Source code for parsons.ngpvan.people

from parsons.utilities import json_format
from typing import Union, List, Dict
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class People(object): def __init__(self, van_connection): self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def find_person( self, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, **kwargs, ): """ Find a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address `Args:` first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: str The person's email address phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the EveryAction API for matching. `Returns:` A person dict object """"Finding {first_name} {last_name}.") return self._people_search( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip, **kwargs, )
[docs] def find_person_json(self, match_json): """ Find a person record based on json data. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `Args:` match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against. fields: The fields to return. Leave as default for all available fields `Returns:` A person dict object """"Finding a match for json details.") return self._people_search(match_json=match_json)
[docs] def update_person( self, id=None, id_type="vanid", first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, ): """ Update a person record based on a provided ID. All other arguments provided will be updated on the record. .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to ``vanid``. first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: str The person's email address phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) phone_type: str One of 'H' for home phone, 'W' for work phone, 'C' for cell, 'M' for main phone or 'F' for fax line. Defaults to home phone. street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search( id=id, id_type=id_type, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip, create=True, )
[docs] def update_person_json(self, id, id_type="vanid", match_json=None): """ Update a person record based on a provided ID within the match_json dict. .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to ``vanid``. match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against and save. `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search(id=id, id_type=id_type, match_json=match_json, create=True)
[docs] def upsert_person( self, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]], None] = None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, **kwargs, ): """ Create or update a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]], None] The person's email address or a list of email dicts. e.g. [{'email': '', 'isSubscribed': False}] See phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) phone_type: str One of 'H' for home phone, 'W' for work phone, 'C' for cell, 'M' for main phone or 'F' for fax line. Defaults to home phone. street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code kwargs: Any additional keyword arguments will be passed to the EveryAction API for matching. `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip, create=True, **kwargs, )
[docs] def upsert_person_json(self, match_json): """ Create or update a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `vanId` can be passed to ensure the correct record is updated. .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against and save. `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search(match_json=match_json, create=True)
def _people_search( self, id=None, id_type=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email: Union[str, List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]], None] = None, phone=None, phone_type="H", street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, match_json=None, create=False, **kwargs, ): # Internal method to hit the people find/create endpoints addressLine1 = None if street_name and street_number: addressLine1 = f"{street_number} {street_name}" # Check to see if a match map has been provided if not match_json: json = {"firstName": first_name, "lastName": last_name} # Will fail if empty dicts are provided, hence needed to add if exist if email: if isinstance(email, str): json["emails"] = [{"email": email}] elif isinstance(email, list): json["emails"] = email else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected data type for email argument: {type(email)}") if phone: # To Do: Strip out non-integers from phone json["phones"] = [{"phoneNumber": phone, "phoneType": phone_type}] if date_of_birth: json["dateOfBirth"] = date_of_birth if zip or addressLine1: json["addresses"] = [{}] if zip: json["addresses"][0]["zipOrPostalCode"] = zip if addressLine1: json["addresses"][0]["addressLine1"] = addressLine1 else: json = match_json if "vanId" in match_json: id = match_json["vanId"] if kwargs: json.update(kwargs) url = "people/" if id: if create: id_type = "" if id_type in ("vanid", None) else