Source code for parsons.etl.tofrom

import gzip
import io
import json
from typing import Optional

import petl

from parsons.utilities import files, zip_archive

[docs] class ToFrom(object):
[docs] def to_dataframe(self, index=None, exclude=None, columns=None, coerce_float=False): """ Outputs table as a Pandas Dataframe `Args:` index: str, list Field of array to use as the index, alternately a specific set of input labels to use exclude: list Columns or fields to exclude columns: list Column names to use. If the passed data do not have names associated with them, this argument provides names for the columns. Otherwise this argument indicates the order of the columns in the result (any names not found in the data will become all-NA columns) `Returns:` dataframe Pandas DataFrame object """ return petl.todataframe( self.table, index=index, exclude=exclude, columns=columns, coerce_float=coerce_float, )
[docs] def to_html( self, local_path=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", index_header=False, caption=None, tr_style=None, td_styles=None, truncate=None, ): """ Outputs table to html. .. warning:: If a file already exists at the given location, it will be overwritten. `Args:` local_path: str The path to write the html locally. If not specified, a temporary file will be created and returned, and that file will be removed automatically when the script is done running. encoding: str The encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered index_header: boolean Prepend index to column names; Defaults to False. caption: str A caption to include with the html table. tr_style: str or callable Style to be applied to the table row. td_styles: str, dict or callable Styles to be applied to the table cells. truncate: int Length of cell data. `Returns:` str The path of the new file """ if not local_path: local_path = files.create_temp_file(suffix=".html") petl.tohtml( self.table, source=local_path, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, caption=caption, index_header=index_header, tr_style=tr_style, td_styles=td_styles, truncate=truncate, ) return local_path
[docs] def to_csv( self, local_path=None, temp_file_compression=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", write_header=True, csv_name=None, **csvargs, ): """ Outputs table to a CSV. Additional key word arguments are passed to ``csv.writer()``. So, e.g., to override the delimiter from the default CSV dialect, provide the delimiter keyword argument. .. warning:: If a file already exists at the given location, it will be overwritten. `Args:` local_path: str The path to write the csv locally. If it ends in ".gz" or ".zip", the file will be compressed. If not specified, a temporary file will be created and returned, and that file will be removed automatically when the script is done running. temp_file_compression: str If a temp file is requested (ie. no ``local_path`` is specified), the compression type for that file. Currently "None", "gzip" or "zip" are supported. If a ``local_path`` is specified, this argument is ignored. encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered write_header: boolean Include header in output csv_name: str If ``zip`` compression (either specified or inferred), the name of csv file within the archive. \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments `Returns:` str The path of the new file """ # If a zip archive. if files.zip_check(local_path, temp_file_compression): return self.to_zip_csv( archive_path=local_path, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, csv_name=csv_name, **csvargs, ) if not local_path: suffix = ".csv" + files.suffix_for_compression_type(temp_file_compression) local_path = files.create_temp_file(suffix=suffix) # Create normal csv/.gzip petl.tocsv( self.table, source=local_path, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs, ) return local_path
[docs] def append_csv(self, local_path, encoding=None, errors="strict", **csvargs): """ Appends table to an existing CSV. Additional additional key word arguments are passed to ``csv.writer()``. So, e.g., to override the delimiter from the default CSV dialect, provide the delimiter keyword argument. `Args:` local_path: str The local path of an existing CSV file. If it ends in ".gz", the file will be compressed. encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments `Returns:` str The path of the file """ petl.appendcsv(self.table, source=local_path, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, **csvargs) return local_path
[docs] def to_zip_csv( self, archive_path=None, csv_name=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", write_header=True, if_exists="replace", **csvargs, ): """ Outputs table to a CSV in a zip archive. Additional key word arguments are passed to ``csv.writer()``. So, e.g., to override the delimiter from the default CSV dialect, provide the delimiter keyword argument. Use thismethod if you would like to write multiple csv files to the same archive. .. warning:: If a file already exists in the archive, it will be overwritten. `Args:` archive_path: str The path to zip achive. If not specified, a temporary file will be created and returned, and that file will be removed automatically when the script is done running. csv_name: str The name of the csv file to be stored in the archive. If ``None`` will use the archive name. encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered write_header: boolean Include header in output if_exists: str If archive already exists, one of 'replace' or 'append' \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments `Returns:` str The path of the archive """ if not archive_path: archive_path = files.create_temp_file(suffix=".zip") cf = self.to_csv(encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs) if not csv_name: csv_name = files.extract_file_name(archive_path, include_suffix=False) + ".csv" return zip_archive.create_archive(archive_path, cf, file_name=csv_name, if_exists=if_exists)
