Source code for parsons.action_network.action_network

import json
import logging
import re
import warnings
from typing import Dict, List, Union, Literal
from parsons import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

API_URL = ""

[docs] class ActionNetwork(object): """ `Args:` api_token: str The OSDI API token """ def __init__(self, api_token=None): self.api_token = check_env.check("AN_API_TOKEN", api_token) self.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "OSDI-API-Token": self.api_token, } self.api_url = API_URL self.api = APIConnector(self.api_url, headers=self.headers) def _get_page(self, object_name, page, per_page=25, filter=None): # returns data from one page of results if per_page > 25: per_page = 25 "Action Network's API will not return more than 25 entries per page. \ Changing per_page parameter to 25." ) params = {"page": page, "per_page": per_page, "filter": filter} return self.api.get_request(url=object_name, params=params) def _get_entry_list(self, object_name, limit=None, per_page=25, filter=None): # returns a list of entries for a given object, such as people, tags, or actions # Filter can only be applied to people, petitions, events, forms, fundraising_pages, # event_campaigns, campaigns, advocacy_campaigns, signatures, attendances, submissions, # donations and outreaches. # See Action Network API docs for more info: count = 0 page = 1 return_list = [] while True: response = self._get_page(object_name, page, per_page, filter=filter) page = page + 1 response_list = response["_embedded"][list(response["_embedded"])[0]] if not response_list: return Table(return_list) return_list.extend(response_list) count = count + len(response_list) if limit: if count >= limit: return Table(return_list[0:limit]) # Advocacy Campaigns
[docs] def get_advocacy_campaigns(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all of the advocacy_campaigns (letters) entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("advocacy_campaigns", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("advocacy_campaigns", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_advocacy_campaign(self, advocacy_campaign_id): """ `Args:` advocacy_campaign_id: The unique id of the advocacy_campaign `Returns:` A JSON with advocacy_campaign entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}")
# Attendances
[docs] def get_person_attendances(self, person_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the attendances entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"people/{person_id}/attendances", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"people/{person_id}/attendances", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_event_attendances(self, event_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` event_id: the unique id of the event limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with the attendances entries related to the event `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"events/{event_id}/attendances", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"events/{event_id}/attendances", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_event_attendance(self, event_id, attendance_id): """ `Args:` event_id: The unique id of the event attendance_id: The unique id of the attendance `Returns:` A JSON with the attendance entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"events/{event_id}/attendances/{attendance_id}")
[docs] def get_person_attendance(self, person_id, attendance_id): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person attendance_id: The unique id of the attendance `Returns:` A JSON with the attendance entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"people/{person_id}/attendances/{attendance_id}")
[docs] def create_attendance(self, event_id, payload): """ `Args:` event_id: the unique id of the event payload: the payload for creating the event attendance { "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON response after creating the event attendance `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request(f"events/{event_id}/attendances", payload)
[docs] def update_attendance(self, event_id, attendance_id, payload): """ `Args:` event_id: The unique id of the event attendance_id: The unique id of the attendance payload: The payload for updating the event attendance { "identifiers": [ "other-system:230125a" ] } `Returns:` A JSON response after updating the event attendance `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"events/{event_id}/attendances/{attendance_id}", payload)
# Campaigns
[docs] def get_campaigns(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all of the campaigns entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("campaigns", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("campaigns", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_campaign(self, campaign_id): """ `Args:` campaign_id: The unique id of the campaign `Returns:` A JSON with the campaign entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"campaigns/{campaign_id}")
# Custom Fields
[docs] def get_custom_fields(self): """ `Args:` None `Returns:` A JSON with the custom_fields associated with your API key. `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request("metadata/custom_fields")
# Donations
[docs] def get_donation(self, donation_id): """ `Args:` donation_id: The unique id of the donation `Returns:` A JSON with donation data `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"donations/{donation_id}")
