Source code for

import logging
import uuid

import gspread

from parsons.etl.table import Table
from import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class GoogleSheets: """ A connector for Google Sheets, handling data import and export. `Args:` google_keyfile_dict: dict A dictionary of Google Drive API credentials, parsed from JSON provided by the Google Developer Console. Required if env variable ``GOOGLE_DRIVE_CREDENTIALS`` is not populated. subject: string In order to use account impersonation, pass in the email address of the account to be impersonated as a string. """ def __init__(self, google_keyfile_dict=None, subject=None): scope = [ "", "", ] env_credentials_path = str(uuid.uuid4()) setup_google_application_credentials( google_keyfile_dict, "GOOGLE_DRIVE_CREDENTIALS", target_env_var_name=env_credentials_path, ) credentials = load_google_application_credentials( env_credentials_path, scopes=scope, subject=subject ) self.gspread_client = gspread.authorize(credentials) def _get_worksheet(self, spreadsheet_id, worksheet=0): # Internal method to retrieve a worksheet object. # Check if the worksheet is an integer, if so find the sheet by index if isinstance(worksheet, int): return self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).get_worksheet(worksheet) elif isinstance(worksheet, str): idx = self.list_worksheets(spreadsheet_id).index(worksheet) try: return self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).get_worksheet(idx) except: # noqa: E722 raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find worksheet {worksheet}") else: raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find worksheet index or title {worksheet}")
[docs] def list_worksheets(self, spreadsheet_id): """ Return a list of worksheets in the spreadsheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) `Returns:` list A List of worksheets order by their index """ worksheets = self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).worksheets() return [w.title for w in worksheets]
[docs] def get_worksheet_index(self, spreadsheet_id, title): """ Get the first sheet in a Google spreadsheet with the given title. The title is case sensitive and the index begins with 0. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) title: str The sheet title `Returns:` str The sheet index """ sheets = self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id).worksheets() for index, sheet in enumerate(sheets): if sheet.title == title: return index raise ValueError(f"Couldn't find sheet with title {title}")
[docs] def get_worksheet(self, spreadsheet_id, worksheet=0): """ Create a ``parsons table`` from a sheet in a Google spreadsheet, given the sheet index. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) worksheet: str or int The index or the title of the worksheet. The index begins with 0. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ worksheet = self._get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) tbl = Table(worksheet.get_all_values())"Retrieved worksheet with {tbl.num_rows} rows.") return tbl
[docs] def share_spreadsheet( self, spreadsheet_id, sharee, share_type="user", role="reader", notify=True, notify_message=None, with_link=False, ): """ Share a spreadsheet with a user, group of users, domain and/or the public. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) sharee: str User or group e-mail address, domain name to share the spreadsheet with. To share publicly, set sharee value to ``None``. share_type: str The sharee type. Allowed values are: ``user``, ``group``, ``domain``, ``anyone``. role: str The primary role for this user. Allowed values are: ``owner``, ``writer``, ``reader``. notify: boolean Whether to send an email to the target user/domain. email_message: str The email to be sent if notify kwarg set to True. with_link: boolean Whether a link is required for this permission. """ spreadsheet = self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id) spreadsheet.share( sharee, share_type, role, notify=notify, email_message=notify_message, with_link=with_link, )"Shared spreadsheet {spreadsheet_id}.")
[docs] def get_spreadsheet_permissions(self, spreadsheet_id): """ List the permissioned users and groups for a spreadsheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ spreadsheet = self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id) tbl = Table(spreadsheet.list_permissions())"Retrieved permissions for {spreadsheet_id} spreadsheet.") return tbl
[docs] def create_spreadsheet(self, title, editor_email=None, folder_id=None): """ Creates a new Google spreadsheet. Optionally shares the new doc with the given email address. Optionally creates the sheet in a specified folder. `Args:` title: str The human-readable title of the new spreadsheet editor_email: str (optional) Email address which should be given permissions on this spreadsheet. Tip: You may want to share this file with the service account. folder_id: str (optional) ID of the Google folder where the spreadsheet should be created. Tip: Get this from the folder URL. Anyone shared on the folder will have access to the spreadsheet. `Returns:` str The spreadsheet ID """ spreadsheet = self.gspread_client.create(title, folder_id=folder_id) if editor_email: self.gspread_client.insert_permission(, editor_email, perm_type="user", role="writer", )"Created spreadsheet {}") return
[docs] def delete_spreadsheet(self, spreadsheet_id): """ Deletes a Google spreadsheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) """ self.gspread_client.del_spreadsheet(spreadsheet_id)"Deleted spreadsheet {spreadsheet_id}")
[docs] def add_sheet(self, spreadsheet_id, title=None, rows=100, cols=25): """ Adds a sheet to a Google spreadsheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) rows: int Number of rows cols Number of cols `Returns:` str The sheet index """ spreadsheet = self.gspread_client.open_by_key(spreadsheet_id) spreadsheet.add_worksheet(title, rows, cols) sheet_count = len(spreadsheet.worksheets())"Created worksheet.") return sheet_count - 1
