Source code for parsons.ngpvan.people

from parsons.utilities import json_format
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class People(object): def __init__(self, van_connection): self.connection = van_connection
[docs] def find_person(self, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None): """ Find a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address `Args:` first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: str The person's email address phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code `Returns:` A person dict object """'Finding {first_name} {last_name}.') return self._people_search( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip )
[docs] def find_person_json(self, match_json): """ Find a person record based on json data. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `Args:` match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against. fields: The fields to return. Leave as default for all available fields `Returns:` A person dict object """'Finding a match for json details.') return self._people_search(match_json=match_json)
[docs] def update_person(self, id=None, id_type='vanid', first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None): """ Update a person record based on a provided ID. All other arguments provided will be updated on the record. .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to ``vanid``. first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: str The person's email address phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) phone_type: str One of 'H' for home phone, 'W' for work phone, 'C' for cell, 'M' for main phone or 'F' for fax line. Defaults to home phone. street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search( id=id, id_type=id_type, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip, create=True )
[docs] def update_person_json(self, id, id_type='vanid', match_json=None): """ Update a person record based on a provided ID within the match_json dict. .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance. Defaults to ``vanid``. match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against and save. `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search(id=id, id_type=id_type, match_json=match_json, create=True)
[docs] def upsert_person(self, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type=None, street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None): """ Create or update a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` first_name: str The person's first name last_name: str The person's last name dob: str ISO 8601 formatted date of birth (e.g. ``1981-02-01``) email: str The person's email address phone: str Phone number of any type (Work, Cell, Home) phone_type: str One of 'H' for home phone, 'W' for work phone, 'C' for cell, 'M' for main phone or 'F' for fax line. Defaults to home phone. street_number: str Street Number street_name: str Street Name zip: str 5 digit zip code `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search( first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, date_of_birth=date_of_birth, email=email, phone=phone, phone_type=phone_type, street_number=street_number, street_name=street_name, zip=zip, create=True )
[docs] def upsert_person_json(self, match_json): """ Create or update a person record. .. note:: Person find must include the following minimum combinations. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip5, date_of_birth - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip5 - email_address .. note:: A full list of possible values for the json, and its structure can be found `here <>`_. `vanId` can be passed to ensure the correct record is updated. .. warning:: This method can only be run on MyMembers, EveryAction, MyCampaign databases. `Args:` match_json: dict A dictionary of values to match against and save. `Returns:` A person dict """ return self._people_search(match_json=match_json, create=True)
def _people_search(self, id=None, id_type=None, first_name=None, last_name=None, date_of_birth=None, email=None, phone=None, phone_type='H', street_number=None, street_name=None, zip=None, match_json=None, create=False): # Internal method to hit the people find/create endpoints addressLine1 = None if street_name and street_number: addressLine1 = f'{street_number} {street_name}' # Check to see if a match map has been provided if not match_json: json = {"firstName": first_name, "lastName": last_name} # Will fail if empty dicts are provided, hence needed to add if exist if email: json['emails'] = [{'email': email}] if phone: # To Do: Strip out non-integers from phone json['phones'] = [{'phoneNumber': phone, 'phoneType': phone_type}] if date_of_birth: json['dateOfBirth'] = date_of_birth if zip or addressLine1: json['addresses'] = [{}] if zip: json['addresses'][0]['zipOrPostalCode'] = zip if addressLine1: json['addresses'][0]['addressLine1'] = addressLine1 else: json = match_json if 'vanId' in match_json: id = match_json['vanId'] url = 'people/' if id: if create: id_type = '' if id_type in ('vanid', None) else f"{id_type}:" url += id_type + str(id) else: return self.get_person(id, id_type=id_type) else: url += 'find' if create: url += 'OrCreate' else: # Ensure that the minimum combination of fields were passed json_flat = json_format.flatten_json(json) self._valid_search(**json_flat) return self.connection.post_request(url, json=json) def _valid_search(self, firstName=None, lastName=None, email=None, phoneNumber=None, dateOfBirth=None, addressLine1=None, zipOrPostalCode=None, **kwargs): # Internal method to check if a search is valid, kwargs are ignored if (None in [firstName, lastName, email] and None in [firstName, lastName, phoneNumber] and None in [firstName, lastName, zipOrPostalCode, dateOfBirth] and None in [firstName, lastName, addressLine1, zipOrPostalCode] and None in [email]): raise ValueError(""" Person find must include the following minimum combinations to conduct a search. - first_name, last_name, email - first_name, last_name, phone - first_name, last_name, zip, dob - first_name, last_name, street_number, street_name, zip - email """) return True
