_create(saved_list_id)
if isinstance(job, tuple):
return job
return Table.from_csv(job['downloadUrl'])
[docs] def upload_saved_list(self, tbl, list_name, folder_id, url_type, id_type='vanid', replace=False,
Upload a saved list. Invalid or unmatched person id records will be ignored. Your api user
must be shared on the target folder.
tbl: parsons.Table
A parsons table object containing one column of person ids.
list_name: str
The saved list name.
folder_id: int
The folder id where the list will be stored.
url_post_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file. Currently only ``S3``.
id_type: str
The primary key type. The options, beyond ``vanid`` are specific to your
instance of VAN.
replace: boolean
Replace saved list if already exists.
**url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type.
* S3 requires ``bucket`` argument and, if not stored as env variables
``aws_access_key`` and ``aws_secret_access_key``.
Upload results information included the number of matched and saved
records in your list.
# Move to cloud storage
file_name = str(uuid.uuid1())
url = cloud_storage.post_file(tbl, url_type, file_path=file_name + '.zip', **url_kwargs)
logger.info(f'Table uploaded to {url_type}.')
# Create XML
xml = self.connection.soap_client.factory.create('CreateAndStoreSavedListMetaData')
xml.SavedList._Name = list_name
xml.DestinationFolder._ID = folder_id
xml.SourceFile.FileName = file_name + '.csv'
xml.SourceFile.FileUrl = url
xml.SourceFile.FileCompression = 'zip'
xml.Options.OverwriteExistingList = replace
# Describe file
file_desc = self.connection.soap_client.factory.create('SeparatedFileFormatDescription')
file_desc._name = 'csv'
file_desc.HasHeaderRow = True
# Only support single column for now
col = self.connection.soap_client.factory.create('Column')
col.Name = id_type
col.RefersTo._Path = f"Person[@PersonIDType=\'{id_type}\']"
col._Index = '0'
# VAN errors for this method are not particularly useful or helpful. For that reason, we
# will check that the folder exists and if the list already exists.
logger.info('Validating folder id and list name.')
if folder_id not in [x['folderId'] for x in self.get_folders()]:
raise ValueError("Folder does not exist or is not shared with API user.")
if not replace:
if list_name in [x['name'] for x in self.get_saved_lists(folder_id)]:
raise ValueError("Saved list already exists. Set to replace argument to True or "
"change list name.")
# Assemble request
xml.SourceFile.Format = file_desc
r = Client.dict(self.connection.soap_client.service.CreateAndStoreSavedList(xml))
if r:
logger.info(f"Uploaded {r['ListSize']} records to {r['_Name']} saved list.")
return r
[docs]class Folders(object):
def __init__(self, van_connection):
# Some sort of test if the van_connection is not present.
self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def get_folders(self):
Get all folders owned or shared with the API user.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request('folders'))
logger.info(f'Found {tbl.num_rows} folders.')
return tbl
[docs] def get_folder(self, folder_id):
Get a folder owned by or shared with the API user.
folder_id: int
The folder id.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
r = self.connection.get_request(f'folders/{folder_id}')
logger.info(f'Found folder {folder_id}.')
return r
[docs]class ExportJobs(object):
def __init__(self, van_connection):
self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def get_export_job_types(self):
Get export job types
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request('exportJobTypes'))
logger.info(f'Found {tbl.num_rows} export job types.')
return tbl
[docs] def export_job_create(self, list_id, export_type=4,
Creates an export job
Currently, this is only used for exporting saved lists. It is
recommended that you use the :meth:`saved_list_download` method
list_id: int
This is where you should input the list id
export_type: int
The export type id, which defines the columns to export
A webhook to include to notify as to the status of the export
The export job object
json = {"savedListId": str(list_id),
"type": str(export_type),
"webhookUrl": webhookUrl
r = self.connection.post_request('exportJobs', json=json)
logger.info('Retrieved export job.')
return r
[docs] def get_export_job(self, export_job_id):
Get an export job.
export_job_id: int
The xxport job id.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
r = self.connection.get_request(f'exportJobs/{export_job_id}')
logger.info(f'Found export job {export_job_id}.')
return r