[docs] def get_donations(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the donations entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("donations", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("donations", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_fundraising_page_donations( self, fundraising_page_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None ): """ `Args:` fundraising_page_id: The id of the fundraiser limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with fundraising_page entry `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page( f"fundraising_pages/{fundraising_page_id}/donations", page, per_page, filter, ) return self._get_entry_list( f"fundraising_pages/{fundraising_page_id}/donations", limit, per_page, filter, )
[docs] def get_person_donations(self, person_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` person_id: The id of the person limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all donations related to person `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page( f"people/{person_id}/donations", page, per_page, filter, ) return self._get_entry_list( f"people/{person_id}/donations", limit, per_page, filter, )
[docs] def create_donation(self, fundraising_page_id, donation_payload): """ `Args:` fundraising_page_id: The id of the fundraising page donation_payload: The payload containing donation details { "recipients": [ { "display_name": "Campaign To Elect Tom", "amount": "3.00" } ], "created_date": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z", "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "link" } } } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the donation `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request( f"fundraising_pages/{fundraising_page_id}/donations", donation_payload )
# Embeds
[docs] def get_embeds(self, action_type, action_id): """ `Args:` action_type: The action type (petition, events, etc.) action_id: The unique id of the action `Returns:` A JSON with the embeds (for you to be able to embed action outside of ActionNetwork). `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"{action_type}/{action_id}/embed")
# Event Campaigns
[docs] def get_event_campaigns(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the event_campaigns entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("event_campaigns", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("event_campaigns", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_event_campaign(self, event_campaign_id): """ `Args:` event_campaign_id: The unique id of the event_campaign `Returns:` A JSON with event_campaign entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"event_campaigns/{event_campaign_id}")
[docs] def create_event_campaign(self, payload): """ `Args:` payload: The payload containing event campaign details { "title": "My Canvassing Event", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the event campaign `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request("event_campaigns", payload)
[docs] def create_event_in_event_campaign(self, event_campaign_id, payload): """ `Args:` event_campaign_id: The unique id of the event_campaign payload: The payload containing event details { "title": "My Free Event", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the event in the event campaign `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request(f"event_campaigns/{event_campaign_id}/events", payload)
[docs] def update_event_campaign(self, event_campaign_id, payload): """ `Args:` event_campaign_id: The unique id of the event_campaign payload: The payload containing event campaign details { "description": "This is my new event campaign description" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the event campaign `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"event_campaigns/{event_campaign_id}", payload)
# Events
[docs] def get_events(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the events entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("events", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("events", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_event(self, event_id): """ `Args:` event_id: the unique id of the event `Returns:` A JSON with event entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"events/{event_id}")
[docs] def get_event_campaign_events( self, event_campaign_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None ): """ `Args:` event_campaign_id: The unique id of the event_campaign limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the eventes related to the event_campaign entry `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page( f"event_campaigns/{event_campaign_id}/events", page, per_page, filter ) return self._get_entry_list( f"event_campaigns/{event_campaign_id}/events", limit, per_page, filter )
[docs] def create_event(self, title, start_date=None, location=None): """ Create an event in Action Network `Args:` title: str The public title of the event start_date: str OR datetime OPTIONAL: The starting date & time. If a string, use format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (hint: the default format you get when you use `str()` on a datetime) location: dict OPTIONAL: A dict of location details. Can include any combination of the types of values in the following example: .. code-block:: python my_location = { "venue": "White House", "address_lines": [ "1600 Pennsylvania Ave" ], "locality": "Washington", "region": "DC", "postal_code": "20009", "country": "US" } `Returns:` Dict of Action Network Event data. `Documentation Reference`: """ data = {"title": title} if start_date: start_date = str(start_date) data["start_date"] = start_date if isinstance(location, dict): data["location"] = location event_dict = self.api.post_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/events", data=json.dumps(data)) an_event_id = event_dict["_links"]["self"]["href"].split("/")[-1] event_dict["event_id"] = an_event_id return event_dict
