Source code for

import logging
import os
import re

import petl
from requests import request as _request

from parsons.etl.table import Table
from parsons.utilities.datetime import date_to_timestamp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MA_URI = ""

[docs] class MobilizeAmerica(object): """ Instantiate MobilizeAmerica Class api_key: str An api key issued by Mobilize America. This is required to access some private methods. `Returns:` MobilizeAmerica Class """ def __init__(self, api_key=None): self.uri = MA_URI self.api_key = api_key or os.environ.get("MOBILIZE_AMERICA_API_KEY") if not self.api_key: "Mobilize America API Key missing. Calling methods that rely on private" " endpoints will fail." ) def _request(self, url, req_type="GET", post_data=None, args=None, auth=False): if auth: if not self.api_key: raise TypeError("This method requires an api key.") else: header = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api_key} else: header = None r = _request(req_type, url, json=post_data, params=args, headers=header) r.raise_for_status() if "error" in r.json(): raise ValueError("API Error:" + str(r.json()["error"])) return r def _request_paginate(self, url, req_type="GET", args=None, auth=False): r = self._request(url, req_type=req_type, args=args, auth=auth) json = r.json()["data"] while r.json()["next"]: r = self._request(r.json()["next"], req_type=req_type, auth=auth) json.extend(r.json()["data"]) return json def _time_parse(self, time_arg): # Parse the date filters trans = [(">=", "gte_"), (">", "gt_"), ("<=", "lte_"), ("<", "lt_")] if time_arg: time = re.sub("<=|<|>=|>", "", time_arg) time = date_to_timestamp(time) time_filter ="<=|<|>=|>", time_arg).group() for i in trans: if time_filter == i[0]: return i[1] + str(time) raise ValueError("Invalid time operator. Must be one of >=, >, <= or >.") return time_arg
[docs] def get_organizations(self, updated_since=None): """ Return all active organizations on the platform. `Args:` updated_since: str Filter to organizations updated since given date (ISO Date) `Returns` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ return Table( self._request_paginate( self.uri + "organizations", args={"updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since)}, ) )
[docs] def get_promoted_organizations(self, organization_id): """ Return all organizations promoted by the given organization. `Args:` organization_id: int ID of the organization to query. `Returns` Parsons Table """ url = self.uri + "organizations/" + str(organization_id) + "/promoted_organizations" return Table(self._request_paginate(url, auth=True))
[docs] def get_events( self, organization_id=None, updated_since=None, timeslot_start=None, timeslot_end=None, timeslots_table=False, max_timeslots=None, ): """ Fetch all public events on the platform. `Args:` organization_id: list or int Filter events by a single or multiple organization ids updated_since: str Filter to events updated since given date (ISO Date) timeslot_start: str Filter by a timeslot start of events using ``>``,``>=``,``<``,``<=`` operators and ISO date (ex. ``<=2018-12-13 05:00:00PM``) timeslot_end: str Filter by a timeslot end of events using ``>``,``>=``,``<``,``<=`` operators and ISO date (ex. ``<=2018-12-13 05:00:00PM``) timeslot_table: boolean Return timeslots as a separate long table. Useful for extracting to databases. max_timeslots: int If not returning a timeslot table, will unpack time slots. If do not set this kwarg, it will add a column for each time slot. The argument limits the number of columns and discards any additional timeslots after that. For example: If there are 20 timeslots associated with your event, and you set the max time slots to 5, it will only return the first 5 time slots as ``time_slot_0``, ``time_slot_1`` etc. This is helpful in situations where you have a regular sync running and want to ensure that the column headers remain static. If ``max_timeslots`` is 0, no timeslot columns will be included. `Returns` :ref:`parsons.Table <parsons-table>`, dict, list[:ref:`parsons.Table <parsons-table>`] """ if isinstance(organization_id, (str, int)): organization_id = [organization_id] args = { "organization_id": organization_id, "updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since), "timeslot_start": self._time_parse(timeslot_start), "timeslot_end": self._time_parse(timeslot_end), } tbl = Table(self._request_paginate(self.uri + "events", args=args)) if tbl.num_rows > 0: tbl.unpack_dict("sponsor") tbl.unpack_dict("location", prepend=False) tbl.unpack_dict("location", prepend=False) # Intentional duplicate tbl.table = petl.convert(tbl.table, "address_lines", lambda v: " ".join(v)) if timeslots_table: timeslots_tbl = tbl.long_table(["id"], "timeslots", "event_id") return {"events": tbl, "timeslots": timeslots_tbl} elif max_timeslots == 0: tbl.remove_column("timeslots") else: tbl.unpack_list("timeslots", replace=True, max_columns=max_timeslots) cols = tbl.columns for c in cols: if"timeslots", c, re.IGNORECASE) is not None: tbl.unpack_dict(c) tbl.materialize() return tbl
