Source code for parsons.github.github

import logging
from functools import partial, wraps

import petl
import requests
from github import Github as PyGithub
from github.GithubException import UnknownObjectException

from parsons.etl.table import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env, files

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _wrap_method(decorator, method):
    def _wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        bound_method = partial(method.__get__(self, type(self)))
        return decorator(bound_method)(*args, **kwargs)

    return _wrapper

def decorate_methods(decorator):
    # Based on Django's django.utils.decorators.method_decorator
    def decorate(cls):
        for method in dir(cls):
            # Don't decorate dunder methods
            if method.startswith("__"):
            cls_method = getattr(cls, method)
            if callable(cls_method):
                setattr(cls, method, _wrap_method(decorator, cls_method))
        return cls

    return decorate

def wrap_github_404(func):
    def _wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
            return (func)(*args, **kwargs)
        except UnknownObjectException:
            raise ParsonsGitHubError(
                "Couldn't find the object you referenced, maybe you need to log in?"

    return _wrapped_func

class ParsonsGitHubError(Exception):

[docs] @decorate_methods(wrap_github_404) class GitHub(object): """Creates a GitHub class for accessing the GitHub API. Uses ``parsons.utilities.check_env`` to load credentials from environment variables if not supplied. Supports either a username and password or an access token for authentication. The client also supports unauthenticated access. Args: username: Optional[str] Username of account to use for credentials. Can be set with ``GITHUB_USERNAME`` environment variable. password: Optional[str] Password of account to use for credentials. Can be set with ``GITHUB_PASSWORD`` environment variable. access_token: Optional[str] Access token to use for credentials. Can be set with ``GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN`` environment variable. """ def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, access_token=None): self.username = check_env.check("GITHUB_USERNAME", username, optional=True) self.password = check_env.check("GITHUB_PASSWORD", password, optional=True) self.access_token = check_env.check("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN", access_token, optional=True) if self.username and self.password: self.client = PyGithub(self.username, self.password) elif self.access_token: self.client = PyGithub(self.access_token) else: self.client = PyGithub() def _as_table(self, paginated_list, page=None, page_size=100): """Converts a paginated list into a Parsons ``Table``. Uses the ``_rawData`` property of each item instead of calling ``raw_data`` to avoid making a separate request for each item in a page for types that PyGithub doesn't consider complete. Args: paginated_list: ``pygithub.PaginatedList.PaginatedList`` PyGithub paginated list page: Optional[int] Page number to load. Defaults to None. If not specified, all results are returned. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Ignored if ``page`` is not set. Returns: ``Table`` Table object created from the raw data of the list """ if page is not None: page_start = (page - 1) * page_size page_end = page_start + page_size list_pages = paginated_list[page_start:page_end] else: list_pages = paginated_list return Table([list_item._rawData for list_item in list_pages])
[docs] def get_user(self, username): """Loads a GitHub user by username Args: username: str Username of user to load Returns: dict User information """ return self.client.get_user(username).raw_data
[docs] def get_organization(self, organization_name): """Loads a GitHub organization by name Args: organization_name: str Name of organization to load Returns: dict Organization information """ return self.client.get_organization(organization_name).raw_data
[docs] def get_repo(self, repo_name): """Loads a GitHub repo by name Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) Returns: dict Repo information """ return self.client.get_repo(repo_name).raw_data
[docs] def list_user_repos(self, username, page=None, page_size=100): """List user repos with pagination, returning a ``Table`` Args: username: str GitHub username page: Optional[int] Page number. All results are returned if not set. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Returns: ``Table`` Table with page of user repos """"Listing page {page} of repos for user {username}") return self._as_table( self.client.get_user(username).get_repos(), page=page, page_size=page_size )
[docs] def list_organization_repos(self, organization_name, page=None, page_size=100): """List organization repos with pagination, returning a ``Table`` Args: organization_name: str GitHub organization name page: Optional[int] Page number. All results are returned if not set. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Returns: ``Table`` Table with page of organization repos """"Listing page {page} of repos for organization {organization_name}") return self._as_table( self.client.get_organization(organization_name).get_repos(), page=page, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] def get_issue(self, repo_name, issue_number): """Loads a GitHub issue Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) issue_number: int Number of issue to load Returns: dict Issue information """ return self.client.get_repo(repo_name).get_issue(number=issue_number).raw_data
