Source code for parsons.databases.redshift.rs_table_utilities

import logging

# import pkgutil

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RedshiftTableUtilities(object): def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def table_exists(self, table_name: str, view: bool = True) -> bool: """ Check if a table or view exists in the database. `Args:` table_name: str The table name and schema (e.g. ``myschema.mytable``). view: boolean Check to see if a view exists by the same name `Returns:` boolean ``True`` if the table exists and ``False`` if it does not. """ with self.connection() as connection: return self.table_exists_with_connection(table_name, connection, view)
def table_exists_with_connection(self, table_name, connection, view=True): table_name = table_name.lower().split(".") table_name = [x.strip() for x in table_name] # Check in pg tables for the table sql = """select count(*) from pg_tables where schemaname='{}' and tablename='{}';""".format(table_name[0], table_name[1]) # TODO maybe convert these queries to use self.query_with_connection with self.cursor(connection) as cursor: cursor.execute(sql) result = cursor.fetchone()[0] # Check in the pg_views for the table if view: sql = """select count(*) from pg_views where schemaname='{}' and viewname='{}';""".format(table_name[0], table_name[1]) cursor.execute(sql) result += cursor.fetchone()[0] # If in either, return boolean if result >= 1: logger.debug(f"{table_name[0]}.{table_name[1]} exists.") return True else: logger.debug(f"{table_name[0]}.{table_name[1]} does NOT exist.") return False
[docs] def get_row_count(self, table_name): """ Return the row count of a table. **SQL Code** .. code-block:: sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myschema.mytable `Args:` table_name: str The schema and name (e.g. ``myschema.mytable``) of the table. `Returns:` int """ count_query = self.query(f"select count(*) from {table_name}") return count_query[0]["count"]
[docs] def rename_table(self, table_name, new_table_name): """ Rename an existing table. .. note:: You cannot move schemas when renaming a table. Instead, utilize the :meth:`table_duplicate()`. method. Args: table_name: str Name of existing schema and table (e.g. ``myschema.oldtable``) new_table_name: str New name for table with the schema omitted (e.g. ``newtable``). """ sql = f"alter table {table_name} rename to {new_table_name}" self.query(sql)"{table_name} renamed to {new_table_name}")
[docs] def move_table(self, source_table, new_table, drop_source_table=False): """ Move an existing table in the database.It will inherit encoding, sortkey and distkey. **Once run, the source table rows will be empty.** This is more efficiant than running ``"create newtable as select * from oldtable"``. For more information see: `ALTER TABLE APPEND <>`_ Args: source_table: str Name of existing schema and table (e.g. ``my_schema.old_table``) new_table: str New name of schema and table (e.g. ``my_schema.newtable``) drop_original: boolean Drop the source table. Returns: None """ # To Do: Add the grants # To Do: Argument for if the table exists? # To Do: Add the ignore extra kwarg. create_sql = f"create table {new_table} (like {source_table});" alter_sql = f"alter table {new_table} append from {source_table}""Creating empty {new_table} from {source_table}.") self.query(create_sql) with self.connection() as conn: # An ALTER TABLE statement can't be run within a block, meaning # that it needs to be committed on running. To enable this, # the connection must be set to autocommit. conn.set_session(autocommit=True)"Moving data from {source_table} to {new_table}.") self.query_with_connection(alter_sql, conn) if drop_source_table: self.query(f"drop table {source_table};")"{source_table} dropped.")"{source_table} data moved from {new_table} .")
