Source code for parsons.ngpvan.custom_fields

from parsons.etl.table import Table
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CustomFields(): def __init__(self, van_connection): self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def get_custom_fields(self, field_type='contacts'): """ Get custom fields. `Args:` field_type : str Filter by custom field group type. Must be one of ``contacts`` or ``contributions``. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ params = {'customFieldsGroupType': field_type.capitalize()} tbl = Table(self.connection.get_request('customFields', params=params))'Found {tbl.num_rows} custom fields.') return tbl
[docs] def get_custom_fields_values(self, field_type='contacts'): """ Get custom field values as a long table. `Args:` field_type : str Filter by custom field group type. Must be one of ``contacts`` or ``contributions``. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = self.get_custom_fields() # Some custom fields do no have associated values. If this is the case then # we should return an empty Table, but with the expected columns. if tbl.get_column_types('availableValues') == ['NoneType']:'Found 0 custom field values.') return Table([{'customFieldId': None, 'id': None, 'name': None, 'parentValueId': None}]) else:'Found {tbl.num_rows} custom field values.') return tbl.long_table('customFieldId', 'availableValues', prepend=False)
[docs] def get_custom_field(self, custom_field_id): """ Get a custom field. `Args:` custom_field_id: int A valid custom field id. `Returns:` A json. """ r = self.connection.get_request(f'customFields/{custom_field_id}')'Found custom field {custom_field_id}.') return r