The VAN module leverages the VAN API and generally follows the naming convention of their API endpoints. It is recommended that you reference their API documentation for additional details and information.
- API Keys
API Keys are specific to each committee and state.
There was once a Parsons type API Key that could be requested via the VAN Integrations menu, but that key type has been deprecated by NGPVAN. API keys should now be requested as a custom integration. For additional guidance, refer to the Parsons Slack or reach out to <>.
VANIDs are unique to each state and instance of the VAN. VANIDs used for the AV VAN will not match those of the SmartVAN or VoteBuilder.
- Maintenance & Support
VAN/EveryAction is not responsible for support of Parsons. Their support team cannot answer questions about Parsons. Please direct any questions to the Parsons team via the issue tracker or Slack.
To call the VAN class you can either store the api key as an environmental variable VAN_API_KEY or pass it in as an argument.
from parsons import VAN
van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # Specify the DB type and pass api key via environmental variable.
van = VAN(api_key='asdfa-sdfadsf-adsfasdf',db='MyVoters') # Pass api key directly
You can then call various endpoints:
from parsons import VAN
van = VAN(db='MyVoters')
# List events with a date filter
events = van.get_events(starting_before='2018-02-01')
# List all folders shared with API Key User
folders = van.get_folders()
# Return to a Redshift database
saved_lists = van.get_saved_lists().to_redshift('van.my_saved_lists')
This a is just a small sampling of all of the VAN endpoints that you can leverage. We recommend reviewing the documentation for all functions.
Common Workflows
Bulk Import
For some methods, VAN allows you to bulk import multiple records to create or modify them.
The bulk upload endpoint requires access to files on the public internet as it runs the upload asynchronously. Therefore, in order to bulk import, you must pass in cloud storage credentials (either AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage) so that the file can be posted.
Bulk Apply Activist Codes
In this example we are applying activist codes to a list of contacts. The csv file would have the following columns:
from parsons import VAN, Table
van = VAN(db='EveryAction')
# Load a table containing the VANID, activistcodeid and other options.
tbl = Table.from_csv('new_volunteers.csv')
# Table will be sent to S3 bucket and a POST request will be made to VAN creating
# the bulk import job with all of the valid meta information. The method will
# return the job id.
job_id = van.bulk_apply_activist_codes(tbl, url_type="S3", bucket='my_bucket')
# The bulk import job is run asynchronously, so you may poll the status of a job.
job_status = van.get_bulk_import_job(job_id)
** Bulk Upsert Contacts** In this example we are creating and updating emails and addresses. The csv file would have the following columns:
Note that vanid
must be the first column in your table. For additional fields, see the
If a record contains a null value, it will not be updated.
If the VANID record is null, then a new record will be created.
from parsons import VAN, Table
van = VAN(db=EveryAction)
# Load a table containing VANID and PII columns
tbl = Table.from_csv('hot_leads.csv')
# Table will be sent to S3 bucket and a POST request will be made to VAN creating
# the bulk import job with all of the valid meta information. The method will
# return the job id.
job_id = van.bulk_upsert_contacts(tbl, url_type="S3", bucket='my_bucket')
# The bulk import job is run asynchronously, so you may poll the status of a job.
job_status = van.get_bulk_import_job(job_id)
# When the job is complete, get the results of the job. This file will include newly
# created vanids.
job_results = van.get_bulk_import_job_results(job_id)
Upload Saved List
from parsons import VAN, Table
van = VAN(db='MyVoters')
# Load a table containing VANIDs
tbl = Table.from_csv('gcs_test.csv')
# The destination folder id. You can get a list of folder ids by running the
# VAN.get_folders() method. Remember to share the folder with your API user
# or you will not be able to access it.
folder_id = 1171
# The destination list name
list_name = 'My Winning List v1.0'
# The cloud storage service and kwargs specific to GCS.
url_type = 'GCS'
bucket_name = 'my_bucket'
app_creds = 'my_creds.json' # Not required if stored as env variable.
van.upload_saved_list(tbl, list_name, folder_id, url_type, replace=true,
bucket_name=bucket_name, app_creds=app_creds)
Scores: Loading and Updating
Loading a score is a multi-step process. Once a score is set to approved, loading takes place overnight.