def _create_table_precheck(self, connection, table_name, if_exists): """ Helper to determine what to do when you need a table that may already exist. `Args:` connection: obj A connection object obtained from ``redshift.connection()`` table_name: str The table to check if_exists: str If the table already exists, either ``fail``, ``append``, ``drop``, or ``truncate`` the table. `Returns:` bool True if the table needs to be created, False otherwise. """ if if_exists not in ["fail", "truncate", "append", "drop"]: raise ValueError("Invalid value for `if_exists` argument") exists = self.table_exists_with_connection(table_name, connection) if exists and if_exists in ["fail", "truncate", "append"]: if if_exists == "fail": raise ValueError("Table already exists.") elif if_exists == "truncate": truncate_sql = f"truncate table {table_name}" self.query_with_connection(truncate_sql, connection, commit=False) else: if exists and if_exists == "drop": logger.debug(f"Table {table_name} exist, will drop...") drop_sql = f"drop table {table_name};\n" self.query_with_connection(drop_sql, connection, commit=False) return True return False
[docs] def populate_table_from_query( self, query, destination_table, if_exists="fail", distkey=None, sortkey=None ): """ Populate a Redshift table with the results of a SQL query, creating the table if it doesn't yet exist. `Args:` query: str The SQL query destination_table: str Name of destination schema and table (e.g. ``mys_chema.new_table``) if_exists: str If the table already exists, either ``fail``, ``append``, ``drop``, or ``truncate`` the table. distkey: str The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey: str The column to use as the sortkey for the table. """ with self.connection() as conn: should_create = self._create_table_precheck(conn, destination_table, if_exists) if should_create:"Creating table {destination_table} from query...") sql = f"create table {destination_table}" if distkey: sql += f" distkey({distkey})" if sortkey: sql += f" sortkey({sortkey})" sql += f" as {query}" else:"Inserting data into {destination_table} from query...") sql = f"insert into {destination_table} ({query})" self.query_with_connection(sql, conn, commit=False)"{destination_table} created from query")
[docs] def duplicate_table( self, source_table, destination_table, where_clause="", if_exists="fail", drop_source_table=False, ): """ Create a copy of an existing table (or subset of rows) in a new table. It will inherit encoding, sortkey and distkey. `Args:` source_table: str Name of existing schema and table (e.g. ``myschema.oldtable``) destination_table: str Name of destination schema and table (e.g. ``myschema.newtable``) where_clause: str An optional where clause (e.g. ``where org = 1``). if_exists: str If the table already exists, either ``fail``, ``append``, ``drop``, or ``truncate`` the table. drop_source_table: boolean Drop the source table """ with self.connection() as conn: should_create = self._create_table_precheck(conn, destination_table, if_exists) if should_create:"Creating {destination_table} from {source_table}...") create_sql = f"create table {destination_table} (like {source_table})" self.query_with_connection(create_sql, conn, commit=False)"Transferring data to {destination_table} from {source_table}") select_sql = f"select * from {source_table} {where_clause}" insert_sql = f"insert into {destination_table} ({select_sql})" self.query_with_connection(insert_sql, conn, commit=False) if drop_source_table:"Dropping table {source_table}...") drop_sql = f"drop table {source_table}" self.query_with_connection(drop_sql, conn, commit=False)"{destination_table} created from {source_table}.")
[docs] def union_tables(self, new_table_name, tables, union_all=True, view=False): """ Union a series of table into a new table. Args: new_table_name: str The new table and schema (e.g. ``myschema.newtable``) tables: list A list of tables to union union_all: boolean If ``False`` will deduplicate rows. If ``True`` will include duplicate rows. view: boolean Create a view rather than a static table Returns: None """ union_type = " UNION ALL" if union_all else " UNION" table_type = "VIEW" if view else "TABLE" sql = f"CREATE {table_type} {new_table_name} AS" for index, t in enumerate(tables): if index != 0: sql += union_type sql += f" SELECT * FROM {t}" self.query(sql)"Created {new_table_name} from {', '.join(tables)}")
[docs] def get_tables(self, schema=None, table_name=None): """ List the tables in a schema including metadata. Args: schema: str Filter by a schema table_name: str Filter by a table name `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """"Retrieving tables info.") sql = "select * from pg_tables" if schema or table_name: sql += " where" if schema: sql += f" schemaname = '{schema}'" if table_name: if schema: sql += " and" sql += f" tablename = '{table_name}'" return self.query(sql)
[docs] def get_table_stats(self, schema=None, table_name=None): """ List the tables statistics includes row count and size. .. warning:: This method is only accessible by Redshift *superusers*. `Args:` schema: str Filter by a schema table_name: str Filter by a table name `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """"Retrieving table statistics.") sql = "select * from svv_table_info" if schema or table_name: sql += " where" if schema: sql += f" schema = '{schema}'" if table_name: if schema: sql += " and " sql += f" \"table\" = '{table_name}'" return self.query(sql)
