

Zoom is a video conferencing platform. This connector supports fetching users, fetching meetings, fetching metadata for past meetings, and fetching participants of past meetings via the Zoom API.



The Zoom class supports JSON Web Token Authentication. You must Create a JWT App to obtain an API Key and API Secret for authentication.

Quick Start

To instantiate the Zoom class, you can either store your Zoom API key and secret as environmental variables (ZOOM_API_KEY and ZOOM_API_SECRET, respectively) or pass them in as arguments:

from parsons import Zoom

# If environmental variables ZOOM_API_KEY and ZOOM_API_SECRET
# are set, no need for arguments
zoom = Zoom()

# If providing authentication credentials via arguments
zoom = Zoom(api_key='my_api_key', api_secret='my_api_secret')

# Get a table of host's meetings via their email or user id
meetings_tbl = zoom.get_meetings('my_name@mail.com')

# Get the list of participants in a past meeting
participants_tbl = zoom.get_past_meeting_participants('my_meeting_id')