[docs] def update_event(self, event_id, payload): """ Update an event in Action Network `Args:` event_id: str The unique id of the event payload: dict The payload containing event data (see { "title": "My Free Event With A New Name", "description": "This is my free event description" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the event `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"events/{event_id}", payload)
# Forms
[docs] def get_forms(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the forms entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("forms", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("forms", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_form(self, form_id): """ `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form `Returns:` A JSON with form entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"forms/{form_id}")
[docs] def create_form(self, payload): """ Create a form in Action Network `Args:` payload: dict The payload containing form details { "title": "My Free Form", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the form `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request("forms", payload)
[docs] def update_form(self, form_id, payload): """ Update a form in Action Network `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form payload: dict The payload containing form data (see { "title": "My Free Form", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the form `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"forms/{form_id}", payload)
# Fundraising Pages
[docs] def get_fundraising_page(self, fundraising_page_id): """ `Args:` fundraising_page_id: The id of the fundraiser `Returns:` A JSON with fundraising_page entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"fundraising_pages/{fundraising_page_id}")
[docs] def get_fundraising_pages(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the fundraising_pages entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("fundraising_pages", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list( "fundraising_pages", limit, )
[docs] def create_fundraising_page(self, payload): """ Create a fundraising page in Action Network `Args:` payload: dict The payload containing fundraising page details { "title": "My Free Fundraiser", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the fundraising page `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request("fundraising_pages", payload)
[docs] def update_fundraising_page(self, fundraising_page_id, payload): """ Update a fundraising page in Action Network `Args:` fundraising_page_id: The id of the fundraiser payload: dict The payload containing updated fundraising page details { "title": "My Free Fundraiser", "origin_system": "" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the fundraising page `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"fundraising_pages/{fundraising_page_id}", payload)
# Items
[docs] def get_items(self, list_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` list_id: The unique id of the list limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the list item entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"lists/{list_id}/items", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"lists/{list_id}/items", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_item(self, list_id, item_id): """ `Args:` list_id: The unique id of the list item_id: The unique id of the item `Returns:` A JSON with the item entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"lists/{list_id}/items/{item_id}")
# Lists
[docs] def get_lists(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the list entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("lists", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("lists", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_list(self, list_id): """ `Args:` list_id: The unique id of the list `Returns:` A JSON with the list entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"lists/{list_id}")
# Messages
[docs] def get_messages( self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None, unpack_statistics=False ): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. unpack_statistics: Whether to unpack the statistics dictionary into the table. Default to False. `Returns:` A Parsons Table with all the messages related entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("messages", page, per_page, filter) tbl = self._get_entry_list("messages", limit, per_page, filter) # Unpack statistics if unpack_statistics: tbl.unpack_dict("statistics", prepend=False, include_original=True) return tbl
[docs] def get_message(self, message_id): """ `Args:` message_id: The unique id of the message `Returns:` A JSON with the signature entry. `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"messages/{message_id}")
[docs] def create_message(self, payload): """ Create a message in Action Network `Args:` payload: dict The payload containing message details { "subject": "Stop doing the bad thing", "body": "<p>The mayor should stop doing the bad thing.</p>", "from": "Progressive Action Now", "reply_to": "", "targets": [ { "href": "" } ], "_links": { "osdi:wrapper": { "href": "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the message `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request("messages", payload)
[docs] def update_message(self, message_id, payload): """ Update a message in Action Network `Args:` message_id: The unique id of the message payload: dict The payload containing message details to be updated { "name": "Stop doing the bad thing email send 1", "subject": "Please! Stop doing the bad thing" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the message `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"messages/{message_id}", payload)
# Metadata
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ `Args:` None `Returns:` A JSON with the metadata entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request("metadata")