[docs] def get_columns(self, schema, table_name): """ Gets the column names (and some other column info) for a table. If you just need the column names, run ``get_columns_list()`` as it is faster. .. code-block:: python for col in rs.get_columns('some_schema', 'some_table'): print(col) `Args:` schema: str The schema name table_name: str The table name `Returns:` A dict mapping column name to a dict with extra info. The keys of the dict are ordered just like the columns in the table. The extra info is a dict with format .. code-block:: python { 'data_type': str, 'max_length': int or None, 'max_precision': int or None, 'max_scale': int or None, 'is_nullable': bool } """ query = f""" select ordinal_position, column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length as max_length, numeric_precision as max_precision, numeric_scale as max_scale, is_nullable from information_schema.columns where table_name = '{table_name}' and table_schema = '{schema}' order by ordinal_position """ return { row["column_name"]: { "data_type": row["data_type"], "max_length": row["max_length"], "max_precision": row["max_precision"], "max_scale": row["max_scale"], "is_nullable": row["is_nullable"] == "YES", } for row in self.query(query) }
[docs] def get_columns_list(self, schema, table_name): """ Gets the just the column names for a table. `Args:` schema: str The schema name table_name: str The table name `Returns:` A list of column names. """ schema = f'"{schema}"' if not (schema.startswith('"') and schema.endswith('"')) else schema table_name = ( f'"{table_name}"' if not (table_name.startswith('"') and table_name.endswith('"')) else table_name ) first_row = self.query(f"select * from {schema}.{table_name} limit 1") return first_row.columns
[docs] def get_views(self, schema=None, view=None): """ List views. Args: schema: str Filter by a schema view: str Filter by a table name `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """"Retrieving views info.") sql = """ select table_schema as schema_name, table_name as view_name, view_definition from information_schema.views where table_schema not in ('information_schema', 'pg_catalog') """ if schema: sql += f" and table_schema = '{schema}'" if view: sql += f" and table_name = '{view}'" return self.query(sql)
[docs] def get_queries(self): """ Return the Current queries running and queueing, along with resource consumption. .. warning:: Must be a Redshift superuser to run this method. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """"Retrieving running and queued queries.") # Lifted from Redshift Utils sql = """ select trim(u.usename) as user,, q.xid, q.query, q.service_class as service_class, q.slot_count as slot, date_trunc('second', q.wlm_start_time) as start, decode(trim(q.state), 'Running', 'Run', 'QueuedWaiting', 'Queue', 'Returning', 'Return',trim(q.state)) as state, q.queue_Time/1000000 as queue_sec, q.exec_time/1000000 as exec_sec, m.cpu_time/1000000 cpu_sec, m.blocks_read read_mb, decode(m.blocks_to_disk,-1,null,m.blocks_to_disk) spill_mb, m2.rows as return_rows, m3.rows as NL_rows, substring(replace(nvl(qrytext_cur.text,trim(translate(s.text,chr(10)||chr(13)||chr(9) ,''))),'\\n',' '),1,90) as sql, -- trim(decode(event&1,1,'SK ','') || decode(event&2,2,'Del ','') || decode(event&4,4,'NL ','') || decode(event&8,8,'Dist ','') || decode(event&16,16,'Bcast ','') || decode(event&32,32,'Stats ','')) as Alert -- from stv_wlm_query_state q left outer join stl_querytext s on (s.query=q.query and sequence = 0) left outer join stv_query_metrics m on ( q.query = m.query and m.segment=-1 and m.step=-1 ) left outer join stv_query_metrics m2 on ( q.query = m2.query and m2.step_type = 38 ) left outer join ( select query, sum(rows) as rows from stv_query_metrics m3 where step_type = 15 group by 1) as m3 on ( q.query = m3.query ) -- left outer join pg_user u on ( s.userid = u.usesysid ) LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT ut.xid,'CURSOR ' || TRIM( substring ( TEXT from strpos(upper(TEXT),'SELECT') )) as TEXT FROM stl_utilitytext ut WHERE sequence = 0 AND upper(TEXT) like 'DECLARE%' GROUP BY text, ut.xid) qrytext_cur ON (q.xid = qrytext_cur.xid) left outer join ( select query,sum(decode(trim(split_part(event,':',1)),'Very selective query filter',1,'Scanned a large number of deleted rows',2,'Nested Loop Join in the query plan',4,'Distributed a large number of rows across the network',8,'Broadcasted a large number of rows across the network',16,'Missing query planner statistics',32,0)) as event from STL_ALERT_EVENT_LOG -- where event_time >= dateadd(hour, -8, current_Date) group by query ) as alrt on alrt.query = q.query -- """ return self.query(sql)
[docs] def get_max_value(self, table_name, value_column): """ Return the max value from a table. `Args:` table_name: str Schema and table name value_column: str The column containing the values """ return self.query(f"SELECT MAX({value_column}) value from {table_name}")[0]["value"]
