Source code for parsons.geocode.census_geocoder

from parsons.etl import Table
import petl
import censusgeocode
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# The size of batches to send to the batch geocode endpoint. Currently
# the recommendation is less than 1K records.

[docs] class CensusGeocoder(object): """ Instantiate the CensusGecoder Class `Args:` benchmark: str The US Census benchmark file to utilize. By default the current benchmark is used, but other options can found `here <>`_. vintage: str The US Census vintage file to utilize. By default the current vintage is used, but other options can be found `here <>`_. """ # noqa E501 def __init__(self, benchmark="Public_AR_Current", vintage="Current_Current"): = censusgeocode.CensusGeocode(benchmark=benchmark, vintage=vintage)
[docs] def geocode_onelineaddress(self, address, return_type="geographies"): """ Geocode a single line address. Does not require parsing of city and zipcode field. Returns geocode as well as other census block data. If the service is unable to geocode the address it will return an empty list. `Args:` address: str A valid US address return_type: str ``geographies`` will return information about the Census geographies while ``locations`` will information about the address. `Returns`: dict """ geo =, returntype=return_type) self._log_result(geo) return geo
[docs] def geocode_address( self, address_line, city=None, state=None, zipcode=None, return_type="geographies", ): """ Geocode an address by specifying address fields. Returns the geocode as well as other census block data. `Args:` address_line: str A valid address line city: str A valid city state: str A valid two character state abbreviation (e.g. 'IL') zipcode: int A valid five digit zipcode (e.g. 60622) return_type: str ``geographies`` will return information about the Census geographies while ``locations`` will information about the address. `Returns:` dict """ geo =, city=city, state=state, zipcode=zipcode) self._log_result(geo) return geo
[docs] def geocode_address_batch(self, table): """ Geocode multiple addresses from a parsons table. The table must **only** include the following columns in the following order. .. list-table:: :widths: 40 :header-rows: 1 * - Column Names * - id (must be unique) * - street * - city * - state * - zip `Args:` table: Parsons Table A Parsons table `Returns:` A Parsons table """"Geocoding {table.num_rows} records.") if set(table.columns) != {"id", "street", "city", "state", "zip"}: msg = ( "Table must ONLY include `['id', 'street', 'city', 'state', 'zip']` as" + "columns. Tip: try using `table.cut()`" ) raise ValueError(msg) chunked_tables = table.chunk(BATCH_SIZE) batch_count = 1 records_processed = 0 geocoded_tbl = Table([[]]) for tbl in chunked_tables: geocoded_tbl.concat(Table(petl.fromdicts( records_processed += tbl.num_rows"{records_processed} of {table.num_rows} records processed.") batch_count += 1 return geocoded_tbl
def _log_result(self, dict): # Internal method to log the result of the geocode if len(dict) == 0:"Unable to geocode record.") else:"Record geocoded.")
[docs] def get_coordinates_data(self, latitude, longitude): """ Return census data on coordinates. `Args` latitude: int A valid latitude in the United States longitude: int A valid longitude in the United States `Returns:` dict """ geo =, y=latitude) if len(geo["States"]) == 0:"Coordinate not found.") else:"Coordinate processed.") return geo