# Outreaches
[docs] def get_advocacy_campaign_outreaches( self, advocacy_campaign_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None ): """ `Args:` advocacy_campaign_id: The unique id of the advocacy_campaign limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the outreaches entries related to the advocacy_campaign_id `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page( f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}/outreaches", page, per_page, filter, ) return self._get_entry_list( f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}/outreaches", limit, per_page, filter, )
[docs] def get_person_outreaches(self, person_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the outreaches entries related to our group `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"people/{person_id}/outreaches", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"people/{person_id}/outreaches", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_advocacy_campaign_outreach(self, advocacy_campaign_id, outreach_id): """ `Args:` advocacy_campaign_id: The unique id of the campaign outreach_id: The unique id of the outreach `Returns:` A JSON with the outreach entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request( f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}/outreaches/{outreach_id}" )
[docs] def get_person_outreach(self, person_id, outreach_id): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the campaign outreach_id: The unique id of the outreach `Returns:` A JSON with the outreach entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"people/{person_id}/outreaches/{outreach_id}")
[docs] def create_outreach(self, advocacy_campaign_id, payload): """ Create an outreach in Action Network `Args:` advocacy_campaign_id: The unique id of the campaign payload: The payload containing outreach details { "targets": [ { "given_name": "Joe", "family_name": "Schmoe" } ], "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the creation of the outreach `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request( f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}/outreaches", payload )
[docs] def update_outreach(self, advocacy_campaign_id, outreach_id, payload): """ Update an outreach in Action Network `Args:` advocacy_campaign_id: The unique id of the campaign outreach_id: The unique id of the outreach payload: The payload containing outreach details to be updated { "subject": "Please vote no!" } `Returns:` A JSON response confirming the update of the outreach `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request( f"advocacy_campaigns/{advocacy_campaign_id}/outreaches/{outreach_id}", payload, )
# People
[docs] def get_people(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return filter The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A list of JSONs of people stored in Action Network. `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("people", page, per_page, filter=filter) return self._get_entry_list("people", limit, per_page, filter=filter)
[docs] def get_person(self, person_id): """ `Args:` person_id: Id of the person. `Returns:` A JSON of the entry. If the entry doesn't exist, Action Network returns ``{'error': 'Couldn't find person with id = <id>'}``. `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"people/{person_id}")
[docs] def upsert_person( self, email_address: Union[str, List[str], List[Dict[str, str]]] = None, given_name=None, family_name=None, tags=None, languages_spoken=None, postal_addresses=None, mobile_number=None, mobile_status: Literal["subscribed", "unsubscribed", None] = None, background_processing=False, **kwargs, ): """ Creates or updates a person record. In order to update an existing record instead of creating a new one, you must supply an email or mobile number which matches a record in the database. Identifiers are intentionally not included as an option on this method, because their use can cause buggy behavior if they are not globally unique. ActionNetwork support strongly encourages developers not to use custom identifiers. `Args:` email_address: Either email_address or mobile_number are required. Can be any of the following - a string with the person's email - a list of strings with a person's emails - a list of dictionaries with the following fields - address (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary email address - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" - "bouncing" - "previous bounce" - "spam complaint" - "previous spam complaint" given_name: The person's given name family_name: The person's family name tags: Optional field. A list of strings of pre-existing tags to be applied to the person. languages_spoken: Optional field. A list of strings of the languages spoken by the person postal_addresses: Optional field. A list of dictionaries. For details, see Action Network's documentation: mobile_number: Either email_address or mobile_number are required. Can be any of the following - a string with the person's cell phone number - an integer with the person's cell phone number - a list of strings with the person's cell phone numbers - a list of integers with the person's cell phone numbers - a dictionary with the following fields - number (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary mobile number - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" mobile_status: None, 'subscribed' or 'unsubscribed'. If included, will update the SMS opt-in status of the phone in ActionNetwork. If not included, won't update the status. None by default, causes no updates to mobile number status. New numbers are set to "unsubscribed" by default. background_request: bool If set `true`, utilize ActionNetwork's "background processing". This will return an