Standard Auto Approve Load
from parsons import VAN, Table
van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # API key stored as an environmental variable
# If you don't know the id, you can run van.get_scores() to list the
# slots that are available and their associated score ids.
score_id = 9999
# Load the Parsons table with the scores. The first column of the table
# must be the person id (e.g. VANID). You could create this from Redshift or
# another source.
tbl = Table.from_csv('winning_scores.csv')
# Specify the score id slot and the column name for each score.
config = [{'score_id': score_id, 'score_column': 'winning_model'}]
# If you have multiple models in the same file, you can load them all at the same time.
# In fact, VAN recommends that you do so to reduce their server loads.
config = [{'score_id': 5555, 'score_column': 'score1'}, {'score_id': 5556, 'score_column': 'score2'}]
# The score file must posted to the internet. This configuration uses S3 to do so. In this
# example, your S3 keys are stored as environmental variables. If not, you can pass them
# as arguments.
job_id = van.upload_scores(tbl, config, url_type='S3', email='', bucket='tmc-fake')
Standard Load Requiring Approval
from parsons import VAN
van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # API key stored as an environmental variable
config = [{'score_id': 3421, 'score_column': 'winning_model'}]
# Note that auto_approve is set to False. This means that you need to manually approve
# the job once it is loaded.
job_id = van.upload_scores(tbl, config, url_type='S3', email='',
bucket='tmc-fake', auto_approve=False)
# Approve the job
People: Add Survey Response
The following workflow can be used to apply survey questions, activist codes and canvass responses.
from parsons import VAN
# Instantiate Class
van = VAN(db="MyVoters")
van_id = 13242
sq = 311838 # Valid survey question id
sr = 1288926 # Valid survey response id
ct = 36 # Valid contact type id
it = 4 # Valid input type id
# Create a valid survey question response
van.apply_survey_response(vanid, sq, sr, contact_type_id=ct, input_type_id=it)
Event: Creating and Modifying
Events are made up of sub objects that need to exist to create an event
Event Object - The event itself
Event Type - The type of event, such as a Canvass or Phone Bank. These are created in the VAN UI and can be reused for multiple events.
Locations - An event can have multiple locations. While not required to initially create an event, these are required to add signups to an event.
Roles - The various roles that a person can have at an event, such as
. These are set as part of the event type.Shifts - Each event can have multiple shits in which a person can be assigned. These are specified in the event creation.
from parsons import VAN
# Instantiate class
van = VAN(db="EveryAction")
# Create A Location
loc_id = van.location(name='Big `Ol Canvass', address='100 W Washington', city='Chicago', state='IL')
# Create Event
name = 'GOTV Canvass' # Name of event
short_name = 'GOTVCan' # Short name of event, 12 chars or less
start_time = '2018-11-01T15:00:00' # ISO formatted date
end_time = '2018-11-01T18:00:00' # ISO formatted date after start time
event_type_id = 296199 # A valid event type id
roles = [259236] # A list of valid role ids
location_ids = [loc_id] # An optional list of locations ids for the event
description = 'CPD Super Volunteers Canvass' # Optional description of 200 chars or less
shifts = [{'name': 'Shift 1',
'start_time': '2018-11-01T15:00:00',
'end_time': '2018-11-11T17:00:00'}] # Shifts must fall within event start/end time.
new_event = van.event_create(name, short_name, start_time, end_time, event_type_id, roles,
location_ids=location_ids, shifts=shifts, description=description)
Signup: Adding and Modifying
from parsons import VAN
# Instantiate class
van = VAN(db="EveryAction")
# Create a new signup
vanid = 100349920
event_id = 750001004
shift_id = 19076
role_id = 263920
location_id = 3
role_id = 263920
status_id = 11
# Create the signup. Will return a signup id
signup_id = van.signup_create(vanid, event_id, shift_id, role_id, status_id, location_id
# Modify a status of the signup
new_status_id = 6
van.signup_update(signup_id, status_id=new_status_id)
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.People(van_connection)[source]
- find_person(first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, **kwargs)[source]
Find a person record.
Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search.
first_name, last_name, email
first_name, last_name, phone
first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth
first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5
- Args:
- first_name: str
The person’s first name
- last_name: str
The person’s last name
- dob: str
ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g.
)- email: str
The person’s email address
- phone: str
Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home)
- street_number: str
Street Number
- street_name: str
Street Name
- zip: str
5 digit zip code
- kwargs:
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the EveryAction API for matching.
- Returns:
A person dict object
- find_person_json(match_json)[source]
Find a person record based on json data.
Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search.
first_name, last_name, email
first_name, last_name, phone
first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth
first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5
A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found here.
- Args:
- match_json: dict
A dictionary of values to match against.
fields: The fields to return. Leave as default for all available fields
- Returns:
A person dict object
- update_person(id=None, id_type='vanid', first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None)[source]
Update a person record based on a provided ID. All other arguments provided will be updated on the record.
This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid id
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to
.- first_name: str
The person’s first name
- last_name: str
The person’s last name
- dob: str
ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g.
)- email: str
The person’s email address
- phone: str
Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home)
- phone_type: str
One of ‘H’ for home phone, ‘W’ for work phone, ‘C’ for cell, ‘M’ for main phone or ‘F’ for fax line. Defaults to home phone.