[docs] def to_json(self, local_path=None, temp_file_compression=None, line_delimited=False): """ Outputs table to a JSON file .. warning:: If a file already exists at the given location, it will be overwritten. `Args:` local_path: str The path to write the JSON locally. If it ends in ".gz", it will be compressed first. If not specified, a temporary file will be created and returned, and that file will be removed automatically when the script is done running. temp_file_compression: str If a temp file is requested (ie. no ``local_path`` is specified), the compression type for that file. Currently "None" and "gzip" are supported. If a ``local_path`` is specified, this argument is ignored. line_delimited: bool Whether the file will be line-delimited JSON (with a row on each line), or a proper JSON file. `Returns:` str The path of the new file """ if not local_path: suffix = ".json" + files.suffix_for_compression_type(temp_file_compression) local_path = files.create_temp_file(suffix=suffix) # Note we don't use the much simpler petl.tojson(), since that method reads the whole # table into memory before writing to file. if files.is_gzip_path(local_path): open_fn = mode = "w+t" else: open_fn = open mode = "w" with open_fn(local_path, mode) as file: if not line_delimited: file.write("[") i = 0 for row in self: if i: if not line_delimited: file.write(",") file.write("\n") i += 1 json.dump(row, file) if not line_delimited: file.write("]") return local_path
[docs] def to_dicts(self): """ Output table as a list of dicts. `Returns:` list """ return list(petl.dicts(self.table))
[docs] def to_sftp_csv( self, remote_path, host, username, password, port=22, encoding=None, compression=None, errors="strict", write_header=True, rsa_private_key_file=None, **csvargs, ): """ Writes the table to a CSV file on a remote SFTP server `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the file. If it ends in '.gz', the file will be compressed. host: str The remote host username: str The username to access the SFTP server password: str The password to access the SFTP server port: int The port number of the SFTP server encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered write_header: boolean Include header in output rsa_private_key_file str Absolute path to a private RSA key used to authenticate stfp connection \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments """ from parsons.sftp import SFTP sftp = SFTP(host, username, password, port, rsa_private_key_file) compression = files.compression_type_for_path(remote_path) local_path = self.to_csv( temp_file_compression=compression, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, **csvargs, ) sftp.put_file(local_path, remote_path)
[docs] def to_s3_csv( self, bucket, key, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, compression=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", write_header=True, acl="bucket-owner-full-control", public_url=False, public_url_expires=3600, use_env_token=True, **csvargs, ): """ Writes the table to an s3 object as a CSV `Args:` bucket: str The s3 bucket to upload to key: str The s3 key to name the file. If it ends in '.gz' or '.zip', the file will be compressed. aws_access_key_id: str Required if not included as environmental variable aws_secret_access_key: str Required if not included as environmental variable compression: str The compression type for the s3 object. Currently "None", "zip" and "gzip" are supported. If specified, will override the key suffix. encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered write_header: boolean Include header in output public_url: boolean Create a public link to the file public_url_expire: 3600 The time, in seconds, until the url expires if ``public_url`` set to ``True``. acl: str The S3 permissions on the file use_env_token: boolean Controls use of the ``AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`` environment variable for S3. Defaults to ``True``. Set to ``False`` in order to ignore the ``AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`` env variable even if the ``aws_session_token`` argument was not passed in. \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments `Returns:` Public url if specified. If not ``None``. """ compression = compression or files.compression_type_for_path(key) csv_name = files.extract_file_name(key, include_suffix=False) + ".csv" # Save the CSV as a temp file local_path = self.to_csv( temp_file_compression=compression, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, csv_name=csv_name, **csvargs, ) # Put the file on S3 from import S3 self.s3 = S3( aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, use_env_token=use_env_token, ) self.s3.put_file(bucket, key, local_path, acl=acl) if public_url: return self.s3.get_url(bucket, key, expires_in=public_url_expires) else: return None
