Source code for parsons.civis.civisclient

import civis

from parsons.etl.table import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env

[docs] class CivisClient(object): """ Instantiate the Civis class. `Args:` db: str or int The Civis Redshift database. Can be a database id or the name of the database. api_key: str The Civis api key. **kwargs: args Option settings for the client that are `described in the documentation <>`_. `Returns:` Civis class """ def __init__(self, db=None, api_key=None, **kwargs): self.db = check_env.check("CIVIS_DATABASE", db) self.api_key = check_env.check("CIVIS_API_KEY", api_key) self.client = civis.APIClient(api_key=api_key, **kwargs) """ The Civis API client. Utilize this attribute to access to lower level and more advanced methods which might not be surfaced in Parsons. A list of the methods can be found by reading the Civis API client `documentation <>`_. """
[docs] def query(self, sql, preview_rows=10, polling_interval=None, hidden=True, wait=True): """ Execute a SQL statement as a Civis query. Run a query that may return no results or where only a small preview is required. To execute a query that returns a large number of rows, see :func:``. `Args` sql: str The SQL statement to execute. preview_rows: int, optional The maximum number of rows to return. No more than 100 rows can be returned at once. polling_interval: int or float, optional Number of seconds to wait between checks for query completion. hidden: bool, optional If ``True`` (the default), this job will not appear in the Civis UI. wait: boolean If ``True``, will wait for query to finish executing before exiting the method. If ``False``, returns the future object. `Returns` Parsons Table or ``civis.CivisFuture`` See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ fut = sql, self.db, preview_rows=preview_rows, polling_interval=polling_interval, hidden=hidden, ) if not wait: return fut result = fut.result() if result["result_rows"] is None: return None result["result_rows"].insert(0, result["result_columns"]) return Table(result["result_rows"])
[docs] def table_import( self, table_obj, table, max_errors=None, existing_table_rows="fail", diststyle=None, distkey=None, sortkey1=None, sortkey2=None, wait=True, **civisargs, ): """ Write the table to a Civis Redshift cluster. Additional key word arguments can passed to ` <>`_ `Args` table_obj: obj A Parsons Table object table: str The schema and table you want to upload to. E.g., 'scratch.table'. Schemas or tablenames with periods must be double quoted, e.g. 'scratch."my.table"'. api_key: str Your Civis API key. If not given, the CIVIS_API_KEY environment variable will be used. max_errors: int The maximum number of rows with errors to remove from the import before failing. existing_table_rows: str The behaviour if a table with the requested name already exists. One of `'fail'`, `'truncate'`, `'append'` or `'drop'`. Defaults to `'fail'`. diststyle: str The distribution style for the table. One of `'even'`, `'all'` or `'key'`. distkey: str The column to use as the distkey for the table. sortkey1: str The column to use as the sortkey for the table. sortkey2: str The second column in a compound sortkey for the table. wait: boolean Wait for write job to complete before exiting method. If ``False``, returns the future object. `Returns` ``None`` or ``civis.CivisFuture`` """ fut = table_obj.to_dataframe(), database=self.db, table=table, max_errors=max_errors, existing_table_rows=existing_table_rows, diststyle=diststyle, distkey=distkey, sortkey1=sortkey1, sortkey2=sortkey2, headers=True, **civisargs, ) if wait: return fut.result() return fut