- street_number: str
Street Number
- street_name: str
Street Name
- zip: str
5 digit zip code
- Returns:
A person dict
- update_person_json(id, id_type='vanid', match_json=None)[source]
Update a person record based on a provided ID within the match_json dict.
A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found here.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid id
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to
.- match_json: dict
A dictionary of values to match against and save.
- Returns:
A person dict
- upsert_person(first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email: Optional[Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]]]] = None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, **kwargs)[source]
Create or update a person record.
Person find must include the following minimum combinations.
first_name, last_name, email
first_name, last_name, phone
first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth
first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5
This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases.
- Args:
- first_name: str
The person’s first name
- last_name: str
The person’s last name
- dob: str
ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g.
)- email: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]], None]
The person’s email address or a list of email dicts. e.g. [{‘email’: ‘’, ‘isSubscribed’: False}] See
- phone: str
Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home)
- phone_type: str
One of ‘H’ for home phone, ‘W’ for work phone, ‘C’ for cell, ‘M’ for main phone or ‘F’ for fax line. Defaults to home phone.
- street_number: str
Street Number
- street_name: str
Street Name
- zip: str
5 digit zip code
- kwargs:
Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the EveryAction API for matching.
- Returns:
A person dict
- upsert_person_json(match_json)[source]
Create or update a person record.
Person find must include the following minimum combinations.
first_name, last_name, email
first_name, last_name, phone
first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth
first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5
A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found here. vanId can be passed to ensure the correct record is updated.
This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases.
- Args:
- match_json: dict
A dictionary of values to match against and save.
- Returns:
A person dict
- get_person(id, id_type='vanid', expand_fields=['contribution_history', 'addresses', 'phones', 'emails', 'codes', 'custom_fields', 'external_ids', 'preferences', 'recorded_addresses', 'reported_demographics', 'suppressions', 'cases', 'custom_properties', 'districts', 'election_records', 'membership_statuses', 'notes', 'organization_roles', 'disclosure_field_values'])[source]
Returns a single person record using their VANID or external id.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid id
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
. Defaults tovanid
.- expand_fields: list
A list of fields for which to include data. If a field is omitted,
will be returned for that field. Can becontribution_history
- Returns:
A person dict
- delete_person(vanid)[source]
Suppress the given VANID in databases where contact records can be suppressed.
- Args:
- vanid: str
The person’s VAN ID.
- Returns:
Success or error.
- apply_canvass_result(id, result_code_id, id_type='vanid', contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, phone=None)[source]
Apply a canvass result to a person. Use this end point for attempts that do not result in a survey response or an activist code (e.g. Not Home).
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- result_code_idint
Specifies the result code of the attempt. Valid ids can be found by using the
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- contact_type_idint
Optional; A valid contact type id
- input_type_idint
Optional; Defaults to 11 (API Input)
- date_canvassedstr
Optional; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date
- phone: str
Optional; Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home)
- Returns:
- toggle_volunteer_action(id, volunteer_activity_id, action, id_type='vanid', result_code_id=None, contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None)[source]
Apply or remove a volunteer action to or from a person.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- volunteer_activity_id: int
A valid volunteer activity id
- action: str
Either ‘apply’ or ‘remove’
- result_code_idint
Optional; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the
- contact_type_id: int
Optional; A valid contact type id
- input_type_id: int
Optional; Defaults to 11 (API Input)
- date_canvassed: str
Optional; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date
- apply_response(id, response, id_type='vanid', contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, result_code_id=None, omit_contact=False, phone=None, campaignId=None)[source]
Apply responses such as survey questions, activist codes, and volunteer actions to a person record. This method allows you apply multiple responses (e.g. two survey questions) at the same time. It is a low level method that requires that you conform to the VAN API response object format.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- response: dict
A list of dicts with each dict containing a valid action.
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- result_code_idint
Optional; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the
- contact_type_idint
Optional; A valid contact type id
- input_type_idint
Optional; Defaults to 11 (API Input)
- date_canvassedstr
Optional; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date
- responseslist or dict
The responses to apply.
- omit_contact: boolean
Omit adding contact history to the response. This is particularly useful when adding activist codes that are not based on contact attempts.
- phone: str
Optional; Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home)
- campaignId: int
Optional; a valid Campaign ID.
- Returns:
if successful
response = [{"activistCodeId": 18917, "action": "Apply", "type": "ActivistCode"}, {"surveyQuestionId": 109149, "surveyResponseId": 465468, "type": "SurveyResponse"} ] van.apply_response(5222, response)
- create_relationship(vanid_1, vanid_2, relationship_id)[source]
Create a relationship between two individuals
- Args:
- vanid_1int
The vanid of the primary individual; aka the node
- vanid_2int
The vanid of the secondary individual; the spoke
- relationship_idint
The relationship id indicating the type of relationship
- Returns:
- apply_person_code(id, code_id, id_type='vanid')[source]
Apply a code to a person.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id.