immediate success, with an empty JSON body, and send your request to the background queue for eventual processing. **kwargs: Any additional fields to store about the person. Action Network allows any custom field. Adds a person to Action Network `Documentation Reference`: """ email_addresses_field = None if isinstance(email_address, str): email_addresses_field = [{"address": email_address}] elif isinstance(email_address, list): if isinstance(email_address[0], str): email_addresses_field = [{"address": email} for email in email_address] email_addresses_field[0]["primary"] = True if isinstance(email_address[0], dict): email_addresses_field = email_address else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected type for email_address. Got {type(email_address)}, " "expected str or list." ) mobile_numbers_field = None if isinstance(mobile_number, str): mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": re.sub("[^0-9]", "", mobile_number)}] elif isinstance(mobile_number, int): mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": str(mobile_number)}] elif isinstance(mobile_number, list): if len(mobile_number) > 1: raise ("Action Network allows only 1 phone number per activist") if isinstance(mobile_number[0], list): mobile_numbers_field = [ {"number": re.sub("[^0-9]", "", cell)} for cell in mobile_number ] mobile_numbers_field[0]["primary"] = True if isinstance(mobile_number[0], int): mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": cell} for cell in mobile_number] mobile_numbers_field[0]["primary"] = True # Including status in this field changes the opt-in status in # ActionNetwork. This is not always desireable, so we should # only do so when a status is included. if mobile_status and mobile_numbers_field: for field in mobile_numbers_field: field["status"] = mobile_status # If the mobile_number field is passed a list of dictionaries, just use that directly if mobile_number and isinstance(mobile_number, list) and isinstance(mobile_number[0], dict): mobile_numbers_field = mobile_number if not email_addresses_field and not mobile_numbers_field: raise ( "Either email_address or mobile_number is required and can be formatted " "as a string, list of strings, a dictionary, a list of dictionaries, or " "(for mobile_number only) an integer or list of integers" ) data = {"person": {}} if email_addresses_field is not None: data["person"]["email_addresses"] = email_addresses_field if mobile_numbers_field is not None: data["person"]["phone_numbers"] = mobile_numbers_field if given_name is not None: data["person"]["given_name"] = given_name if family_name is not None: data["person"]["family_name"] = family_name if languages_spoken is not None: data["person"]["languages_spoken"] = languages_spoken if postal_addresses is not None: data["person"]["postal_addresses"] = postal_addresses if tags is not None: data["add_tags"] = tags data["person"]["custom_fields"] = {**kwargs} url = f"{self.api_url}/people" if background_processing: url = f"{url}?background_processing=true" response = self.api.post_request(url, data=json.dumps(data)) identifiers = response["identifiers"] person_id = [ entry_id.split(":")[1] for entry_id in identifiers if "action_network:" in entry_id ] if not person_id: logger.error(f"Response gave no valid person_id: {identifiers}") else: person_id = person_id[0] if response["created_date"] == response["modified_date"]:"Entry {person_id} successfully added.") else:"Entry {person_id} successfully updated.") return response
[docs] def add_person( self, email_address=None, given_name=None, family_name=None, tags=None, languages_spoken=None, postal_addresses=None, mobile_number=None, mobile_status="subscribed", **kwargs, ): """ Creates a person in the database. WARNING: this endpoint has been deprecated in favor of upsert_person. """ logger.warning("Method 'add_person' has been deprecated. Please use 'upsert_person'.") # Pass inputs to preferred method: self.upsert_person( email_address=email_address, given_name=given_name, family_name=family_name, languages_spoken=languages_spoken, postal_addresses=postal_addresses, mobile_number=mobile_number, mobile_status=mobile_status, **kwargs, )
[docs] def update_person(self, entry_id, background_processing=False, **kwargs): """ Updates a person's data in Action Network, given their Action Network ID. Note that you can't alter a person's tags with this method. Instead, use upsert_person. `Args:` entry_id: The person's Action Network id background_processing: bool If set `true`, utilize ActionNetwork's "background processing". This will return an immediate success, with an empty JSON body, and send your request to the background queue for eventual processing. **kwargs: Fields to be updated. The possible fields are email_address: Can be any of the following - a string with the person's email - a dictionary with the following fields - email_address (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary email address - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" - "bouncing" - "previous bounce" - "spam complaint" - "previous spam complaint" given_name: The person's given name family_name: The person's family name languages_spoken: Optional field. A list of strings of the languages spoken by the person postal_addresses: Optional field. A list of dictionaries. For details, see Action Network's documentation: custom_fields: A dictionary of any other fields to store about the person. `Documentation Reference`: """ data = {**kwargs} url = f"{self.api_url}/people/{entry_id}" if background_processing: url = f"{url}?background_processing=true" response = self.api.put_request( url=url, data=json.dumps(data), success_codes=[204, 201, 200], )"Person {entry_id} successfully updated") return response
