Blob Storage
Azure Blob Storage is a cloud file storage system. It uses storage accounts to organize containers (similar to “buckets” for other storage providers) in which to store arbitrary files referred to as blobs.
This connector currently only implements block blobs and not page or append blobs.
You’ll need credentials for an Azure Blob Storage storage account to use this connector. The azure-storage-blob
library is used for this connector, and examples of how to create and use multiple types of credentials
are included in the documentation.
List containers and blobs
from parsons import AzureBlobStorage
azure_blob = AzureBlobStorage()
# Get all container names for a storage account
container_names = azure_blob.list_containers()
# Get all blob names for a storage account and container
blob_names = azure_blob.list_blobs(container_names[0])
Create a blob from a file or ``Table``
from parsons import AzureBlobStorage, Table
azure_blob = AzureBlobStorage()
container_name = 'testcontainer'
# Upload a CSV file from a local file path and set the content type
azure_blob.put_blob(container_name, 'test1.csv', './test1.csv', content_type='text/csv')
# Create a Table and upload it as a JSON blob
table = Table([{'first': 'Test', 'last': 'Person'}])
azure_blob.upload_table(table, container_name, 'test2.json', data_type='json')
Download a blob
from parsons import AzureBlobStorage
azure_blob = AzureBlobStorage()
container_name = 'testcontainer'
# Download to a temporary file path
temp_file_path = azure_blob.download_blob(container_name, 'test.csv')
# Download to a specific file path
azure_blob.download_blob(container_name, 'test.csv', local_path='/tmp/test.csv')