- code_id: int
A valid code id.
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- Returns:
- merge_contacts(primary_vanid, source_vanid)[source]
Merges two contacts in EveryAction. The source contact record will be deleted as part of the merge and its data will be moved into the primary contact record. In cases where fields conflict between the two contacts and we can’t keep both values, such as if the contacts have different first names, the primary contact record’s data will be retained. For more information see the VAN API documentation here
- Args:
- primary_vanid: str
The VANID of the primary contact record.
- source_vanid: str
The VANID of the source contact record.
- Returns:
The VANID of the primary contact record.
Activist Codes
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.ActivistCodes(van_connection)[source]
- get_activist_codes()[source]
Get activist codes.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_activist_code(activist_code_id)[source]
Get an activist code.
- Args:
- activist_code_idint
The activist code id.
- Returns:
- dict
The activist code
- apply_activist_code(id, activist_code_id, id_type='vanid', omit_contact=True)[source]
Apply an activist code to or from a person.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- activist_code_id: int
A valid activist code id
- action: str
Either ‘apply’ or ‘remove’
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- omit_contact: boolean
If set to false the contact history will be updated with a contact attempt.
- Returns:
- remove_activist_code(id, activist_code_id, id_type='vanid')[source]
Remove an activist code to or from a person.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- activist_code_id: int
A valid activist code id
- action: str
Either ‘apply’ or ‘remove’
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- Returns:
Bulk Import
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.BulkImport[source]
- get_bulk_import_resources()[source]
Get bulk import resources that available to the user. These define the types of bulk imports that you can run. These might include
and others.- Returns:
- list
A list of resources.
- get_bulk_import_job(job_id)[source]
Get a bulk import job status.
- Args:
- job_idint
The bulk import job id.
- Returns:
- dict
The bulk import job
- get_bulk_import_job_results(job_id)[source]
Get result file of a bulk upload job. This will include one row per record processed as well as the status of each.
If the job results have not been generated, either due to an error in the process or the fact the job is still processing, it will return
.- Args:
- job_id: int
The bulk import job id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_bulk_import_mapping_types()[source]
Get bulk import mapping types.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_bulk_import_mapping_type(type_name)[source]
Get a single bulk import mapping type.
- Args:
type_name: str
- Returns:
- dict
A mapping type json
- get_bulk_import_mapping_type_fields(type_name, field_name)[source]
Get data about a field in a mapping type.
- Args:
- type_name: str
The mapping type name
- field_name: str
The field name
- Returns:
- dict
A mapping type fields json
- bulk_apply_activist_codes(tbl, url_type, **url_kwargs)[source]
Bulk apply activist codes.
The table may include the following columns. The first column must be
.Column Name
A valid VANID primary key
A valid activist code id
An ISO formatted date
A valid User ID; Required when DateCanvassed is provided
The method of contact.
- Args:
- table: Parsons table
A Parsons table.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The bulk import job id
- bulk_upsert_contacts(tbl, url_type, result_fields=None, **url_kwargs)[source]
Bulk create or update contact records. Provide a Parsons table of contact data to create or update records.
The first column of the table must be VANID.
The other columns can be a combination of the columns listed below. The valid column names also accept permutations with underscores, spaces and capitalization (e.g.
Table Fields
Valid Column Names
Voter VAN ID
The contact’s MyVoters VANID
External ID
An external id to be stored.
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
An ISO formatted date
Physical Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
State Or Province
Zip or Postal Code
Country Code
A valid two character country code (e.g.
)Display As Entered
Required values are
. Determines if the address is processed through address correction.Phones
Cell Phone
Cell Phone Country Code
A valid two digit country code (e.g.
)Home Phone
Home Phone Country Code
Other Email
- Args:
- table: Parsons table
A Parsons table.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file. Currently only
.- results_fields: list
A list of fields to include in the results file.
- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The bulk import job id
- bulk_apply_suppressions(tbl, url_type, **url_kwargs)[source]
Bulk apply contact suppression codes.
The table may include the following columns. The first column must be
.Column Name
A valid VANID primary key
A valid suppression id
- Args:
- table: Parsons table
A Parsons table.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The bulk import job id
- bulk_apply_canvass_results(tbl, url_type, **url_kwargs)[source]
Bulk apply contact canvass results.
The table may include the following columns. The first column must be
.Column Name
A valid VANID primary key
Valid Contact Type ID
Valid Contact Result ID
ISO Date Format
Valid User ID
Attempted Phone Number
Country Code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
Phone Type
SMS Opt-In Status
The Contact Address ID of the address that was canvassed
- Args:
- table: Parsons table
A Parsons table.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The bulk import job id
- bulk_apply_contact_custom_fields(custom_field_group_id, tbl, url_type, **url_kwargs)[source]
Bulk apply contact custom fields.