# Petitions
[docs] def get_petitions(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all of the petitions entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("petitions", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("petitions", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_petition(self, petition_id): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition `Returns:` A JSON with the petition entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"petitions/{petition_id}")
[docs] def create_petition( self, title, description, petition_text, target, background_processing=False ): """ `Args:` title: The title of the petition description: The description of the petition petition_text: The text of the petition target: The target of the petition background_processing: Whether to process the request in the background `Returns:` A JSON with the response from the API `Documentation Reference`: """ data = { "title": title, "description": description, "petition_text": petition_text, "target": target, } url = f"{self.api_url}/petitions" if background_processing: url = f"{url}?background_processing={background_processing}" response = self.api.post_request( url=url, data=json.dumps(data), )"Petition {title} successfully created") return response
[docs] def update_petition( self, petition_id, title, description, petition_text, target, background_processing=False, ): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition to be updated title: The updated title of the petition description: The updated description of the petition petition_text: The updated text of the petition target: The updated target of the petition background_processing: Whether to process the request in the background `Returns:` A JSON with the response from the API `Documentation Reference`: """ data = { "title": title, "description": description, "petition_text": petition_text, "target": target, } url = f"{self.api_url}/petitions/{petition_id}" if background_processing: url = f"{url}?background_processing={background_processing}" response = self.api.put_request( url=url, data=json.dumps(data), )"Petition {title} successfully updated") return response
# Queries
[docs] def get_queries(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the query entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("queries", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("queries", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_query(self, query_id): """ `Args:` query_id: The unique id of the query `Returns:` A JSON with the query entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"queries/{query_id}")
# Signatures
[docs] def get_petition_signatures(self, petition_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the signatures related to the petition entry `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"petitions/{petition_id}/signatures", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"petitions/{petition_id}/signatures", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_person_signatures(self, person_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the signatures related to the petition entry `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"people/{person_id}/signatures", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"people/{person_id}/signatures", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_petition_signature(self, petition_id, signature_id): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition signature_id: The unique id of the signature `Returns:` A JSON with the signature entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"petitions/{petition_id}/signatures/{signature_id}")
[docs] def get_person_signature(self, person_id, signature_id): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person signature_id: The unique id of the signature `Returns:` A JSON with the signature entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"people/{person_id}/signatures/{signature_id}")
[docs] def create_signature(self, petition_id, data): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition data: The payload for creating the signature { "comments" : "Stop doing the thing", "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON with the created signature entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request(f"petitions/{petition_id}/signatures", data)
[docs] def update_signature(self, petition_id, signature_id, data): """ `Args:` petition_id: The unique id of the petition signature_id: The unique id of the signature data: The signature payload to update { "comments": "Some new comments" } `Returns:` A JSON with the updated signature entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request(f"petitions/{petition_id}/signatures/{signature_id}", data)
# Submissions
[docs] def get_form_submissions(self, form_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the submissions entries related to the form `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"forms/{form_id}/submissions", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"forms/{form_id}/submissions", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_person_submissions(self, person_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the person limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the submissions entries related with our group `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"people/{person_id}/submissions", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"people/{person_id}/submissions", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_form_submission(self, form_id, submission_id): """ `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form submission_id: The unique id of the submission `Returns:` A JSON with the submission entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"forms/{form_id}/submissions/{submission_id}")
