import zipfile
import csv
import requests
import defusedxml.ElementTree as ET
import typing as t
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.parser import parse as parsedate
from pytz import timezone
from io import BytesIO, StringIO
from dataclasses import dataclass
CURRENT_VERSION_URL_TEMPLATE = CLARITY_URL + "{administrator}/{election_id}/current_ver.txt"
CLARITY_URL + "{administrator}/{election_id}/{version_num}/reports/"
CLARITY_URL + "{administrator}/{election_id}/{version_num}/reports/"
+ "{state}/{county_name}/{county_election_id}/{county_version_num}/reports/"
CLARITY_URL + "{state}/{election_id}/{version_num}/json/en/electionsettings.json"
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) "
+ "AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.102 Safari/537.36"
"EST": "UTC-5",
"EDT": "UTC-4",
"CST": "UTC-6",
"CDT": "UTC-5",
"MST": "UTC-7",
"MDT": "UTC-6",
"PST": "UTC-8",
"PDT": "UTC-7",
"AKST": "UTC-9",
"AKDT": "UTC-8",
"HST": "UTC-10",
"HDT": "UTC-9",
class CountyDetails:
A class for keeping track of County election details.
A dataclass is decorator that adds special functions including an
automatic __init__ function. See more here:
state: str
county_name: str
county_election_id: str
county_version_num: str
county_update_date: datetime = None
class Scytl:
Instantiate a Scytl connector.
state: str
The two letter code of the state the publishing election results.
ex: GA
election_id: str
The numeric identifier for the election found in the url of the election's website.
ex: "114729"
county: str (optional)
The name of the county publishing the results.
ex: Clarke
def __init__(self, state: str, election_id: str, county=""):
self.state = state
self.county = county.replace(" ", "_")
self.administrator = f"{self.state}/{self.county}" if self.county else self.state
self.election_id = election_id
self.previous_summary_version_num = None
self.previous_details_version_num = None
self.previous_county_details_version_num = None
self.previous_county_details_list = None
self.previously_fetched_counties = set([])
def _parse_date_to_utc(self, input_dt: str) -> datetime:
Parse datetime string as datetime in UTC
input_dt: str
The datetime string to be parsed
datetime | None
if input_dt is None:
temp = parsedate(input_dt, tzinfos=TZ_INFO)
temp = temp.astimezone(timezone("UTC"))
return temp
def _get_version(self, administrator: str, election_id: str) -> str:
Fetch the latest version of the election results from the Clarity site
administrator: str
The url code for the election administrator, either the two-letter
state code or the state code and the county, separated by a slash
election_id: str
The election id for the given election as a string
The version id as a string
config_version_url = CURRENT_VERSION_URL_TEMPLATE.format(
administrator=administrator, election_id=election_id
res = requests.get(config_version_url, headers=BROWSER_HEADERS)
return res.text
def _parse_file_from_zip_url(self, zipfile_url: str, file_name: str) -> bytes:
Fetch a zip file from the given url and unzip to a byte array
zipfile_url: str
The url where the zip file can be found
election_id: str
The expected name of the file in the zipfile to read
The unzipped file as bytes
with BytesIO() as zipdata:
with requests.get(zipfile_url, headers=BROWSER_HEADERS) as res:
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipdata)
with as input:
def _get_latest_counties_scytl_info(
self, state: str, election_id: str, version_num: str
) -> t.Dict[str, CountyDetails]:
Fetch the settings JSON file for the election and parse the county details
for participating counties in a state election.
state: str
The two-letter state code for the state
election_id: str
The election ID for the given election
version_num: str
The latest version ID of the election as a string
dict[str, CountyDetails]
A dictionary mapping county names to their sub-election information
county_dict = {}
config_settings_json_url = ELECTION_SETTINGS_JSON_URL_TEMPLATE.format(
state=state, election_id=election_id, version_num=version_num
settings_json_res = requests.get(config_settings_json_url, headers=BROWSER_HEADERS)
settings_json = settings_json_res.json()
participating_counties = settings_json["settings"]["electiondetails"][
for county_row in participating_counties:
county_info = county_row.split("|")
source_county_name = county_info[0]
county_election_id = county_info[1]
county_version_num = county_info[2]
county_update_date = self._parse_date_to_utc(county_info[3])
county_details = CountyDetails(
county_dict[source_county_name] = county_details
return county_dict
def _parse_county_xml_data_to_precincts(
self, county_data: bytes, county_details: CountyDetails
) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
Parse a detail XML file for a county into a list of election
results by precinct and vote method.
county_data: bytes
The detail XML file for a county as bytes
county_details: str
The details class for the county, including name,
id, and last updated datetime
The list of election results by precinct and vote method in the file.