The table may include the following columns. The first column must be
.Column Name
A valid VANID primary key
At least one custom field column to be loaded associated with the provided custom_field_group_id. The column name should be a valid Custom Field ID prefixed with
, i.e. CF123.- Args:
- custom_field_group_id: int
Valid Custom Contact Field Group ID; must be the parent of the provided Custom Field IDs in the file.
- table: Parsons table
A Parsons table.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The bulk import job id
Canvass Responses
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.CanvassResponses(van_connection)[source]
- get_canvass_responses_contact_types()[source]
Get canvass response contact types.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_canvass_responses_input_types()[source]
Get canvass response input types.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_canvass_responses_result_codes()[source]
Get canvass response result codes.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
Changed Entities
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.ChangedEntities[source]
- get_changed_entity_resources()[source]
Get changed entity resources available to the API user.
- Returns:
- get_changed_entity_resource_fields(resource_type)[source]
Get export fields avaliable for each changed entity resource.
- Args:
resource_type: str
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_changed_entities(resource_type, date_from, date_to=None, include_inactive=False, requested_fields=None, custom_fields=None)[source]
Get modified records for VAN from up to 90 days in the past.
- Args:
- resource_type: str
The type of resource to export. Use the
to get a list of potential entities.- date_from: str
The start date in which to search. Must be less than 90 days in the past. Must be``iso8601`` formatted date (
).- date_to: str
The end date to search. Must be less than 90 days in the past. Must be``iso8601`` formatted date (
).- include_inactive: boolean
Include inactive records
- requested_fields: list
A list of optional requested fields to include. These options can be accessed through
method.- custom_fields: list
A list of ids of custom fields to include in the export.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Codes(van_connection)[source]
- get_codes(name=None, supported_entities=None, parent_code_id=None, code_type=None)[source]
Get codes.
- Args:
- namestr
Filter by name of code.
- supported_entities: str
Filter by supported entities.
- parent_code_id: str
Filter by parent code id.
- code_type: str
Filter by code type.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_code(code_id)[source]
Get a code.
- Args:
- code_idint
The code id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- create_code(name=None, parent_code_id=None, description=None, code_type='SourceCode', supported_entities=None)[source]
Create a code.
- Args:
- name: str
The name of the code.
- parent_code_id: int
A unique identifier for this code’s parent.
- description: str
A description for this code, no longer than 200 characters.
- code_type: str
The code type.
are valid values.- supported_entities: list
A list of dicts that enumerate the searchability and applicability rules of the code. You can find supported entities with the
[ { 'name': 'Event', 'is_searchable': True, 'is_applicable': True } { 'name': 'Locations', 'start_time': '12-31-2018T13:00:00', 'end_time': '12-31-2018T14:00:00' } ]
- update_code(code_id, name=None, parent_code_id=None, description=None, code_type='SourceCode', supported_entities=None)[source]
Update a code.
- Args:
- code_id: int
The code id.
- name: str
The name of the code.
- parent_code_id: int
A unique identifier for this code’s parent.
- description: str
A description for this code, no longer than 200 characters.
- code_type: str
The code type.
are valid values.- supported_entities: list
A list of dicts that enumerate the searchability and applicability rules of the code. You can find supported entities with the
[ { 'name': 'Event', 'is_searchable': True, 'is_applicable': True } { 'name': 'Locations', 'start_time': '12-31-2018T13:00:00', 'end_time': '12-31-2018T14:00:00' } ]
Custom Fields
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.CustomFields(van_connection)[source]
- get_custom_fields(field_type='contacts')[source]
Get custom fields.
- Args:
- field_typestr
Filter by custom field group type. Must be one of
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_custom_fields_values(field_type='contacts')[source]
Get custom field values as a long table.
- Args:
- field_typestr
Filter by custom field group type. Must be one of
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Events(van_connection)[source]
- get_events(code_ids=None, event_type_ids=None, rep_event_id=None, starting_after=None, starting_before=None, district_field=None, expand_fields=['locations', 'codes', 'shifts', 'roles', 'notes', 'financialProgram', 'ticketCategories', 'onlineForms'])[source]
Get events.
- Args:
- code_ids: str
Filter by code id.
- event_type_ids: str
Filter by event_type_ids.
- rep_event_id: str
Filters to recurring events that are recurrences the passed event id.
- starting_after: str
Events beginning after
formatted date.- starting_before: str
Events beginning before
formatted date.- district_field: str
Filter by district field.
- expand_fields: list
A list of fields for which to include data. If a field is omitted,
will be returned for that field. Can belocations
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_event(event_id, expand_fields=['locations', 'codes', 'shifts', 'roles', 'notes', 'financialProgram', 'ticketCategories', 'voterRegistrationBatches'])[source]
Get an event.