[docs] def append_to_sheet( self, spreadsheet_id, table, worksheet=0, user_entered_value=False, **kwargs ): """ Append data from a Parsons table to a Google sheet. Note that the table's columns are ignored, as we'll be keeping whatever header row already exists in the Google sheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) table: obj Parsons table worksheet: str or int The index or the title of the worksheet. The index begins with 0. user_entered_value: bool (optional) If True, will submit cell values as entered (required for entering formulas). Otherwise, values will be entered as strings or numbers only. """ if not table.num_rows: logger.warning("No data provided to append, skipping.") return # This is in here to ensure backwards compatibility with previous versions of Parsons. if "sheet_index" in kwargs: worksheet = kwargs["sheet_index"] logger.warning("Argument deprecated. Use worksheet instead.") sheet = self._get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) # Grab the existing data, so we can figure out where to start adding new data as a batch. # TODO Figure out a way to do a batch append without having to read the whole sheet first. # Maybe use gspread's low-level batch_update(). existing_table = self.get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) # If the existing sheet is blank, then just overwrite the table. if existing_table.num_rows == 0: return self.overwrite_sheet(spreadsheet_id, table, worksheet, user_entered_value) cells = [] for row_num, row in enumerate( for col_num, cell in enumerate(row): # Add 2 to allow for the header row, and for google sheets indexing starting at 1 sheet_row_num = existing_table.num_rows + row_num + 2 cells.append(gspread.Cell(sheet_row_num, col_num + 1, row[col_num])) value_input_option = "RAW" if user_entered_value: value_input_option = "USER_ENTERED" # Update the data in one batch sheet.update_cells(cells, value_input_option=value_input_option)"Appended {table.num_rows} rows to worksheet.")
[docs] def paste_data_in_sheet( self, spreadsheet_id, table, worksheet=0, header=True, startrow=0, startcol=0 ): """ Pastes data from a Parsons table to a Google sheet. Note that this may overwrite presently existing data. This function is useful for adding data to a subsection if an existing sheet that will have other existing data - contrast to `overwrite_sheet` (which will fully replace any existing data) and `append_to_sheet` (which sticks the data only after all other existing data). `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL). table: obj Parsons table worksheet: str or int The index or the title of the worksheet. The index begins with 0. header: bool Whether or not the header row gets pasted with the data. startrow: int Starting row position of pasted data. Counts from 0. startcol: int Starting column position of pasted data. Counts from 0. """ sheet = self._get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) number_of_columns = len(table.columns) number_of_rows = table.num_rows + 1 if header else table.num_rows if not number_of_rows or not number_of_columns: # No data to paste logger.warning( f"No data available to paste, table size " f"({number_of_rows}, {number_of_columns}). Skipping." ) return # gspread uses ranges like "C3:J7", so we need to convert to this format data_range = ( hexavigesimal(startcol + 1) + str(startrow + 1) + ":" + hexavigesimal(startcol + number_of_columns) + str(startrow + number_of_rows) ) # Unpack data. Hopefully this is small enough for memory data = [[]] * table.num_rows for row_num, row in enumerate( data[row_num] = list(row) if header: sheet.update(data_range, [table.columns] + data) else: sheet.update(data_range, data)"Pasted data to {data_range} in worksheet.")
[docs] def overwrite_sheet( self, spreadsheet_id, table, worksheet=0, user_entered_value=False, **kwargs ): """ Replace the data in a Google sheet with a Parsons table, using the table's columns as the first row. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) table: obj Parsons table worksheet: str or int The index or the title of the worksheet. The index begins with 0. user_entered_value: bool (optional) If True, will submit cell values as entered (required for entering formulas). Otherwise, values will be entered as strings or numbers only. """ # This is in here to ensure backwards compatibility with previous versions of Parsons. if "sheet_index" in kwargs: worksheet = kwargs["sheet_index"] logger.warning("Argument deprecated. Use worksheet instead.") sheet = self._get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) sheet.clear() if not len(table.columns): logger.warning("No data provided, worksheet is empty.") return value_input_option = "RAW" if user_entered_value: value_input_option = "USER_ENTERED" # Add header row sheet.append_row(table.columns, value_input_option=value_input_option) if table.num_rows: cells = [] for row_num, row in enumerate( for col_num, _ in enumerate(row): # We start at row #2 to keep room for the header row we added above cells.append(gspread.Cell(row_num + 2, col_num + 1, row[col_num])) # Update the data in one batch sheet.update_cells(cells, value_input_option=value_input_option) else: logger.warning("No rows provided.")"Overwrote worksheet.")
[docs] def format_cells(self, spreadsheet_id, range, cell_format, worksheet=0): """ Format the cells of a worksheet. `Args:` spreadsheet_id: str The ID of the spreadsheet (Tip: Get this from the spreadsheet URL) range: str The cell range to format. E.g. ``"A2"`` or ``"A2:B100"`` cell_format: dict The formatting to apply to the range. Full options are specified in the GoogleSheets `API documentation <>`_. worksheet: str or int The index or the title of the worksheet. The index begins with 0. **Examples** .. code-block:: python # Set 'A4' cell's text format to bold gs.format_cells(sheet_id, "A4", {"textFormat": {"bold": True}}, worksheet=0) # Color the background of 'A2:B2' cell range yellow, # change horizontal alignment, text color and font size gs.format_cells.format(sheet_id, "A2:B2", { "backgroundColor": { "red": 0.0, "green": 0.0, "blue": 0.0 }, "horizontalAlignment": "CENTER", "textFormat": { "foregroundColor": { "red": 1.0, "green": 1.0, "blue": 0.0 }, "fontSize": 12, "bold": True } }, worksheet=0) """ # noqa: E501,E261 ws = self._get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, worksheet) ws.format(range, cell_format)"Formatted worksheet")
def read_sheet(self, spreadsheet_id, sheet_index=0): # Deprecated method v0.14 of Parsons. logger.warning("Deprecated method. Use get_worksheet() instead.") return self.get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, sheet_index) def read_sheet_with_title(self, spreadsheet_id, title): # Deprecated method v0.14 of Parsons. logger.warning("Deprecated method. Use get_worksheet() instead.") return self.get_worksheet(spreadsheet_id, title) def get_sheet_index_with_title(self, spreadsheet_id, title): # Deprecated method v0.14 of Parsons. logger.warning("Deprecated method. Use get_worksheet_index instead.") return self.get_worksheet_index(spreadsheet_id, title)