tree = ET.fromstring(county_data)
precinct_dict = {}
precinct_votes = []
root = tree
for child in root:
if child.tag == "VoterTurnout":
precincts = child[0]
for precinct in precincts:
data = precinct.attrib
name = data.get("name")
precinct_info = {
"total_voters": data.get("totalVoters"),
"ballots_cast": data.get("ballotsCast"),
"voter_turnout": data.get("voterTurnout"),
"percent_reporting": data.get("percentReporting"),
precinct_dict[name] = precinct_info
if child.tag == "Contest":
office = child.attrib["text"]
for choice in child:
cand_votes = {}
if choice.tag == "VoteType":
source_cand_data = choice.attrib
cand_name = source_cand_data.get("text")
cand_party = source_cand_data.get("party")
for vote_type in choice:
vote_type_label = vote_type.attrib["name"]
for precinct in vote_type:
precinct_name = precinct.attrib["name"]
cand_votes[precinct_name] = int(precinct.attrib["votes"])
precinct_turnout = precinct_dict.get(precinct_name, {})
result = {
"state": county_details.state,
"county_name": county_details.county_name,
"county_id": county_details.county_election_id,
"office": office,
"ballots_cast": precinct_turnout.get("ballots_cast"),
"reg_voters": precinct_turnout.get("total_voters"),
"vote_method": vote_type_label,
"candidate_name": cand_name,
"candidate_party": cand_party,
"precinct_name": precinct_name,
"recorded_votes": cand_votes[precinct_name],
"voter_turnout": precinct_turnout.get("voter_turnout"),
"percent_reporting": precinct_turnout.get("percent_reporting"),
"timestamp_last_updated": county_details.county_update_date,
return precinct_votes
def _parse_state_xml_data_to_counties(self, state_data: bytes, state: str) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
Parse a detail XML file for a state into a list of election
results by county and vote method.
state_data: bytes
The detail XML file for a state as bytes
state: str
The two-letter state code for the state associated with the file
The list of election results by state and vote method in the file.
root = ET.fromstring(state_data)
county_dict = {}
county_votes = []
timestamp = None
for child in root:
if child.tag == "Timestamp": # <Timestamp>1/5/2021 3:22:30 PM EST</Timestamp>
timestamp = self._parse_date_to_utc(child.text)
if child.tag == "ElectionVoterTurnout":
counties = child[0]
for county in counties:
data = county.attrib
name = data["name"]
county_dict[name] = data
if child.tag == "Contest":
office = child.attrib["text"]
for choice in child:
cand_votes = {}
if choice.tag == "ParticipatingCounties":
source_cand_data = choice.attrib
cand_name = source_cand_data.get("text")
cand_party = source_cand_data.get("party")
for vote_type in choice:
vote_type_label = vote_type.attrib["name"]
for county in vote_type:
county_name = county.attrib["name"]
cand_votes[county_name] = int(county.attrib["votes"])
county_turnout = county_dict.get(county_name, {})
result = {
"state": state,
"county_name": county_name,
"office": office,
"ballots_cast": county_turnout.get("ballotsCast"),
"reg_voters": county_turnout.get("totalVoters"),
"precincts_reporting": county_turnout.get("precinctsReported"),
"total_precincts": county_turnout.get("precinctsParticipating"),
"vote_method": vote_type_label,
"candidate_name": cand_name,
"candidate_party": cand_party,
"recorded_votes": cand_votes[county_name],
"timestamp_last_updated": timestamp,
return county_votes
def _fetch_and_parse_summary_results(
self, administrator: str, election_id: str, version_num: str, county=""
) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
Fetches the summary results CSV file from the Scytl site and parses it
into a list of election results by candidate.
administrator: str
The url code for the election administrator, either the two-letter
state code or the state code and the county, separated by a slash
election_id: str
The election id for the given election as a string
version_num: str
The latest version ID of the election as a string
county: str
The name of the county associated with the summary file
The list of election results by candidate.
summary_csv_zip_url = SUMMARY_CSV_ZIP_URL_TEMPLATE.format(
zip_bytes = self._parse_file_from_zip_url(summary_csv_zip_url, "summary.csv")
string_buffer = StringIO(zip_bytes.decode("latin-1"))
csv_data = csv.DictReader(string_buffer, delimiter=",")
data = [
"state": self.state,
"county_name": county or self.county,
"office": x.get("contest name"),
"ballots_cast": x.get("ballots cast"),
"reg_voters": x.get("registered voters"),
"counties_reporting": x.get("num Area rptg"),
"total_counties": x.get("num Area total"),
"precincts_reporting": x.get("num Precinct rptg"),
"total_precincts": x.get("num Precinct total"),
"candidate_name": x.get("choice name"),
"candidate_party": x.get("party name"),
"recorded_votes": x.get("total votes"),
for x in csv_data
return data
def get_summary_results(self, force_update=False) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
Fetch the latest summary results for the given election, across all contests.
Please note that all electoral entities administer their elections differently,
so not all values will be populated if the entity doesn't provide them.
force_update: bool
If this is False, the connector will check to see if the current version
matches the previously fetched version of the results.
If the version has not been changed, no results will be fetched or returned.
Default: false
The list should contain entries for each candidate in each office.