- Args:
- event_id: int
The event id.
- expand_fields: list
A list of fields for which to include data. If a field is omitted,
will be returned for that field. Can belocations
, ``voterRegistrationBatches`.`
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- create_event(name, short_name, start_date, end_date, event_type_id, roles, shifts=None, description=None, editable=False, publicly_viewable=False, location_ids=None, code_ids=None, notes=None, district_field_value=None, voter_registration_batches=None)[source]
Create an event
- Args:
- name: str
A name for this event, no longer than 500 characters.
- short_name: str
A shorter name for this event, no longer than 12 characters.
- start_date: str
The start date and time for this event.
- end_date: str
The end date and time for this event that is after
- event_type_id: int
A valid event type id.
- roles: list
A list of valid role ids that correspond the with the event type.
- shifts:
A list of dicts with shifts formatted as:
[ { 'name': 'Shift 1', 'start_time': '12-31-2018T12:00:00', 'end_time': '12-31-2018T13:00:00' } { 'name': 'Shift 2', 'start_time': '12-31-2018T13:00:00', 'end_time': '12-31-2018T14:00:00' } ]
- description: str
An optional description for this Event, no longer than 500 characters.
- editable: boolean
, prevents modification of this event by any users other than the user associated the API key. Setting this to true effectively makes the event read-only in the VAN interface.- publicly_viewable: boolean
Used by NGP VAN’s website platform to indicate whether this event can be viewed publicly.
- location_ids: list
A list of location_ids where the event is taking place
- code_ids: list
A list of codes that are applied to this event for organizational purposes. Note that at most one source code and any number of tags, may be applied to an event.
- notes: list
A list of notes
- Returns:
- int
The event code.
- add_event_shift(event_id, shift_name, start_time, end_time)[source]
Add shifts to an event
- Args:
- event_id: int
The event id.
- shift_name: str
The name of the shift
- start_time: str
The start time for the shift (
formatted date).- end_time: str
The end time of the shift (
formatted date).
- Returns:
- int
The shift id.
- get_event_types()[source]
Get event types.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
Export Jobs
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.ExportJobs(van_connection)[source]
- get_export_job_types()[source]
Get export job types
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- export_job_create(list_id, export_type=4, webhookUrl='')[source]
Creates an export job
Currently, this is only used for exporting saved lists. It is recommended that you use the
method instead.- Args:
- list_id: int
This is where you should input the list id
- export_type: int
The export type id, which defines the columns to export
- webhookUrl:
A webhook to include to notify as to the status of the export
- Returns:
- dict
The export job object
- get_export_job(export_job_id)[source]
Get an export job.
- Args:
- export_job_id: int
The xxport job id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
File Loading Jobs
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.FileLoadingJobs(van_connection)[source]
- create_file_load(file_name, file_url, columns, id_column, id_type, score_id, score_column, delimiter='csv', header=True, quotes=True, description=None, email=None, auto_average=None, auto_tolerance=None)[source]
Deprecated since version 0.7: Use
instead.Loads a file. Only used for loading scores at this time. Scores must be compressed using zip.
- Args:
- file_name: str
The name of the file contained in the zip file.
- file_url: str
The url path to directly download the file. Can also be a path to an FTP site.
- columns: list
A list of column names contained in the file.
- id_column: str
The column name of the id column in the file.
- id_type: str
A valid primary key, such as VANID or DWID. Varies by VAN instance.
- score_id: int
The score slot id
- score_column: str
The column holding the score
- delimiter: str
The file delimiter used.
- email: str
A valid email address in which file loading status will be sent.
- auto_average: float
The average of scores to be loaded.
- auto_tolerance: float
The fault tolerance of the VAN calculated average compared to the
. The tolerance must be less than 10% of the difference between the maximum and minimum possible acceptable values of the score.
- Returns:
- dict
The file load id
- create_file_load_multi(file_name, file_url, columns, id_column, id_type, score_map, delimiter='csv', header=True, quotes=True, description=None, email=None)[source]
Deprecated since version 0.7: Use
instead.An iteration of the
method that allows you to load multiple scores at the same time.- Args:
- file_namestr
The name of the file contained in the zip file.
- file_urlstr
The url path to directly download the file. Can also be a path to an FTP site.
- columns: list
A list of column names contained in the file.
- id_columnstr
The column name of the id column in the file.
- id_typestr
A valid primary key, such as VANID or DWID. Varies by VAN instance.
- score_maplist
A list of dicts that adheres to the following syntax
[{'score_id' : int, 'score_column': str, 'auto_average': float, 'auto_tolerance': float }]
- email: str
A valid email address in which file loading status will be sent.
- Returns:
The file load job id
A folder must be shared with the user associated with your API key to be listed.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Folders(van_connection)[source]
- get_folders()[source]
Get all folders owned or shared with the API user.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_folder(folder_id)[source]
Get a folder owned by or shared with the API user.
