from requests import request
import time
from parsons.etl import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CT_URI = ""
REQUEST_SLEEP = 10 # CT has a rather agressive 6 requests per minute rate limit.
class CrowdTangle(object):
Instantiate CrowdTangle Class
api_key: str
A valid CrowdTangle API key. Not required if ``CROWDTANGLE_API_KEY`` env
variable set.
CrowdTangle Class
def __init__(self, api_key=None):
self.api_key = check_env.check("CT_API_KEY", api_key)
self.uri = CT_URI
def _base_request(self, endpoint, req_type="GET", args=None):
url = f"{self.uri}/{endpoint}"
base_args = {"token": self.api_key, "count": PAGE_SIZE}
# Add any args passed through to the base args
if args is not None:
r = request(req_type, url, params=base_args).json()
json = r["result"]
keys = list(json.keys())
data = json[keys[0]]
while "nextPage" in list(json["pagination"].keys()):"Retrieving {PAGE_SIZE} rows.")
next_url = json["pagination"]["nextPage"]
r = request(req_type, next_url).json()
json = r["result"]
data.extend(json[keys[0]])"Retrieved {len(data)} rows.")
return data
def _base_unpack(self, ParsonsTable):
logger.debug("Working to unpack the Parsons Table...")
logger.debug(f"Starting with {len(ParsonsTable.columns)} columns...")
sample = ParsonsTable[0]
col_dict = {}
for x in ParsonsTable.columns:
col_dict[x] = str(type(sample[x]))
for col in col_dict:
if col_dict[col] == "<class 'dict'>":
elif col_dict[x] == "<class 'list'>":
ParsonsTable.unpack_list(col)"There are now {len(ParsonsTable.columns)} columns...")
return ParsonsTable
def _unpack(self, ParsonsTable):
if ParsonsTable.num_rows == 0:
return None
first_count = len(ParsonsTable.columns)
second_count = first_count + 1
while second_count > first_count:
first_count = len(ParsonsTable.columns)
second_count = len(ParsonsTable.columns)
return ParsonsTable
def _list_to_string(self, list_arg):
if list_arg:
return ",".join(list_arg)
return None
def get_posts(
Return a set of posts for the given parameters.
See the `API documentation <>`_
for more information.
.. warning::
Rate limit is 2 calls / minute.
start_date: str
Filter to the earliest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
end_date: str
Filter to the latest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
language: str
Filter to 2-character Locale code. Some languages require more
than two characters: Chinese (Simplified) is zh-CN and
Chinese (Traditional) is zh-TW.
list_ids: list
Filter to the ids of lists or saved searches to retrieve.
min_interactions: int
Filter to posts with total interactions above this threshold.
search_team: str
Returns only posts that match this search term. For multiple terms, separate
with commas for OR, use quotes for phrases.
types: list
Filter to post types including:
* ``episode``
* ``extra_clip``
* ``link``
* ``live_video``
* ``live_video_complete``
* ``live_video_scheduled``
* ``native_video``
* ``photo``
* ``status``
* ``trailer``
* ``tweet``
* ``vimeo``
* ``vine``
* ``youtube``
If you want all live videos (whether currently or formerly live),
pass include both ``live_video`` and ``live_video_complete``
The ``video`` type does not mean all videos, it refers to videos
that are not ``native_video``, ``youtube`` or ``vine``.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
args = {
"startDate": start_date,
"endDate": end_date,
"language": language,
"listIds": self._list_to_string(list_ids),
"minInteractions": min_interations,
"searchTerm": search_term,
"types": types,
}"Retrieving posts.")
pt = Table(self._base_request("posts", args=args))"Retrieved {pt.num_rows} posts.")
return pt
def get_leaderboard(self, start_date=None, end_date=None, list_ids=None, account_ids=None):
Return leaderboard data.
See the `API documentation <>`_
for more information.
.. warning::
Rate limit is 6 calls / minute.
start_date: str
Filter to the earliest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
end_date: str
Filter to the latest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
list_ids: list
Filter to the ids of lists or saved searches to retrieve.
account_ids: list
A list of CrowdTangle accountIds to retrieve leaderboard data for.
This and ``list_id`` are mutually exclusive; if both are sent, the
``account_ids`` value will be used.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
args = {
"startDate": start_date,
"endDate": end_date,
"listIds": self._list_to_string(list_ids),
"accountIds": self._list_to_string(account_ids),
pt = Table(self._base_request("leaderboard", args=args))"Retrieved {pt.num_rows} records from the leaderbooard.")
return pt
def get_links(self, link, start_date=None, end_date=None, include_summary=None, platforms=None):
Return up to 100 posts based on a specific link. It is strongly recommended to
use the ``start_date`` parameter to limit queries to relevant dates.
See the `API documentation <>`_
for more information.
.. warning::
Rate limit is 2 calls / minute.
link: str
The link to filter posts to.
start_date: str
Filter to the earliest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
end_date: str
Filter to the latest date at which a post could be posted.
The time is formatted as UTC (e.g. ``yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` or ``yyyy-mm-dd``).
include_summary: boolean
Adds a ``summary`` column with account statistics for each platform
that has posted this link. It will look beyond the count
requested to summarize across the time searched.
Requires a value for ``start_date``.
platforms: list
Filter by platforms
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
args = {
"link": link,
"startDate": start_date,
"endDate": end_date,
"includeSummary": str(include_summary),
"platforms": self._list_to_string(platforms),
}"Retrieving posts based on link.")
pt = Table(self._base_request("links", args=args))"Retrieved {pt.num_rows} links.")
return pt