Source code for parsons.copper.copper

import json
import logging
import math
import time

from requests import request

from parsons.etl import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs] class Copper(object): """ Instantiate Copper Class `Args:` user_email: The email of the API user for Copper. Not required if ``COPPER_USER_EMAIL`` env variable set. api_key: The Copper provided application key. Not required if ``COPPER_API_KEY`` env. variable set. `Returns:` Copper Class """ def __init__(self, user_email=None, api_key=None): self.api_key = check_env.check("COPPER_API_KEY", api_key) self.user_email = check_env.check("COPPER_USER_EMAIL", user_email) self.uri = COPPER_URI def base_request(self, endpoint, req_type, page=1, page_size=200, filters=None): # Internal Request Method url = self.uri + endpoint # Authentication must be done through headers, requests HTTPBasicAuth doesn't work headers = { "X-PW-AccessToken": self.api_key, "X-PW-Application": "developer_api", "X-PW-UserEmail": self.user_email, "Content-Type": "application/json", } payload = {} if filters is not None: if len(filters) > 0 and isinstance(filters, dict): payload.update(filters) # GET request with non-None data arg is malformed if req_type == "GET": return request(req_type, url, params=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) else: payload["page_number"] = page payload["page_size"] = page_size return request(req_type, url, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) def paginate_request(self, endpoint, req_type, page_size=200, filters=None): # Internal pagination method page = 1 total_pages = 2 blob = [] only_page = False if isinstance(filters, dict): # Assume user wants just that page if page_number specified in filters if "page_number" in filters: page = filters["page_number"] # Ensure exactly one loop total_pages = page rows = f"{str(page_size)} or less" only_page = True else: filters = {} while page <= total_pages: r = self.base_request( endpoint, req_type, page_size=page_size, page=page, filters=filters ) if page == 1: if "X-Pw-Total" in r.headers and not only_page: rows = r.headers["X-Pw-Total"] total_pages = int(math.ceil(int(rows) / float(page_size))) else: rows = f"{str(page_size)} or less" total_pages = 1"Retrieving page {page} of {total_pages}, total rows: {rows}") page += 1 if r.text == "": return [] # Avoid too many layers of nesting if possible if isinstance(json.loads(r.text), list): blob.extend(json.loads(r.text)) else: blob.append(json.loads(r.text)) # Wait for 1 second to avoid hitting rate limits time.sleep(1) return blob
[docs] def get_people(self, filters=None, tidy=False): """ Get people `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices `tidy: boolean or int` Optional; unpack list and dict columns as additional rows instead of columns If `True`: creates new table out of unpacked rows If 'int': adds rows to original table if max rows per key <= given number (so `tidy=0` guarantees new table) `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * people * people_emails * people_phone_numbers * people_custom_fields * people_socials * people_websites """ return self.get_standard_object("people", filters=filters, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def get_companies(self, filters=None, tidy=False): """ Get companies `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices `tidy: boolean or int` Optional; unpack list and dict columns as additional rows instead of columns If `True`: creates new table out of unpacked rows If 'int': adds rows to original table if max rows per key <= given number (so `tidy=0` guarantees new table) `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * companies * companies_phone_numbers * companies_custom_fields * companies_socials * companies_websites """ return self.get_standard_object("companies", filters=filters, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def get_activities(self, filters=None, tidy=False): """ Get activities `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices Optional; unpack list and dict columns as additional rows instead of columns If `True`: creates new table out of unpacked rows If 'int': adds rows to original table if max rows per key <= given number (so `tidy=0` guarantees new table) `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * activities """ return self.get_standard_object("activities", filters=filters, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def get_opportunities(self, filters=None, tidy=False): """ Get opportunities (i.e. donations) `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices Optional; unpack list and dict columns as additional rows instead of columns If `True`: creates new table out of unpacked rows If 'int': adds rows to original table if max rows per key <= given number (so `tidy=0` guarantees new table) `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * opportunities * opportunities_custom_fields """ return self.get_standard_object("opportunities", filters=filters, tidy=tidy)
def get_standard_object(self, object_name, filters=None, tidy=False): # Retrieve and process a standard endpoint object (e.g. people, companies, etc.)"Retrieving {object_name} records.") blob = self.paginate_request(f"/{object_name}/search", req_type="POST", filters=filters) return self.process_json(blob, object_name, tidy=tidy)
[docs] def get_custom_fields(self): """ Get custom fields `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * custom_fields * custom_fields_available * custom_fields_options """"Retrieving custom fields.") blob = self.paginate_request("/custom_field_definitions/", req_type="GET") return self.process_custom_fields(blob)
[docs] def get_activity_types(self): """ Get activity types `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices `Returns:` List of dicts of Parsons Tables: * activitiy_types """"Retrieving activity types.") response = self.paginate_request("/activity_types/", req_type="GET") orig_table = Table(response) at_user = orig_table.long_table([], "user", prepend=False) at_sys = orig_table.long_table([], "system", prepend=False) Table.concat(at_sys, at_user) return [{"name": "activity_types", "tbl": at_sys}]
[docs] def get_contact_types(self): """ Get contact types `Args:` `filters: dict` Optional; pass additional parameters to filter the records returned. See `Copper documentation <>`_ for choices `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ response = self.paginate_request("/contact_types/", req_type="GET") return Table(response)
def process_json(self, json_blob, obj_type, tidy=False): # Internal method for converting most types of json responses into a list of Parsons tables # Output goes here table_list = [] # Original table & columns obj_table = Table(json_blob) cols = obj_table.get_columns_type_stats() list_cols = [x["name"] for x in cols if "list" in x["type"]] dict_cols = [x["name"] for x in cols if "dict" in x["type"]] # Unpack all list columns if len(list_cols) > 0: for column in list_cols: # Check for nested data list_rows = obj_table.select_rows( lambda row: isinstance(row[column], list) and any(isinstance(x, dict) for x in row[column]) ) # Add separate long table for each column with nested data if list_rows.num_rows > 0: logger.debug(column, "is a nested column") if len([x for x in cols if x["name"] == column]) == 1: table_list.append( { "name": f"{obj_type}_{column}", "tbl": obj_table.long_table(["id"], column), } ) else: # Ignore if column doesn't exist (or has multiples) continue else: if tidy is False: logger.debug(column, "is a normal list column") obj_table.unpack_list(column) # Unpack all dict columns if len(dict_cols) > 0 and tidy is False: for d in dict_cols: logger.debug(d, "is a dict column") obj_table.unpack_dict(d) if tidy is not False: packed_cols = list_cols + dict_cols for p in packed_cols: if p in obj_table.columns: logger.debug(p, "needs to be unpacked into rows") # Determine whether or not to expand based on tidy unpacked_tidy = obj_table.unpack_nested_columns_as_rows(p, expand_original=tidy) # Check if column was removed as sign it was unpacked into separate table if p not in obj_table.columns: table_list.append({"name": f"{obj_type}_{p}", "tbl": unpacked_tidy}) else: obj_table = unpacked_tidy # Original table will have had all nested columns removed if len(obj_table.columns) > 1: table_list.append({"name": obj_type, "tbl": obj_table}) return table_list def process_custom_fields(self, json_blob): # Internal method to convert custom fields responses into a list of Parsons tables # Original table & columns custom_fields = Table(json_blob) # Available On available_on = custom_fields.long_table(["id"], "available_on") # Options options = custom_fields.long_table(["id", "name"], "options") return [ {"name": "custom_fields", "tbl": custom_fields}, {"name": "custom_fields_available", "tbl": available_on}, {"name": "custom_fields_options", "tbl": options}, ]