Source code for parsons.ngpvan.signups

"""NGPVAN Signups Endpoints"""

from parsons.etl.table import Table
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Signups(object): def __init__(self, van_connection): self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def get_signups_statuses(self, event_id=None, event_type_id=None): """ Get a list of valid signup statuses for a given event type or event. You must pass one of ``event_id`` or ``event_type_id`` but not both. `Args:` event_id: int A valid event id. event_type_id: int A valid event type id. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if event_id is None and event_type_id is None: raise ValueError("One of event_id or event_type_id must be populated") if event_id is not None and event_type_id is not None: raise ValueError("Event Id and Event Type ID may not BOTH be populated") if event_id: params = {"eventId": event_id} if event_type_id: params = {"eventTypeId": event_type_id} tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request("signups/statuses", params=params))"Found {tbl.num_rows} signups.") return tbl
[docs] def get_person_signups(self, vanid): """ Get the signup history of a person. `Args:` vanid: int A valid vanid associated with a person. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request("signups", params={"vanID": vanid}))"Found {tbl.num_rows} signups for {vanid}.") return self._unpack_signups(tbl)
[docs] def get_event_signups(self, event_id): """ Get the signup history of an event. `Args:` event_id: int A valid event_id associated with an event `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request("signups", params={"eventId": event_id}))"Found {tbl.num_rows} signups for event {event_id}.") return self._unpack_signups(tbl)
[docs] def get_signup(self, event_signup_id): """ Get a single signup object. `Args:` event_signup_id: int A valid event_signup_id associated with a signup. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ r = self.connection.get_request(f"signups/{event_signup_id}")"Found sign up {event_signup_id}.") return r
[docs] def create_signup(self, vanid, event_id, shift_id, role_id, status_id, location_id): """ Create a new signup for an event. `Args:` vanid: int A valid vanid of the person to signup for the event. event_id: int A valid event_id to associate the person with the event shift_id: A shift_id, associated with the event to assign the person role_id: A role_id, associated with the event to assign the person status_id: A status_id of the person location_id: A location_id for the event `Returns:` Int The event signup id """ signup = { "person": {"vanId": vanid}, "event": {"eventId": event_id}, "shift": {"eventShiftId": shift_id}, "role": {"roleId": role_id}, "status": {"statusId": status_id}, "location": {"locationId": location_id}, } r = self.connection.post_request("signups", json=signup)"Signup {r} created.") return r
[docs] def update_signup( self, event_signup_id, shift_id=None, role_id=None, status_id=None, location_id=None, ): """ Update a signup object. All of the kwargs will update the values associated with them. `Args:` event_signup_id: int A valid event signup id shift_id: int The shift_id to update role_id: int The role_id to update status_id: int The status_id to update location_id: int The location_id to update `Returns:` ``None`` """ # Get the signup object signup = self.connection.get_request(f"signups/{event_signup_id}") # Update the signup object if shift_id: signup["shift"] = {"eventShiftId": shift_id} if role_id: signup["role"] = {"roleId": role_id} if status_id: signup["status"] = {"statusId": status_id} if location_id: signup["location"] = {"locationId": location_id} return self.connection.put_request(f"signups/{event_signup_id}", json=signup)
[docs] def delete_signup(self, event_signup_id): """ Delete a signup object `Args:` event_signup_id: int A valid event signup id `Returns:` ``None`` """ r = self.connection.delete_request(f"signups/{event_signup_id}")"Signup {event_signup_id} deleted.") return r
def _unpack_signups(self, table): # Unpack all of the nested jsons table.unpack_dict("person", prepend=False) table.unpack_dict("status") table.unpack_dict("event") table.unpack_dict("shift") table.unpack_dict("role") table.unpack_dict("location") return table