[docs] def get_events_organization( self, organization_id, updated_since=None, timeslot_start=None, timeslot_end=None, timeslots_table=False, max_timeslots=None, ): """ Fetch all public events for an organization. This includes both events owned by the organization (as indicated by the organization field on the event object) and events of other organizations promoted by this specified organization. .. note:: API Key Required `Args:` organization_id: int or str Organization ID for the organization. updated_since: str Filter to events updated since given date (ISO Date) timeslot_start: str Filter by a timeslot start of events using ``>``,``>=``,``<``,``<=`` operators and ISO date (ex. ``<=2018-12-13 05:00:00PM``) timeslot_end: str Filter by a timeslot end of events using ``>``,``>=``,``<``,``<=`` operators and ISO date (ex. ``<=2018-12-13 05:00:00PM``) timeslot_table: boolean Return timeslots as a separate long table. Useful for extracting to databases. zipcode: str Filter by a Events' Locations' postal code. If present, returns Events sorted by distance from zipcode. If present, virtual events will not be returned. max_dist: str Filter Events' Locations' distance from provided zipcode. visibility: str Either `PUBLIC` or `PRIVATE`. Private events only return if user is authenticated; if `visibility=PRIVATE` and user doesn't have permission, no events returned. exclude_full: bool If `exclude_full=true`, filter out full Timeslots (and Events if all of an Event's Timeslots are full) is_virtual: bool `is_virtual=false` will return only in-person events, while `is_virtual=true` will return only virtual events. If excluded, return virtual and in-person events. Note that providing a zipcode also implies `is_virtual=false`. event_types:enum The type of the event, one of: `CANVASS`, `PHONE_BANK`, `TEXT_BANK`, `MEETING`, `COMMUNITY`, `FUNDRAISER`, `MEET_GREET`, `HOUSE_PARTY`, `VOTER_REG`, `TRAINING`, `FRIEND_TO_FRIEND_OUTREACH`, `DEBATE_WATCH_PARTY`, `ADVOCACY_CALL`, `OTHER`. This list may expand in the future. max_timeslots: int If not returning a timeslot table, will unpack time slots. If do not set this arg, it will add a column for each time slot. The argument limits the number of columns and discards any additional timeslots after that. For example: If there are 20 timeslots associated with your event, and you set the max time slots to 5, it will only return the first 5 time slots as ``time_slot_0``, ``time_slot_1`` etc. This is helpful in situations where you have a regular sync running and want to ensure that the column headers remain static. If ``max_timeslots`` is 0, no timeslot columns will be included. `Returns` :ref:`parsons.Table <parsons-table>`, dict, list[:ref:`parsons.Table <parsons-table>`] """ args = { "updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since), "timeslot_start": self._time_parse(timeslot_start), "timeslot_end": self._time_parse(timeslot_end), } tbl = Table( self._request_paginate( self.uri + "organizations/" + str(organization_id) + "/events", args=args, auth=True, ) ) if tbl.num_rows > 0: tbl.unpack_dict("sponsor") tbl.unpack_dict("location", prepend=False) tbl.unpack_dict("location", prepend=False) # Intentional duplicate tbl.table = petl.convert(tbl.table, "address_lines", lambda v: " ".join(v)) if timeslots_table: timeslots_tbl = tbl.long_table(["id"], "timeslots", "event_id") return {"events": tbl, "timeslots": timeslots_tbl} elif max_timeslots == 0: tbl.remove_column("timeslots") else: tbl.unpack_list("timeslots", replace=True, max_columns=max_timeslots) cols = tbl.columns for c in cols: if"timeslots", c, re.IGNORECASE) is not None: tbl.unpack_dict(c) tbl.materialize() return tbl
[docs] def get_events_deleted(self, organization_id=None, updated_since=None): """ Fetch deleted public events on the platform. `Args:` organization_id: list or int Filter events by a single or multiple organization ids updated_since: str Filter to events updated since given date (ISO Date) `Returns` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if isinstance(organization_id, (str, int)): organization_id = [organization_id] args = { "organization_id": organization_id, "updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since), } return Table(self._request_paginate(self.uri + "events/deleted", args=args))
[docs] def get_people(self, organization_id, updated_since=None): """ Fetch all people (volunteers) who are affiliated with an organization(s). .. note:: API Key Required `Args:` organization_id: Iterable or int Request people associated with a single or multiple organization ids updated_since: str Filter to people updated since given date (ISO Date) `Returns` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if isinstance(organization_id, data = Table() for id in organization_id: data.concat(self.get_people(id, updated_since)) return data else: url = self.uri + "organizations/" + str(organization_id) + "/people" args = {"updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since)} return Table(self._request_paginate(url, args=args, auth=True))
[docs] def get_attendances(self, organization_id, updated_since=None): """ Fetch all attendances which were either promoted by the organization or were for events owned by the organization. .. note:: API Key Required `Args:` organization_id: int Filter attendances by an organization id updated_since: str Filter to attendances updated since given date (ISO Date) `Returns` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ url = self.uri + "organizations/" + str(organization_id) + "/attendances" args = {"updated_since": date_to_timestamp(updated_since)} return Table(self._request_paginate(url, args=args, auth=True))