from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons import Table
import logging
import datetime
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
URI = ""
class Donorbox(object):
Instantiate Donorbox class.
donorbox_account_email: str
The email associated with your Donorbox account. Can be passed as
argument or set as ``DONORBOX_ACCOUNT_EMAIL`` environment variable.
donorbox_api_key: str
The API key generated by Donorbox for your account. Can be passed as
argument or set as ``DONORBOX_API_KEY`` environment variable.
def __init__(self, email=None, api_key=None): = check_env.check("DONORBOX_ACCOUNT_EMAIL", email)
self.api_key = check_env.check("DONORBOX_API_KEY", api_key)
self.uri = URI
self.client = APIConnector(self.uri, auth=(, self.api_key))
def get_campaigns(self, **kwargs):
Get information on campaigns.
id: int or str
Optional. The ID of the campaign to get. If both id and name are omitted, returns
all campaigns.
name: str
Optional. The name of the campaign to get. If both id and name are omitted, retunrs
all campaigns.
order: str
Optional. Valid values are "asc" and "desc". If not supplied, order is descending
by default.
page: int
Optional. Donorbox supports pagination for larger results. Use the page to track
your progress.
per_page: int
Optional. Results per page when using pagination. Default is 50, maximum is 100.
Parsons Table
result = self.client.request("campaigns", "GET", params=kwargs)
data = result.json()
return Table(data)
def get_donations(self, **kwargs):
Get information on donations.
email: str
Optional. Filter's donations by donor's email
date_from: str
| Optional. Filters donations to those started on or after the provided date.
| Valid formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY
| If an incorrectly formatted date is provided, an error is raised.
date_to: str
| Optional. Filters donations to those started before the provided date.
| Valid formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY
| If an incorrectly formatted date is provided, an error is raised.
campaign_name: str
Optional. Filters by the campaign title that you have defined in Donorbox.
campaign_id: int or str
Optional. Filters by Donorbox campaign id.
donation_id: int or str
Optional. Filters by Donorbox donations id.
first_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's first name.
last_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's last name.
donor_id: int or str
Optional. Filters by Donorbox donor id.
amount_min: int or str
Optional. Gets all donations above the provided minimum.
amount_max: int or str
Optional. Gets all donations below the provided maximum.
order: str
Optional. Valid values are "asc" and "desc". If not supplied, order is
descending by default.
page: int
Optional. Donorbox supports pagination for larger results. Use the page
to track your progress.
per_page: int
Optional. Results per page when using pagination. Default is 50, maximum
is 100.
Parsons Table
# switch variable names
if "amount_max" in kwargs:
kwargs["amount[usd][max]"] = kwargs.pop("amount_max")
if "amount_min" in kwargs:
kwargs["amount[usd][min]"] = kwargs.pop("amount_min")
if "donation_id" in kwargs:
kwargs["id"] = kwargs.pop("donation_id")
data = self.client.get_request("donations", params=kwargs)
return Table(data)
def get_donors(self, **kwargs):
Get information on donors.
donor_id: str or int
Optional. Filters by donor ID.
first_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's first name.
last_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's last name.
donor_name: str
Optional. Filter by donor's full name
email: str
Optional. Filter's donations by donor's email
order: str
Optional. Valid values are "asc" and "desc". If not supplied, order is descending
by default.
page: int
Optional. Donorbox supports pagination for larger results. Use the page to track
your progress.
per_page: int
Optional. Results per page when using pagination. Default is 50, maximum is 100.
Parsons Table
if "donor_id" in kwargs:
kwargs["id"] = kwargs.pop("donor_id") # switch to Donorbox's (less specific) name
data = self.client.get_request("donors", params=kwargs)
return Table(data)
def get_plans(self, **kwargs):
Get information on plans.
email: str
Optional. Filter's plans by donor's email address.
date_from: str
| Optional. Filters plans to those started on or after the provided date.
| Valid formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY
| If an incorrectly formatted date is provided, an error is raised.
date_to: str
| Optional. Filters plans to those started before the provided date.
| Valid formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY
| If an incorrectly formatted date is provided, an error is raised.
campaign_id: int or str
Optional. Filters by Donorbox campaign id.
campaign_name: str
Optional. Filters by the campaign title that you have defined in Donorbox.
donor_id: str or int
Optional. Filters by donor ID.
first_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's first name.
last_name: str
Optional. Filters by donor's last name.
donor_name: str
Optional. Filter by donor's full name
order: str
Optional. Valid values are "asc" and "desc". If not supplied, order is descending
by default.
page: int
Optional. Donorbox supports pagination for larger results. Use the page to track
your progress.
per_page: int
Optional. Results per page when using pagination. Default is 50, maximum is 100.
Parsons Table
data = self.client.get_request("plans", params=kwargs)
return Table(data)
def _check_date_helper(self, params):
"""Searches through params for a date parameter and if found, calls format helper.
params: dictionary
Required. Dictionary of parameters to be passed to endpoint.
`Returns`: None
if "date_from" in params and params["date_from"] is not None:
if "date_to" in params and params["date_to"] is not None:
def _date_format_helper(self, date_string):
"""Checks date format and warns if invalid (internal)
Valid formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY
date_string: str
Required. Date in a string format to be checked against Donorbox's valid options.
`Returns`: None
valid_formats = ["%Y-%m-%d", "%d-%m-%Y", "%Y/%m/%d", "%Y%m%d"]
for str_format in valid_formats:
datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, str_format)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
f"The date you supplied, {date_string}, is not a valid Donorbox format."
+ "Try the following formats: YYYY-mm-dd YYYY/mm/dd YYYYmmdd dd-mm-YYYY"