from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from parsons.etl import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector
from parsons.utilities.datetime import date_to_timestamp
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class CapitolCanary(object):
Instantiate CapitolCanary Class
app_id: str
The CapitolCanary provided application id. Not required if ``CAPITOLCANARY_APP_ID``
env variable set.
app_key: str
The CapitolCanary provided application key. Not required if ``CAPITOLCANARY_APP_KEY``
env variable set.
CapitolCanary Class
def __init__(self, app_id=None, app_key=None):
# check first for CapitolCanary branded app key and ID
cc_app_id = check_env.check("CAPITOLCANARY_APP_ID", None, optional=True)
cc_app_key = check_env.check("CAPITOLCANARY_APP_KEY", None, optional=True)
self.app_id = cc_app_id or check_env.check("PHONE2ACTION_APP_ID", app_id)
self.app_key = cc_app_key or check_env.check("PHONE2ACTION_APP_KEY", app_key)
self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.app_id, self.app_key)
self.client = APIConnector(CAPITOL_CANARY_URI, auth=self.auth)
def _paginate_request(self, url, args=None, page=None):
# Internal pagination method
if page is not None:
args["page"] = page
r = self.client.get_request(url, params=args)
json = r["data"]
if page is not None:
return json
# If count of items is less than the total allowed per page, paginate
while r["pagination"]["count"] == r["pagination"]["per_page"]:
r = self.client.get_request(r["pagination"]["next_url"], args)
return json
def get_advocates(self, state=None, campaign_id=None, updated_since=None, page=None):
Return advocates (person records).
If no page is specified, the method will automatically paginate through the available
state: str
Filter by US postal abbreviation for a state
or territory e.g., "CA" "NY" or "DC"
campaign_id: int
Filter to specific campaign
updated_since: str or int or datetime
Fetch all advocates updated since the date provided; this can be a datetime
object, a UNIX timestamp, or a date string (ex. '2014-01-05 23:59:43')
page: int
Page number of data to fetch; if this is specified, call will only return one
A dict of parsons tables:
* emails
* phones
* memberships
* tags
* ids
* fields
* advocates
# Convert the passed in updated_since into a Unix timestamp (which is what the API wants)
updated_since = date_to_timestamp(updated_since)
args = {
"state": state,
"campaignid": campaign_id,
"updatedSince": updated_since,
}"Retrieving advocates...")
json = self._paginate_request("advocates", args=args, page=page)
return self._advocates_tables(Table(json))
def _advocates_tables(self, tbl):
# Convert the advocates nested table into multiple tables
tbls = {
"advocates": tbl,
"emails": Table(),
"phones": Table(),
"memberships": Table(),
"tags": Table(),
"ids": Table(),
"fields": Table(),
if not tbl:
return tbls"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} advocates...")
# Unpack all of the single objects
# The CapitolCanary API docs says that created_at and updated_at are dictionaries, but
# the data returned from the server is a ISO8601 timestamp. - EHS, 05/21/2020
for c in ["address", "districts"]:
# Unpack all of the arrays
child_tables = [child for child in tbls.keys() if child != "advocates"]
for c in child_tables:
tbls[c] = tbl.long_table(["id"], c, key_rename={"id": "advocate_id"})
return tbls
def get_campaigns(
Returns a list of campaigns
state: str
Filter by US postal abbreviation for a state or territory e.g., "CA" "NY" or "DC"
zip: int
Filter by 5 digit zip code
include_generic: boolean
When filtering by state or ZIP code, include unrestricted campaigns
include_private: boolean
If true, will include private campaigns in results
include_content: boolean
If true, include campaign content fields, which may vary. This may cause
sync errors.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
args = {
"state": state,
"zip": zip,
"includeGeneric": str(include_generic),
"includePrivate": str(include_private),
tbl = Table(self.client.get_request("campaigns", params=args))
if tbl:
if include_content:
return tbl
def create_advocate(
Create an advocate.
If you want to opt an advocate into or out of SMS / email campaigns, you must provide
the email address or phone number (accordingly).
The list of arguments only partially covers the fields that can be set on the advocate.