[docs] def get_person(self, id, id_type='vanid', expand_fields=[ 'contribution_history', 'addresses', 'phones', 'emails', 'codes', 'custom_fields', 'external_ids', 'preferences', 'recorded_addresses', 'reported_demographics', 'suppressions', 'cases', 'custom_properties', 'districts', 'election_records', 'membership_statuses', 'notes', 'organization_roles', 'disclosure_field_values']): """ Returns a single person record using their VANID or external id. `Args:` id: str A valid id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid``. Defaults to ``vanid``. expand_fields: list A list of fields for which to include data. If a field is omitted, ``None`` will be returned for that field. Can be ``contribution_history``, ``addresses``, ``phones``, ``emails``, ``codes``, ``custom_fields``, ``external_ids``, ``preferences``, ``recorded_addresses``, ``reported_demographics``, ``suppressions``, ``cases``, ``custom_properties``, ``districts``, ``election_records``, ``membership_statuses``, ``notes``, ``organization_roles``, ``scores``, ``disclosure_field_values``. `Returns:` A person dict """ # Change end point based on id type url = 'people/' id_type = '' if id_type in ('vanid', None) else f"{id_type}:" url += id_type + str(id) expand_fields = ','.join([json_format.arg_format(f) for f in expand_fields]) # Removing the fields that are not returned in MyVoters NOT_IN_MYVOTERS = ['codes', 'contribution_history', 'organization_roles'] if self.connection.db_code == 0: expand_fields = [v for v in expand_fields if v not in NOT_IN_MYVOTERS]'Getting person with {id_type} of {id} at url {url}') return self.connection.get_request(url, params={'$expand': expand_fields})
[docs] def apply_canvass_result(self, id, result_code_id, id_type='vanid', contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None): """ Apply a canvass result to a person. Use this end point for attempts that do not result in a survey response or an activist code (e.g. Not Home). `Args:` id: str A valid person id result_code_id : int Specifies the result code of the attempt. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` contact_type_id : int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id : int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed : str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date `Returns:` ``None`` """'Applying result code {result_code_id} to {id_type} {id}.') self.apply_response(id, None, id_type=id_type, contact_type_id=contact_type_id, input_type_id=input_type_id, date_canvassed=date_canvassed, result_code_id=result_code_id)
[docs] def toggle_volunteer_action(self, id, volunteer_activity_id, action, id_type='vanid', result_code_id=None, contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None): """ Apply or remove a volunteer action to or from a person. `Args:` id: str A valid person id id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` volunteer_activity_id: int A valid volunteer activity id action: str Either 'apply' or 'remove' result_code_id : int `Optional`; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` contact_type_id: int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id: int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed: str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date ** NOT IMPLEMENTED ** """ """ response = {"volunteerActivityId": volunteer_activity_id, "action": self._action_parse(action), "type": "VolunteerActivity"}'{action} volunteer activity {volunteer_activity_id} to {id_type} {id}') self.apply_response(id, response, id_type, contact_type_id, input_type_id, date_canvassed, result_code_id) """
[docs] def apply_response(self, id, response, id_type='vanid', contact_type_id=None, input_type_id=None, date_canvassed=None, result_code_id=None): """ Apply responses such as survey questions, activist codes, and volunteer actions to a person record. This method allows you apply multiple responses (e.g. two survey questions) at the same time. It is a low level method that requires that you conform to the VAN API `response object format <>`_. `Args:` id: str A valid person id response: dict A list of dicts with each dict containing a valid action. id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` result_code_id : int `Optional`; Specifies the result code of the response. If not included,responses must be specified. Conversely, if responses are specified, result_code_id must be null. Valid ids can be found by using the :meth:`get_canvass_responses_result_codes` contact_type_id : int `Optional`; A valid contact type id input_type_id : int `Optional`; Defaults to 11 (API Input) date_canvassed : str `Optional`; ISO 8601 formatted date. Defaults to todays date responses : list or dict `Returns:` ``True`` if successful .. code-block:: python response = [{"activistCodeId": 18917, "action": "Apply", "type": "ActivistCode"}, {"surveyQuestionId": 109149, "surveyResponseId": 465468, "action": "SurveyResponse"} ] van.apply_response(5222, response) """ # noqa: E501,E261 # Set url based on id_type if id_type == 'vanid': url = f"people/{id}/canvassResponses" else: url = f"people/{id_type}:{id}/canvassResponses" json = {"canvassContext": { "contactTypeId": contact_type_id, "inputTypeId": input_type_id, "dateCanvassed": date_canvassed}, "resultCodeId": result_code_id} if response: json['responses'] = response if result_code_id is not None and response is not None: raise ValueError("Both result_code_id and responses cannot be specified.") if isinstance(response, dict): json["responses"] = [response] if result_code_id is not None and response is not None: raise ValueError( "Both result_code_id and responses cannot be specified.") return self.connection.post_request(url, json=json)
[docs] def create_relationship(self, vanid_1, vanid_2, relationship_id): """ Create a relationship between two individuals `Args:` vanid_1 : int The vanid of the primary individual; aka the node vanid_2 : int The vanid of the secondary individual; the spoke relationship_id : int The relationship id indicating the type of relationship `Returns:` ``None`` """ json = {'relationshipId': relationship_id, 'vanId': vanid_2} self.connection.post_request(f"people/{vanid_1}/relationships", json=json)'Relationship {vanid_1} to {vanid_2} created.')
[docs] def apply_person_code(self, id, code_id, id_type='vanid'): """ Apply a code to a person. `Args:` id: str A valid person id. code_id: int A valid code id. id_type: str A known person identifier type available on this VAN instance such as ``dwid`` `Returns:` ``None`` """ # Set url based on id_type if id_type == 'vanid': url = f"people/{id}/codes" else: url = f"people/{id_type}:{id}/codes" json = {"codeId": code_id} self.connection.post_request(url, json=json)'Code {code_id} applied to person id {id}.')