[docs] def to_gcs_csv( self, bucket_name, blob_name, gcs_client=None, app_creds=None, project=None, compression=None, encoding=None, errors="strict", write_header=True, public_url=False, public_url_expires=60, **csvargs, ): """ Writes the table to a Google Cloud Storage blob as a CSV. `Args:` bucket_name: str The bucket to upload to blob_name: str The blob to name the file. If it ends in '.gz' or '.zip', the file will be compressed. app_creds: str A credentials json string or a path to a json file. Not required if ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` env variable set. project: str The project which the client is acting on behalf of. If not passed then will use the default inferred environment. compression: str The compression type for the csv. Currently "None", "zip" and "gzip" are supported. If specified, will override the key suffix. encoding: str The CSV encoding type for `csv.writer() <>`_ errors: str Raise an Error if encountered write_header: boolean Include header in output public_url: boolean Create a public link to the file public_url_expire: 60 The time, in minutes, until the url expires if ``public_url`` set to ``True``. \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_writer`` optional arguments `Returns:` Public url if specified. If not ``None``. """ compression = compression or files.compression_type_for_path(blob_name) csv_name = files.extract_file_name(blob_name, include_suffix=False) + ".csv" # Save the CSV as a temp file local_path = self.to_csv( temp_file_compression=compression, encoding=encoding, errors=errors, write_header=write_header, csv_name=csv_name, **csvargs, ) if not gcs_client: from import GoogleCloudStorage gcs_client = GoogleCloudStorage(app_creds=app_creds, project=project) gcs_client.put_blob(bucket_name, blob_name, local_path) if public_url: return gcs_client.get_url(bucket_name, blob_name, expires_in=public_url_expires) else: return None
[docs] def to_redshift( self, table_name, username=None, password=None, host=None, db=None, port=None, **copy_args, ): """ Write a table to a Redshift database. Note, this requires you to pass AWS S3 credentials or store them as environmental variables. Args: table_name: str The table name and schema (``my_schema.my_table``) to point the file. username: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_USERNAME`` not populated password: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_PASSWORD`` not populated host: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_HOST`` not populated db: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_DB`` not populated port: int Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_PORT`` not populated. Port 5439 is typical. \**copy_args: kwargs See :func:`~parsons.databases.Redshift.copy`` for options. Returns: ``None`` """ from parsons.databases.redshift import Redshift rs = Redshift(username=username, password=password, host=host, db=db, port=port) rs.copy(self, table_name, **copy_args)
[docs] def to_postgres( self, table_name, username=None, password=None, host=None, db=None, port=None, **copy_args, ): """ Write a table to a Postgres database. Args: table_name: str The table name and schema (``my_schema.my_table``) to point the file. username: str Required if env variable ``PGUSER`` not populated password: str Required if env variable ``PGPASSWORD`` not populated host: str Required if env variable ``PGHOST`` not populated db: str Required if env variable ``PGDATABASE`` not populated port: int Required if env variable ``PGPORT`` not populated. \**copy_args: kwargs See :func:`~parsons.databases.Postgres.copy`` for options. Returns: ``None`` """ from parsons.databases.postgres import Postgres pg = Postgres(username=username, password=password, host=host, db=db, port=port) pg.copy(self, table_name, **copy_args)
[docs] def to_bigquery( self, table_name: str, app_creds: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs, ): """ Write a table to BigQuery `Args`: table_name: str Table name to write to in BigQuery; this should be in `schema.table` format app_creds: str A credentials json string or a path to a json file. Not required if ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` env variable set. project: str The project which the client is acting on behalf of. If not passed then will use the default inferred environment. **kwargs: kwargs Additional keyword arguments passed into the `.copy()` function (`if_exists`, `max_errors`, etc.) `Returns`: ``None`` """ from parsons import GoogleBigQuery as BigQuery bq = BigQuery(app_creds=app_creds, project=project) bq.copy(self, table_name=table_name, **kwargs)
def to_petl(self): return self.table
[docs] def to_civis( self, table, api_key=None, db=None, max_errors=None, existing_table_rows="fail", diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey1=None, sortkey2=None, wait=True, **civisargs, ): """ Write the table to a Civis Redshift cluster. Additional key word arguments can passed to ` <>`_ `Args` table: str The schema and table you want to upload to. E.g., 'scratch.table'. Schemas or tablenames with periods must be double quoted, e.g. 'scratch."my.table"'. api_key: str Your Civis API key. If not given, the CIVIS_API_KEY environment variable will be used. db: str or int The Civis Database. Can be database name or ID max_errors: int The maximum number of rows with errors to remove from the import before failing. diststyle: str The distribution style for the table. One of `'even'`, `'all'` or `'key'`. existing_table_rows: str The behaviour if a table with the requested name already exists. One of `'fail'`, `'truncate'`, `'append'` or `'drop'`. Defaults to `'fail'`. distkey: str The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey1: str The column to use as the sortkey for the table. sortkey2: str The second column in a compound sortkey for the table. wait: boolean Wait for write job to complete before exiting method. """ from parsons.civis.civisclient import CivisClient civis = CivisClient(db=db, api_key=api_key) return civis.table_import( self, table, max_errors=max_errors, existing_table_rows=existing_table_rows, diststyle=diststyle, distkey=distkey, sortkey1=sortkey1, sortkey2=sortkey2, wait=wait, **civisargs, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv(cls, local_path, **csvargs): """ Create a ``parsons table`` object from a CSV file `Args:` local_path: obj A csv formatted local path, url or ftp. If this is a file path that ends in ".gz", the file will be decompressed first. \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_reader`` optional arguments `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ remote_prefixes = ["http://", "https://", "ftp://", "s3://"] if any(map(local_path.startswith, remote_prefixes)): is_remote_file = True else: is_remote_file = False if not is_remote_file and not files.has_data(local_path): raise ValueError("CSV file is empty") return cls(petl.fromcsv(local_path, **csvargs))