- Args:
- folder_id: int
The folder id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Locations(van_connection)[source]
- get_locations(name=None)[source]
Get locations.
- Args:
- name: str
Filter locations by name.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_location(location_id)[source]
Get a location.
- Args:
- location_id: int
The location id.
- Returns:
- create_location(name, address_line1=None, address_line2=None, city=None, state=None, zip_code=None)[source]
Find or create a location. If location already exists, will return location id.
- Args:
- name: str
A name for this location, no longer than 50 characters.
- address_line1: str
First line of a street address.
- address_line2: str
Second line of a street address.
- city: str
City or town name.
- state: str
Two or three character state or province code (e.g., MN, ON, NSW, etc.).
- zip_code: str
ZIP, ZIP+4, Postal Code, Post code, etc.
- Returns:
- int
A location id.
Printed Lists
A printed list must be shared with the user associated with your API key to be listed.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.PrintedLists(van_connection)[source]
- get_printed_lists(generated_after=None, generated_before=None, created_by=None, folder_name=None, turf_name=None)[source]
Get printed lists.
- Args:
- folder_id: int
Filter by the id for a VAN folder. If included returns only the saved lists in the folder
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
Saved Lists
A saved list must be shared with the user associated with your API key to be listed.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.SavedLists(van_connection)[source]
- get_saved_lists(folder_id=None)[source]
Get saved lists.
- Args:
- folder_id: int
Filter by the id for a VAN folder. If included returns only the saved lists in the folder
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_saved_list(saved_list_id)[source]
Returns a saved list object.
- Args:
- saved_list_id: int
The saved list id.
- Returns:
- download_saved_list(saved_list_id)[source]
Download the vanids associated with a saved list.
- Args:
- saved_list_id: int
The saved list id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- upload_saved_list_rest(tbl, url_type, folder_id, list_name, description, callback_url, columns, id_column, delimiter='csv', header=True, quotes=True, overwrite=None, **url_kwargs)[source]
Upload a saved list. Invalid or unmatched person id records will be ignored. Your api user must be shared on the target folder.
- Args:
- tbl: parsons.Table
A parsons table object containing one column of person ids.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- folder_id: int
The folder id where the list will be stored.
- list_name: str
The saved list name.
- description: str
Description of the file upload job and the list.
- callback_url: string
The configured HTTP listener to which successful list loads will send a standard webhook.
- columns: list
A list of column names contained in the file.
- id_columnstr
The column name of the VAN ID column in the file. Must be VAN ID.
- delimiter: str
The file delimiter used.
- header: boolean
Whether or not the source file has a header row.
- quotes: boolean
Whether or not fields are enclosed in quotation marks within each column of the file.
- overwrite: int
Replace saved list if already exists. Pass in the list id of the existing list that you would like to overwrite.
- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- dict
Upload results information included the number of matched and saved records in your list.
- upload_saved_list(tbl, list_name, folder_id, url_type, id_type='vanid', replace=False, **url_kwargs)[source]
Deprecated since version 0.X: Use
instead.Upload a saved list. Invalid or unmatched person id records will be ignored. Your api user must be shared on the target folder.
- Args:
- tbl: parsons.Table
A parsons table object containing one column of person ids.
- list_name: str
The saved list name.
- folder_id: int
The folder id where the list will be stored.
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- id_type: str
The primary key type. The options, beyond
are specific to your instance of VAN.- replace: boolean
Replace saved list if already exists.
- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- dict
Upload results information included the number of matched and saved records in your list.
Prior to loading a score for the first time, you must contact VAN support to request a score slot.
- Score Auto Approval
Scores can be automatically set to
through theVAN.upload_scores()
method allowing you to skip callingVAN.update_score_status()
, if the average of the scores is within the fault tolerance specified by the user. It is only available to API keys with permission to automatically approve scores.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Scores(van_connection)[source]
- get_scores()[source]
Get all scores.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_score_updates(created_before=None, created_after=None, score_id=None)[source]
Get score updates.
- Args:
- created_before: str
Filter score updates to those created before date. Use “YYYY-MM-DD” format.
- created_after: str
Filter score updates to those created after date. Use “YYYY-MM-DD” format.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_score_update(score_update_id)[source]
Get a score update object
- Args:
- score_update_idint
The score update id
- Returns:
- update_score_status(score_update_id, status)[source]
Change the status of a score update object. This end point is used to approve a score loading job.
- Args:
- score_update_id: str
The score update id
- status: str
One of ‘pending approval’, ‘approved’, ‘disapproved’
- Returns:
- upload_scores(tbl, config, url_type, id_type='vanid', email=None, auto_approve=True, approve_tolerance=0.1, **url_kwargs)[source]
Upload scores. Use to create or overwrite scores. Multiple score loads should be configured in a single call. 1
- Args:
- tbl: object
A parsons.Table object. The table must contain the scores and first column in the table must contain the primary key (e.g. vanid).