f"{id_type}:" url += id_type + str(id) else: return self.get_person(id, id_type=id_type) else: url += "find" if create: url += "OrCreate" else: # Ensure that the minimum combination of fields were passed json_flat = json_format.flatten_json(json) self._valid_search(**json_flat) return self.connection.post_request(url, json=json) def _valid_search( self, firstName=None, lastName=None, email=None, phoneNumber=None, dateOfBirth=None, addressLine1=None, zipOrPostalCode=None, **kwargs, ): # Internal method to check if a search is valid, kwargs are ignored if ( None in [firstName, lastName, email] and None in [firstName, lastName, phoneNumber] and None in [firstName, lastName, zipOrPostalCode, dateOfBirth] and None in [firstName, lastName, addressLine1, zipOrPostalCode] and None in [email] ): raise ValueError( """ Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip, dob - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip - email """ ) return True
[docs] def get_person( self, id, id_type="vanid", expand_fields=[ "contribution_history", "addresses", "phones", "emails", "codes", "custom_fields", "external_ids", "preferences", "recorded_addresses", "reported_demographics", "suppressions", "cases", "custom_properties", "districts", "election_records", "membership_statuses", "notes", "organization_roles", "disclosure_field_values", ], ): """ Returns a single person record using their VANID or external id. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid``. Defaults to ``vanid``. expand_fields: list A list of fields for which to include data. If a field is omitted, ``None`` will be returned for that field. Can be ``contribution_history``, ``addresses``, ``phones``, ``emails``, ``codes``, ``custom_fields``, ``external_ids``, ``preferences``, ``recorded_addresses``, ``reported_demographics``, ``suppressions``, ``cases``, ``custom_properties``, ``districts``, ``election_records``, ``membership_statuses``, ``notes``, ``organization_roles``, ``scores``, ``disclosure_field_values``. `Returns:` A person dict """ # Change end point based on id type url = "people/" id_type = "" if id_type in ("vanid", None) else f"{id_type}:" url += id_type + str(id) # Removing the fields that are not returned in MyVoters NOT_IN_MYVOTERS = ["codes", "contribution_history", "organization_roles"] if self.connection.db_code == 0: expand_fields = [v for v in expand_fields if v not in NOT_IN_MYVOTERS] expand_fields = ",".join([json_format.arg_format(f) for f in expand_fields])'Getting person with {id_type or "vanid"} of {id} at url {url}') return self.connection.get_request(url, params={"$expand": expand_fields})
[docs] def delete_person(self, vanid): """ Suppress the given VANID in databases where contact records can be suppressed. `Args:` vanid: str The person's VAN ID. `Returns:` Success or error. """ url = f"people/{vanid}" r = self.connection.delete_request(url)"Van ID {vanid} suppressed.") return r
[docs] def apply_canvass_result( self, id, result_code_id, id_type="vanid", contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, phone=None, ): """ Apply a canvass result to a person. Use this end point for attempts that do not result in a survey response or an activist code (e.g. Not Home). `Args:` id: str A valid person id result_code_id : int Specifies the result code of the attempt. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` contact_type_id : int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id : int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed : str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date phone: str `Optional`; Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) `Returns:` ``None`` """"Applying result code {result_code_id} to {id_type} {id}.") self.apply_response( id, None, id_type=id_type, contact_type_id=contact_type_id, input_type_id=input_type_id, date_canvassed=date_canvassed, result_code_id=result_code_id, phone=phone, )
[docs] def toggle_volunteer_action( self, id, volunteer_activity_id, action, id_type="vanid", result_code_id=None, contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, ): """ Apply or remove a volunteer action to or from a person. `Args:` id: str A valid person id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` volunteer_activity_id: int A valid volunteer activity id action: str Either 'apply' or 'remove' result_code_id : int `Optional`; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` contact_type_id: int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id: int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed: str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date ** NOT IMPLEMENTED ** """ """ response = {"volunteerActivityId": volunteer_activity_id, "action": self._action_parse(action), "type": "VolunteerActivity"}'{action} volunteer activity {volunteer_activity_id} to {id_type} {id}') self.apply_response(id, response, id_type, contact_type_id, input_type_id, date_canvassed, result_code_id) """
