

The FacebookAds class allows you to interact with parts of the Facebook Business API. Currently the connector provides methods for creating and deleting custom audiences, and for adding users to audiences.

The FacebookAds connector is a thin wrapper around the FB Business SDK, so some of that SDK is exposed, e.g., you may see exceptions like FacebookRequestError.

Facebook’s advertising and Pages systems are massive. Check out the overviews for more information:



Before using FacebookAds, you’ll need the following: * A FB application, specifically the app ID and secret. See https://developers.facebook.com to find your app details or create a new app. Note that a Facebook app isn’t necessarily visible to anyone but you: it’s just needed to interact with the Facebook API. * A FB ad account. See https://business.facebook.com to find your ad accounts or create a new one. * A FB access token representing a user that has access to the relevant ad account. You can generate an access token from your app, either via the Facebook API itself, or via console at https://developers.facebook.com.


To instantiate the FacebookAds class, you can either store your authentication credentials as environmental variables (FB_APP_ID, FB_APP_SECRET, FB_ACCESS_TOKEN, and FB_AD_ACCOUNT_ID) or pass them in as arguments:

from parsons import FacebookAds

# First approach: Use environmental variables
fb = FacebookAds()

# Second approach: Pass credentials as argument
fb = FacebookAds(app_id='my_app_id',

You can then use various methods:

# Create audience
fb.create_custom_audience(name='audience_name', data_source='USER_PROVIDED_ONLY')

# Delete audience