[docs] @classmethod def from_csv_string(cls, str, **csvargs): """ Create a ``parsons table`` object from a string representing a CSV. `Args:` str: str The string object to convert to a table **csvargs: kwargs ``csv_reader`` optional arguments `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ bytesio = io.BytesIO(str.encode("utf-8")) memory_source = return cls(petl.fromcsv(memory_source, **csvargs))
[docs] @classmethod def from_columns(cls, cols, header=None): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a list of lists organized as columns `Args:` cols: list A list of lists organized as columns header: list List of column names. If not specified, will use dummy column names `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ return cls(petl.fromcolumns(cols, header=header))
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, local_path, header=None, line_delimited=False): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a json file `Args:` local_path: list A JSON formatted local path, url or ftp. If this is a file path that ends in ".gz", the file will be decompressed first. header: list List of columns to use for the destination table. If omitted, columns will be inferred from the initial data in the file. line_delimited: bool Whether the file is line-delimited JSON (with a row on each line), or a proper JSON file. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if line_delimited: if files.is_gzip_path(local_path): open_fn = else: open_fn = open with open_fn(local_path, "r") as file: rows = [json.loads(line) for line in file] return cls(rows) else: return cls(petl.fromjson(local_path, header=header))
[docs] @classmethod def from_redshift(cls, sql, username=None, password=None, host=None, db=None, port=None): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a Redshift query. To pull an entire Redshift table, use a query like ``SELECT * FROM tablename``. `Args:` sql: str A valid SQL statement username: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_USERNAME`` not populated password: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_PASSWORD`` not populated host: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_HOST`` not populated db: str Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_DB`` not populated port: int Required if env variable ``REDSHIFT_PORT`` not populated. Port 5439 is typical. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ from parsons.databases.redshift import Redshift rs = Redshift(username=username, password=password, host=host, db=db, port=port) return rs.query(sql)
[docs] @classmethod def from_postgres(cls, sql, username=None, password=None, host=None, db=None, port=None): """ Args: sql: str A valid SQL statement username: str Required if env variable ``PGUSER`` not populated password: str Required if env variable ``PGPASSWORD`` not populated host: str Required if env variable ``PGHOST`` not populated db: str Required if env variable ``PGDATABASE`` not populated port: int Required if env variable ``PGPORT`` not populated. """ from parsons.databases.postgres import Postgres pg = Postgres(username=username, password=password, host=host, db=db, port=port) return pg.query(sql)
[docs] @classmethod def from_s3_csv( cls, bucket, key, from_manifest=False, aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, **csvargs, ): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a key in an S3 bucket. `Args:` bucket: str The S3 bucket. key: str The S3 key from_manifest: bool If True, treats `key` as a manifest file and loads all urls into a `parsons.Table`. Defaults to False. aws_access_key_id: str Required if not included as environmental variable. aws_secret_access_key: str Required if not included as environmental variable. \**csvargs: kwargs ``csv_reader`` optional arguments `Returns:` `parsons.Table` object """ from import S3 s3 = S3(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) if from_manifest: with open(s3.get_file(bucket, key)) as fd: manifest = json.load(fd) s3_keys = [x["url"] for x in manifest["entries"]] else: s3_keys = [f"s3://{bucket}/{key}"] tbls = [] for key in s3_keys: # TODO handle urls that end with '/', i.e. urls that point to "folders" _, _, bucket_, key_ = key.split("/", 3) file_ = s3.get_file(bucket_, key_) if files.compression_type_for_path(key_) == "zip": file_ = zip_archive.unzip_archive(file_) tbls.append(petl.fromcsv(file_, **csvargs)) return cls(*tbls))
[docs] @classmethod def from_bigquery(cls, sql: str, app_creds: str = None, project: str = None): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a BigQuery statement. To pull an entire BigQuery table, use a query like ``SELECT * FROM {{ table }}``. `Args`: sql: str A valid SQL statement app_creds: str A credentials json string or a path to a json file. Not required if ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` env variable set. project: str The project which the client is acting on behalf of. If not passed then will use the default inferred environment. TODO - Should users be able to pass in kwargs here? For parameters? `Returns`: Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ from parsons import GoogleBigQuery as BigQuery bq = BigQuery(app_creds=app_creds, project=project) return bq.query(sql=sql)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframe(cls, dataframe, include_index=False): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a Pandas dataframe. `Args:` dataframe: dataframe A valid Pandas dataframe objectt include_index: boolean Include index column """ return cls(petl.fromdataframe(dataframe, include_index=include_index))