[docs] def get_object_type(self, object_name): """ Get object type. One of `view`, `table`, `index`, `sequence`, or `TOAST table`. `Args:` object_name: str The schema.obj for which to get the object type. `Returns:` `str` of the object type. """ sql_obj_type = f""" select n.nspname||'.'||c.relname as objname , case when relkind='v' then 'view' when relkind='r' then 'table' when relkind='i' then 'index' when relkind='s' then 'sequence' when relkind='t' then 'TOAST table' end as object_name from pg_catalog.pg_class as c inner join pg_catalog.pg_namespace as n on c.relnamespace = n.oid where objname='{object_name}' """ tbl = self.query(sql_obj_type) if tbl.num_rows == 0:"{object_name} doesn't exist.") return None return tbl[0]["object_name"]
[docs] def is_view(self, object_name): """ Return true if the object is a view. `Args:` object_name: str The schema.obj to test if it's a view. `Returns:` `bool` """ is_view = self.get_object_type(object_name) == "view""{object_name} is {'' if is_view else 'not'} a view.") return is_view
[docs] def is_table(self, object_name): """ Return true if the object is a table. `Args:` object_name: str The schema.obj to test if it's a table. `Returns:` `bool` """ is_table = self.get_object_type(object_name) == "table""{object_name} is {'' if is_table else 'not'} a table.") return is_table
[docs] def get_table_definition(self, table): """ Get the table definition (i.e. the create statement). `Args:` table: str The schema.table for which to get the table definition. `Returns:` str """ schema, table = self.split_full_table_name(table) if not self.is_table(f"{schema}.{table}"): return None results = self.get_table_definitions(schema, table) return results[0]["ddl"]
[docs] def get_table_definitions(self, schema=None, table=None): """ Get the table definition (i.e. the create statement) for multiple tables. This works similar to `get_table_def` except it runs a single query to get the ddl for multiple tables. It supports SQL wildcards for `schema` and `table`. Only returns the ddl for _tables_ that match `schema` and `table` if they exist. `Args:` schema: str The schema to filter by. table: str The table to filter by. `Returns:` `list` of dicts with matching tables. """ conditions = [] if schema: conditions.append(f"schemaname like '{schema}'") if table: conditions.append(f"tablename like '{table}'") conditions_str = " and ".join(conditions) where_clause = f"where {conditions_str}" if conditions_str else "" # ddl_query = pkgutil.get_data( # __name__, "queries/v_generate_tbl_ddl.sql").decode() sql_get_ddl = f""" select * from admin.v_generate_tbl_ddl {where_clause} """ ddl_table = self.query(sql_get_ddl) if ddl_table.num_rows == 0:"No tables matching {schema} and {table}.") return None def join_sql_parts(columns, rows): return [f"{columns[1]}.{columns[2]}", "\n".join([row[4] for row in rows])] # The query returns the sql over multiple rows # We need to join then into a single row ddl_table.reduce_rows( ["table_id", "schemaname", "tablename"], join_sql_parts, ["tablename", "ddl"], presorted=True, ) return ddl_table.to_dicts()
[docs] def get_view_definition(self, view): """ Get the view definition (i.e. the create statement). `Args:` view: str The schema.view for which to get the view definition. `Returns:` str """ schema, view = self.split_full_table_name(view) if not self.is_view(f"{schema}.{view}"): return None results = self.get_view_definitions(schema, view) return results[0]["ddl"]
[docs] def get_view_definitions(self, schema=None, view=None): """ Get the view definition (i.e. the create statement) for multiple views. This works similar to `get_view_def` except it runs a single query to get the ddl for multiple views. It supports SQL wildcards for `schema` and `view`. Only returns the ddl for _views_ that match `schema` and `view` if they exist. `Args:` schema: str The schema to filter by. view: str The view to filter by. `Returns:` `list` of dicts with matching views. """ conditions = [] if schema: conditions.append(f"schemaname like '{schema}'") if view: conditions.append(f"g.viewname like '{view}'") conditions_str = " and ".join(conditions) where_clause = f"where {conditions_str}" if conditions_str else "" # ddl_query = pkgutil.get_data( # __name__, "queries/v_generate_view_ddl.sql").decode() sql_get_ddl = f""" select schemaname || '.' || viewname as viewname, ddl from admin.v_generate_view_ddl g {where_clause} """ ddl_view = self.query(sql_get_ddl) if ddl_view.num_rows == 0:"No views matching {schema} and {view}.") return None return ddl_view.to_dicts()
[docs] @staticmethod def split_full_table_name(full_table_name): """ Split a full table name into its schema and table. If a schema isn't present, return `public` for the schema. Similarly, Redshift defaults to the `public` schema, when one isn't provided. Eg: ``(schema, table) = Redshift.split_full_table_name("some_schema.some_table")`` `Args:` full_table_name: str The table name, as "schema.table" `Returns:` tuple A tuple containing (schema, table) """ if "." not in full_table_name: return "public", full_table_name try: schema, table = full_table_name.split(".") except ValueError as e: if "too many values to unpack" in str(e): raise ValueError(f"Invalid Redshift table {full_table_name}") return schema, table
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_schema_and_table_name(schema, table): """ Creates a full table name by combining a schema and table. `Args:` schema: str The schema name table: str The table name `Returns:` str The combined full table name """ return f"{schema}.{table}"