[docs] def list_repo_issues( self, repo_name, state="open", assignee=None, creator=None, mentioned=None, labels=[], sort="created", direction="desc", since=None, page=None, page_size=100, ): """List issues for a given repo Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) state: str State of issues to return. One of "open", "closed", "all". Defaults to "open". assignee: Optional[str] Name of assigned user, "none", or "*". creator: Optional[str] Name of user that created the issue. mentioned: Optional[str] Name of user mentioned in the issue. labels: list[str] List of label names. Defaults to [] sort: str What to sort results by. One of "created", "updated", "comments". Defaults to "created". direction: str Direction to sort. One of "asc", "desc". Defaults to "desc". since: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime,]] Timestamp to pull issues since. Defaults to None. page: Optional[int] Page number. All results are returned if not set. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Returns: ``Table`` Table with page of repo issues """"Listing page {page} of issues for repo {repo_name}") kwargs_dict = {"state": state, "sort": sort, "direction": direction} if assignee: kwargs_dict["assignee"] = assignee if creator: kwargs_dict["creator"] = creator if mentioned: kwargs_dict["mentioned"] = mentioned if len(labels) > 0: kwargs_dict["labels"] = ",".join(labels) if since: kwargs_dict["since"] = f"{since.isoformat()[:19]}Z" return self._as_table( self.client.get_repo(repo_name).get_issues(**kwargs_dict), page=page, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] def get_pull_request(self, repo_name, pull_request_number): """Loads a GitHub pull request Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) pull_request_number: int Pull request number Returns: dict Pull request information """ return self.client.get_repo(repo_name).get_pull(pull_request_number).raw_data
[docs] def list_repo_pull_requests( self, repo_name, state="open", base=None, sort="created", direction="desc", page=None, page_size=100, ): """Lists pull requests for a given repo Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) state: str One of "open, "closed", "all". Defaults to "open". base: Optional[str] Base branch to filter pull requests by. sort: str How to sort pull requests. One of "created", "updated", "popularity". Defaults to "created". direction: str Direction to sort by. Defaults to "desc". page: Optional[int] Page number. All results are returned if not set. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Returns: ``Table`` Table with page of repo pull requests """"Listing page {page} of pull requests for repo {repo_name}") kwargs_dict = {"state": state, "sort": sort, "direction": direction} if base: kwargs_dict["base"] = base self._as_table( self.client.get_repo(repo_name).get_pulls(**kwargs_dict), page=page, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] def list_repo_contributors(self, repo_name, page=None, page_size=100): """Lists contributors for a given repo Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) page: Optional[int] Page number. All results are returned if not set. page_size: int Page size. Defaults to 100. Returns: ``Table`` Table with page of repo contributors """"Listing page {page} of contributors for repo {repo_name}") return self._as_table( self.client.get_repo(repo_name).get_contributors(), page=page, page_size=page_size, )
[docs] def download_file(self, repo_name, path, branch=None, local_path=None): """Download a file from a repo by path and branch. Defaults to the repo's default branch if branch is not supplied. Uses the download_url directly rather than the API because the API only supports contents up to 1MB from a repo directly, and the process for downloading larger files through the API is much more involved. Because download_url does not go through the API, it does not support username / password authentication, and requires a token to authenticate. Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) path: str Path from the repo base directory branch: Optional[str] Branch to download file from. Defaults to repo default branch local_path: Optional[str] Local file path to download file to. Will create a temp file if not supplied. Returns: str File path of downloaded file """ if not local_path: local_path = files.create_temp_file_for_path(path) repo = self.client.get_repo(repo_name) if branch is None: branch = repo.default_branch"Downloading {path} from {repo_name}, branch {branch} to {local_path}") headers = None if self.access_token: headers = { "Authorization": f"token {self.access_token}", } res = requests.get( f"{repo_name}/{branch}/{path}", headers=headers, ) if res.status_code == 404: raise UnknownObjectException(status=404, data=res.content) elif res.status_code != 200: raise ParsonsGitHubError( f"Error downloading {path} from repo {repo_name}: {res.content}" ) with open(local_path, "wb") as f: f.write(res.content)"Downloaded {path} to {local_path}") return local_path
[docs] def download_table(self, repo_name, path, branch=None, local_path=None, delimiter=","): """Download a CSV file from a repo by path and branch as a Parsons Table. Args: repo_name: str Full repo name (account/name) path: str Path from the repo base directory branch: Optional[str] Branch to download file from. Defaults to repo default branch local_path: Optional[str] Local file path to download file to. Will create a temp file if not supplied. delimiter: Optional[str] The CSV delimiter to use to parse the data. Defaults to ',' Returns: Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ downloaded_file = self.download_file(repo_name, path, branch, local_path) return Table(petl.fromcsv(downloaded_file, delimiter=delimiter))