[docs] def get_person_submission(self, person_id, submission_id): """ `Args:` person_id: The unique id of the submission submission_id: The unique id of the submission `Returns:` A JSON with the submission entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"people/{person_id}/submissions/{submission_id}")
[docs] def create_submission(self, form_id, person_id): """ `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form person_id: The unique id of the person `Returns:` A JSON response indicating the success or failure of the submission creation `Documentation Reference`: """ payload = { "_links": { "osdi:person": {"href": f"{person_id}"} } } return self.api.post_request(f"forms/{form_id}/submissions", data=json.dumps(payload))
[docs] def update_submission(self, form_id, submission_id, data): """ `Args:` form_id: The unique id of the form submission_id: The unique id of the submission data: The payload for updating the submission { "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON with the updated submission entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.put_request( f"forms/{form_id}/submissions/{submission_id}", data=json.dumps(data) )
# Tags
[docs] def get_tags(self, limit=None, per_page=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: This is a deprecated argument. `Returns:` A list of JSONs of tags in Action Network. `Documentation Reference`: """ if per_page: warnings.warn( "per_page is a deprecated argument on get_tags()", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._get_entry_list("tags", limit)
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag_id): """ `Args:` tag_id: Id of the tag. `Returns:` A JSON of the entry. If the entry doesn't exist, Action Network returns "{'error': 'Couldn't find tag with id = <id>'}" `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"tags/{tag_id}")
[docs] def add_tag(self, name): """ `Args:` name: The tag's name. This is the ONLY editable field Adds a tag to Action Network. Once created, tags CANNOT be edited or deleted. `Documentation Reference`: """ data = {"name": name} response = self.api.post_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/tags", data=json.dumps(data)) identifiers = response["identifiers"] person_id = [ entry_id.split(":")[1] for entry_id in identifiers if "action_network:" in entry_id ][0]"Tag {person_id} successfully added to tags.") return response
# Taggings
[docs] def get_taggings(self, tag_id, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` tag_id: The unique id of the tag limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the tagging entries associated with the tag_id `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page(f"tags/{tag_id}/taggings", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list(f"tags/{tag_id}/taggings", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_tagging(self, tag_id, tagging_id): """ `Args:` tag_id: The unique id of the tag tagging_id: The unique id of the tagging `Returns:` A JSON with the tagging entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"tags/{tag_id}/taggings/{tagging_id}")
[docs] def create_tagging(self, tag_id, payload): """ `Args:` tag_id: The unique id of the tag payload: The payload for creating the tagging { "_links" : { "osdi:person" : { "href" : "" } } } `Returns:` A JSON response after creating the tagging `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request(f"tags/{tag_id}/taggings", data=json.dumps(payload))
[docs] def delete_tagging(self, tag_id, tagging_id): """ `Args:` tag_id: The unique id of the tag tagging_id: The unique id of the tagging to be deleted `Returns:` A JSON response after deleting the tagging `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.delete_request(f"tags/{tag_id}/taggings/{tagging_id}")
# Wrappers
[docs] def get_wrappers(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page: The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page: Which page of results to return filter: The OData query for filtering results. E.g. "modified_date gt '2014-03-25'". When None, no filter is applied. `Returns:` A JSON with all the wrapper entries `Documentation Reference`: """ if page: return self._get_page("wrappers", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("wrappers", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_wrapper(self, wrapper_id): """ `Args:` wrapper_id: The unique id of the wrapper tagging_id: The unique id of the tagging `Returns:` A JSON with the wrapper entry `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"wrappers/{wrapper_id}")
# Unique ID Lists
[docs] def get_unique_id_lists(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None, filter=None): """ Args: limit: The maximum number of unique ID lists to return. When None, returns all unique ID lists. per_page: The number of unique ID lists to return per page. Default is 25. page: The specific page of unique ID lists to return. filter: The filter criteria to apply when retrieving unique ID lists. Returns: A JSON response with the unique ID lists. Documentation Reference: """ if page: return self._get_page("unique_id_lists", page, per_page, filter) return self._get_entry_list("unique_id_lists", limit, per_page, filter)
[docs] def get_unique_id_list(self, unique_id_list_id): """ `Args:` unique_id_list_id: The unique id of the unique ID list `Returns:` A JSON response with the unique ID list details `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.get_request(f"unique_id_lists/{unique_id_list_id}")
[docs] def create_unique_id_list(self, list_name, unique_ids): """ `Args:` list_name: The name for the new list unique_ids: An array of unique IDs to upload `Returns:` A JSON response with the unique ID list details `Documentation Reference`: """ return self.api.post_request( "unique_id_lists", data=json.dumps({"name": list_name, "unique_ids": unique_ids}), )