import logging
from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons import Table
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Census(object):
Class that creates a connector to the Census Bureau API
def __init__(self, api_key=None):
Instantiate Census class.
api_key: string, key for Census API access
(optional, can also be pulled from environment variable CENSUS_API_KEY)
self.api_key = check_env.check("CENSUS_API_KEY", api_key) = ""
def get_census(self, year=None, dataset_acronym=None, variables=None, location=None):
Pull census data. For background check out the `Census API Guide
year: 4-digit string or integer
e.g. '2019' or 2019
dataset_acronym: string with dataset name
e.g. '/acs/acs1'
variables: comma-separated string with variable names
e.g. 'NAME,B01001_001E'
location: string with desired locations
e.g. 'us:*'
Parsons table with data
# set up the URL
g = "?get="
usr_key = f"&key={self.api_key}"
year = str(year) # in case someone passes int
location = "&for=" + location
query_url = f"{}/{year}{dataset_acronym}{g}{variables}{location}{usr_key}"
# create connector
connector = APIConnector(
# pull data
response = connector.get_request(url=query_url)
# turn into Parsons table and return it
return Table(response)