- config: list
The score configuration. A list of dictionaries in which you specify the following
The name of the column where the score is housed.
The score slot id.
[{'score1_id' : int, score1_column': str} {'score2_id' : int, score2_column': str}]
- url_type: str
The cloud file storage to use to post the file (
). See Cloud Storage for more details.- email: str
An email address to send job load status updates.
- auto_approve: boolean
If the scores are within the expected tolerance of deviation from the average values provided, then score will be automatically approved.
- approve_tolderance: float
The deviation from the average scores allowed in order to automatically approve the score. Maximum of .1.
- **url_kwargs: kwargs
Arguments to configure your cloud storage url type. See Cloud Storage for more details.
- Returns:
- int
The score load job id.
- 1
NGPVAN asks that you load multiple scores in a single call to reduce the load on their servers.
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Signups(van_connection)[source]
- get_signups_statuses(event_id=None, event_type_id=None)[source]
Get a list of valid signup statuses for a given event type or event. You must pass one of
but not both.- Args:
- event_id: int
A valid event id.
- event_type_id: int
A valid event type id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_person_signups(vanid)[source]
Get the signup history of a person.
- Args:
- vanid: int
A valid vanid associated with a person.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_event_signups(event_id)[source]
Get the signup history of an event.
- Args:
- event_id: int
A valid event_id associated with an event
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_signup(event_signup_id)[source]
Get a single signup object.
- Args:
- event_signup_id: int
A valid event_signup_id associated with a signup.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- create_signup(vanid, event_id, shift_id, role_id, status_id, location_id)[source]
Create a new signup for an event.
- Args:
- vanid: int
A valid vanid of the person to signup for the event.
- event_id: int
A valid event_id to associate the person with the event
- shift_id:
A shift_id, associated with the event to assign the person
- role_id:
A role_id, associated with the event to assign the person
- status_id:
A status_id of the person
- location_id:
A location_id for the event
- Returns:
- Int
The event signup id
- update_signup(event_signup_id, shift_id=None, role_id=None, status_id=None, location_id=None)[source]
Update a signup object. All of the kwargs will update the values associated with them.
- Args:
- event_signup_id: int
A valid event signup id
- shift_id: int
The shift_id to update
- role_id: int
The role_id to update
- status_id: int
The status_id to update
- location_id: int
The location_id to update
- Returns:
Supporter Groups
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.SupporterGroups(van_connection)[source]
- get_supporter_groups()[source]
Get supporter groups.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_supporter_group(supporter_group_id)[source]
Get a supporter group.
- Args:
- supporter_group_id: int
The supporter group id.
- Returns:
- create_supporter_group(name, description)[source]
Create a new supporter group.
- Args:
- name: str
The name of the supporter group. 100 character limit
- description: str
Optional; A description of the supporter group. 200 character limit.
- Returns
Parsons Table with the newly createed supporter group id, name and description
- delete_supporter_group(supporter_group_id)[source]
Delete a supporter group.
- Args:
- supporter_group_id: int
The supporter group id
- Returns:
Survey Questions
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.SurveyQuestions(van_connection)[source]
- get_survey_questions(statuses=['Active'], name=None, sq_type=None, question=None, cycle=None)[source]
Get survey questions.
- Args:
- statuses: list
Filter to a list of statuses of survey questions. One or more of
, andInactive
.- name: str
Filter to survey questions with names begin with the input.
- type: str
Filter to survey questions of a given type.
- question: str
Filter to survey questions with script questions that contain the given input.
- cycle: str
Filter to survey suestions with the given cycle. A year in the format “YYYY”.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_survey_question(survey_question_id)[source]
Get a survey question.
- Args:
- survey_question_id: int
The survey question id.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- apply_survey_response(id, survey_question_id, survey_response_id, id_type='vanid', result_code_id=None, contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None)[source]
Apply a single survey response to a person.
- Args:
- id: str
A valid person id
- survey_question_id: int
A valid survey question id
- survey_response_id: int
A valid survey response id
- id_type: str
A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as
- result_code_idint
Optional; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the
- contact_type_idint
Optional; A valid contact type id
- input_type_idint
Optional; Defaults to 11 (API Input)
- date_canvassedstr
Optional; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date
- class parsons.ngpvan.van.Targets(van_connection)[source]
- get_targets()[source]
Get targets.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.
- get_target(target_id)[source]
Get a single target.
- Args:
- target_idint
The target id.
- Returns:
- dict
The target
- get_target_export(export_job_id)[source]
Get specific target export job id’s status.
- Returns:
- Parsons Table
See Parsons Table for output options.