[docs] def apply_response( self, id, response, id_type="vanid", contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, result_code_id=None, omit_contact=False, phone=None, campaignId=None, skip_matching=False, ): """ Apply responses such as survey questions, activist codes, and volunteer actions to a person record. This method allows you apply multiple responses (e.g. two survey questions) at the same time. It is a low level method that requires that you conform to the VAN API `response object format <>`_. `Args:` id: str A valid person id response: dict A list of dicts with each dict containing a valid action. id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` result_code_id : int `Optional`; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` contact_type_id : int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id : int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed : str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date responses : list or dict The responses to apply. omit_contact: boolean Omit adding contact history to the response. This is particularly useful when adding activist codes that are not based on contact attempts. phone: str `Optional`; Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) campaignId: int `Optional`; a valid Campaign ID. skip_matching: boolean `Optional`; if set to true, skips matching/de-duping of contact history. Defaults to a null value, aka false. `Returns:` ``True`` if successful .. code-block:: python response = [{"activistCodeId": 18917, "action": "Apply", "type": "ActivistCode"}, {"surveyQuestionId": 109149, "surveyResponseId": 465468, "type": "SurveyResponse"} ] van.apply_response(5222, response) """ # noqa: E501,E261 # Set url based on id_type if id_type == "vanid": url = f"people/{id}/canvassResponses" else: url = f"people/{id_type}:{id}/canvassResponses" json = { "canvassContext": { "contactTypeId": contact_type_id, "inputTypeId": input_type_id, "dateCanvassed": date_canvassed, "omitActivistCodeContactHistory": omit_contact, "campaignId": campaignId, "skipMatching": skip_matching, }, "resultCodeId": result_code_id, } if ( contact_type_id == 1 # Phone or contact_type_id == 19 # Auto Dial or contact_type_id == 37 # SMS Text or contact_type_id == 67 # Phone Bank or contact_type_id == 68 # Consumer Phone or contact_type_id == 72 # Leader Phone or contact_type_id == 112 # Personal Phone or contact_type_id == 132 # Relational Text or contact_type_id == 143 # Distributed Text or contact_type_id == 147 # Bulk Text or contact_type_id == 149 # Paid SMS ): if not phone: raise Exception("A phone number must be provided if canvassed via phone or SMS") if phone: json["canvassContext"]["phone"] = { "dialingPrefix": "1", "phoneNumber": phone, } if response: json["responses"] = response if result_code_id is not None and response is not None: raise ValueError("Both result_code_id and responses cannot be specified.") if isinstance(response, dict): json["responses"] = [response] if result_code_id is not None and response is not None: raise ValueError("Both result_code_id and responses cannot be specified.") return self.connection.post_request(url, json=json)
[docs] def create_relationship(self, vanid_1, vanid_2, relationship_id): """ Create a relationship between two individuals `Args:` vanid_1 : int The vanid of the primary individual; aka the node vanid_2 : int The vanid of the secondary individual; the spoke relationship_id : int The relationship id indicating the type of relationship `Returns:` ``None`` """ json = {"relationshipId": relationship_id, "vanId": vanid_2} self.connection.post_request(f"people/{vanid_1}/relationships", json=json)"Relationship {vanid_1} to {vanid_2} created.")
[docs] def apply_person_code(self, id, code_id, id_type="vanid"): """ Apply a code to a person. `Args:` id: str A valid person id. code_id: int A valid code id. id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` `Returns:` ``None`` """ # Set url based on id_type if id_type == "vanid": url = f"people/{id}/codes" else: url = f"people/{id_type}:{id}/codes" json = {"codeId": code_id} self.connection.post_request(url, json=json)"Code {code_id} applied to person id {id}.")
[docs] def merge_contacts(self, primary_vanid, source_vanid): """ Merges two contacts in EveryAction. The source contact record will be deleted as part of the merge and its data will be moved into the primary contact record. In cases where fields conflict between the two contacts and we can't keep both values, such as if the contacts have different first names, the primary contact record's data will be retained. For more information see the `VAN API documentation here <>`_ `Args:` primary_vanid: str The VANID of the primary contact record. source_vanid: str The VANID of the source contact record. `Returns:` The VANID of the primary contact record. """ url = f"people/{source_vanid}/mergeInto" json = {"vanId": primary_vanid} r = self.connection.put_request(url, json=json) return r