Each row will contain the following:
- state
- county_name (if applicable)
- office
- ballots_cast (in the contest)
- reg_voters (eligible for the contest)
- counties_reporting
- total_counties
- precincts_reporting
- total_precincts
- candidate_name
- candidate_party (many administrators do not use this feature
and instead include the party in the candidate name)
- recorded_votes (votes cast for the candidate)
version_num = self._get_version(self.administrator, self.election_id)
if not force_update and version_num == self.previous_summary_version_num:
data = self._fetch_and_parse_summary_results(
self.administrator, self.election_id, version_num
self.previous_summary_version_num = version_num
return data
def get_detailed_results(self, force_update=False) -> t.List[t.Dict]:
Fetch the latest detailed results by geography for the given election, across all contests.
Please note that all electoral entities administer their elections differently,
so not all values will be populated if the entity doesn't provide them.
force_update: bool
If this is False, the connector will check to see if the current version
matches the previously fetched version of the results.
If the version has not been changed, no results will be fetched or returned.
Default: false
The list should contain entries for each candidate in each office,
per vote method and per county.
If fetching for a state, results will look like:
- state
- county_name
- office
- ballots_cast
- reg_voters
- precincts_reporting
- total_precincts
- vote_method (note: some administrators choose to differentiate
results by vote method, while others do not)
- candidate_name
- candidate_party (many administrators do not use this
feature and instead include the party in the candidate name)
- recorded_votes (votes cast for the candidate
with this vote method in this county)
- timestamp_last_updated
If fetching for a county, results will look like:
- state
- county_name
- county_id
- office
- ballots_cast
- reg_voters
- vote_method (note: some administrators choose to
differentiate results by vote method, while others do not)
- candidate_name
- candidate_party (many administrators do not use this
feature and instead include the party in the candidate name)
- precinct_name
- recorded_votes (votes cast for the candidate
with this vote method in this county)
- voter_turnout
- percent_reporting
- timestamp_last_updated
version_num = self._get_version(self.administrator, self.election_id)
if not force_update and version_num == self.previous_details_version_num:
detail_xml_url = DETAIL_XML_ZIP_URL_TEMPLATE.format(
parsed_data = []
county_data = self._parse_file_from_zip_url(detail_xml_url, "detail.xml")
if self.county:
county_details = CountyDetails(self.state, self.county, self.election_id, version_num)
parsed_data = self._parse_county_xml_data_to_precincts(county_data, county_details)
parsed_data = self._parse_state_xml_data_to_counties(county_data, self.state)
self.previous_details_version_num = version_num
return parsed_data
def get_detailed_results_for_participating_counties(
self, county_names: t.List[str] = None, force_update=False
) -> t.Tuple[t.List[str], t.List[t.Dict]]:
Fetch the latest detailed results for the given election for all participating counties
with detailed results, across all contests.
Some counties may not have detailed results. If so, this will attempt
to fetch the summary results for that county. If no results exist for either,
the county name will be appended to the missing_counties list.
After the first fetch, only the counties with updates will be returned,
previous results will not be included.
Please note that all electoral entities administer their elections differently,
so not all values will be populated if the entity doesn't provide them.
county_names: list[str]
The list of counties to get precinct-level results for.
Default: None (get all counties)
force_update: bool
If this is False, the connector will check to see if the current
version matches the previously fetched version of the results.
If the version has not been changed, no results will be fetched or returned.
Default: false
The list of county names that could not be fetched
The list should contain entries for each candidate in
each office, per vote method, county, and precinct.
Each row will contain the following:
- state
- county_name
- county_id
- office
- ballots_cast
- reg_voters
- vote_method (note: some administrators choose to differentiate
results by vote method, while others do not)
- candidate_name
- candidate_party (many administrators do not use this feature
and instead include the party in the candidate name)
- precinct_name
- recorded_votes (votes cast for the candidate with this vote method in this county)
- voter_turnout
- percent_reporting
- timestamp_last_updated
version_num = self._get_version(self.administrator, self.election_id)
if not force_update and version_num == self.previous_county_details_version_num:
return [], []
county_details_list = self._get_latest_counties_scytl_info(
self.state, self.election_id, version_num
parsed_data = []
fetched_counties = []
missing_counties = []
for county_name, county_details in county_details_list.items():
if county_names and county_name not in county_names:
if (
not force_update
and county_name in self.previously_fetched_counties
and self.previous_county_details_list
and county_details.county_update_date
<= self.previous_county_details_list[county_name].county_update_date
detail_xml_url = COUNTY_DETAIL_XML_ZIP_URL_TEMPLATE.format(
county_data = self._parse_file_from_zip_url(detail_xml_url, "detail.xml")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
summary_data = self._fetch_and_parse_summary_results(
except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
if len(summary_data) > 0:
parsed_data += summary_data
parsed_data += self._parse_county_xml_data_to_precincts(county_data, county_details)
self.previous_county_details_version_num = version_num
self.previous_county_details_list = county_details_list
self.previously_fetched_counties = set(fetched_counties)
return missing_counties, parsed_data