For a complete list of fields that can be updated, see
`the CapitolCanary API documentation <>`_.
campaigns: list
The ID(s) of campaigns to add the advocate to
first_name: str
`Optional`; The first name of the advocate
last_name: str
`Optional`; The last name of the advocate
email: str
`Optional`; An email address to add for the advocate. One of ``email`` or ``phone``
is required.
phone: str
`Optional`; An phone # to add for the advocate. One of ``email`` or ``phone`` is
address1: str
`Optional`; The first line of the advocates' address
address2: str
`Optional`; The second line of the advocates' address
city: str
`Optional`; The city of the advocates address
state: str
`Optional`; The state of the advocates address
zip5: str
`Optional`; The 5 digit Zip code of the advocate
sms_optin: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate into receiving text messages; an SMS
confirmation text message will be sent. You must provide values for the ``phone``
and ``campaigns`` arguments.
email_optin: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate into receiving emails. You must provide
values for the ``email`` and ``campaigns`` arguments.
sms_optout: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate out of receiving text messages. You must
provide values for the ``phone`` and ``campaigns`` arguments. Once an advocate is
opted out, they cannot be opted back in.
email_optout: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate out of receiving emails. You must
provide values for the ``email`` and ``campaigns`` arguments. Once an advocate is
opted out, they cannot be opted back in.
Additional fields on the advocate to update
The int ID of the created advocate.
# Validate the passed in arguments
if not campaigns:
raise ValueError("When creating an advocate, you must specify one or more campaigns.")
if not email and not phone:
raise ValueError(
"When creating an advocate, you must provide an email address or a phone number."
if (sms_optin or sms_optout) and not phone:
raise ValueError(
"When opting an advocate in or out of SMS messages, you must specify a valid "
"phone and one or more campaigns"
if (email_optin or email_optout) and not email:
raise ValueError(
"When opting an advocate in or out of email messages, you must specify a valid "
"email address and one or more campaigns"
# Align our arguments with the expected parameters for the API
payload = {
"email": email,
"phone": phone,
"firstname": first_name,
"lastname": last_name,
"address1": address1,
"address2": address2,
"city": city,
"state": state,
"zip5": zip5,
"smsOptin": 1 if sms_optin else None,
"emailOptin": 1 if email_optin else None,
"smsOptout": 1 if sms_optout else None,
"emailOptout": 1 if email_optout else None,
# Clean up any keys that have a "None" value
payload = {key: val for key, val in payload.items() if val is not None}
# Merge in any kwargs
# Turn into a list of items so we can append multiple campaigns
campaign_keys = [("campaigns[]", val) for val in campaigns]
data = [(key, value) for key, value in payload.items()] + campaign_keys
# Call into the CapitolCanary API
response = self.client.post_request("advocates", data=data)
return response["advocateid"]
def update_advocate(
Update the fields of an advocate.
If you want to opt an advocate into or out of SMS / email campaigns, you must provide
the email address or phone number along with a list of campaigns.
The list of arguments only partially covers the fields that can be updated on the advocate.
For a complete list of fields that can be updated, see
`the CapitolCanary API documentation <>`_.
advocate_id: integer
The ID of the advocate being updates
campaigns: list
`Optional`; The ID(s) of campaigns to add the user to
email: str
`Optional`; An email address to add for the advocate (or to use when opting in/out)
phone: str
`Optional`; An phone # to add for the advocate (or to use when opting in/out)
sms_optin: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate into receiving text messages; an SMS
confirmation text message will be sent. You must provide values for the ``phone``
and ``campaigns`` arguments.
email_optin: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate into receiving emails. You must provide
values for the ``email`` and ``campaigns`` arguments.
sms_optout: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate out of receiving text messages. You must
provide values for the ``phone`` and ``campaigns`` arguments. Once an advocate is
opted out, they cannot be opted back in.
email_optout: boolean
`Optional`; Whether to opt the advocate out of receiving emails. You must
provide values for the ``email`` and ``campaigns`` arguments. Once an advocate is
opted out, they cannot be opted back in.
Additional fields on the advocate to update
# Validate the passed in arguments
if (sms_optin or sms_optout) and not (phone and campaigns):
raise ValueError(
"When opting an advocate in or out of SMS messages, you must specify a valid "
"phone and one or more campaigns"
if (email_optin or email_optout) and not (email and campaigns):
raise ValueError(
"When opting an advocate in or out of email messages, you must specify a valid "
"email address and one or more campaigns"
# Align our arguments with the expected parameters for the API
payload = {
"advocateid": advocate_id,
"campaigns": campaigns,
"email": email,
"phone": phone,
"smsOptin": 1 if sms_optin else None,
"emailOptin": 1 if email_optin else None,
"smsOptout": 1 if sms_optout else None,
"emailOptout": 1 if email_optout else None,
# remap first_name / last_name to be consistent with updated_advocates
"firstname": kwargs.pop("first_name", None),
"lastname": kwargs.pop("last_name", None),
# Clean up any keys that have a "None" value
payload = {key: val for key, val in payload.items() if val is not None}
# Merge in any kwargs
# Turn into a list of items so we can append multiple campaigns
campaigns = campaigns or []
campaign_keys = [("campaigns[]", val) for val in campaigns]
data = [(key, value) for key, value in payload.items()] + campaign_keys
# Call into the CapitolCanary API
self.client.post_request("advocates", data=data)