


The Slack module leverages the Slack API and provides way to easily send notifications through Slack. It is recommended that you reference the Slack API documentation for additional details and information.


API Tokens
  • Slack API Tokens are required to use this module. To obtain an API Token, create a Slack App associated with the desired Slack workspace. Once you create the app, navigate to ‘OAuth & Permissions’ and add the following OAuth scopes:

    channels:read, users:read, chat:write, and files:write

    You can now install the Slack App, which will produce an API Token. Note that you can change the scopes any time, but you must reinstall the app each time (your API Token will stay the same).

  • Slack has rate limits on all its endpoints.


To call the Slack class you can either store the API Token as an environment variable SLACK_API_TOKEN or pass it in as an argument.

from parsons import Slack

slack = Slack() # Initiate class via environment variable api token

slack = Slack(api_key='my-api-tkn') # Pass api token directly

You can then send messages:

from parsons import Slack

slack = Slack()

# send a simple messsage
slack.message_channel("my_channel", "Hello from python script")

# share a file
slack.upload_file(["channel_1", "channel_2"], "my_slack_file.txt")




The Gmail module leverages the Gmail API and provides an way to easily send notifications through email. It is recommended that you reference the Gmail API documentation for additional details and information.


Credentials and token
  • Credentials are required to use the class

  • You will need to pass in the path to the credentials and to where a generated token will be saved. Typically you’ll get the credentials from the Google Developer Console (look for the “Gmail API”).


6MB Attachment Size Limit
  • Currently there is a limit of 6MB when sending attachments.


To call the Gmail class you will need to pass in the path to a credentials.json and the path to tokens.json.

from parsons import Gmail

gmail = Gmail(

The easiest way to send a message:

  "The Subject",
  "This is the text body of the email")

The current version also supports sending html emails and emails with attachments.

  "An html email with attachments",
  "This is the text body of the email",
  html="<p>This is the html part of the email</p>",
  files=['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'])

Additionally, you can create a raw email messages and send it. See below for more details.