NGPVAN ====== ******** Overview ******** The VAN module leverages the VAN API and generally follows the naming convention of their API endpoints. It is recommended that you reference their `API documentation `_ for additional details and information. .. note:: API Keys - API Keys are specific to each committee and state. - There is a Parsons type API Key that can be requested via the Integrations menu on the main page. If you have an issue gaining access to this key, or an admin has questions, please email . .. warning:: VANIDs VANIDs are unique to each state and instance of the VAN. VANIDs used for the AV VAN **will not** match those of the SmartVAN or VoteBuilder. Maintenance & Suppoort VAN/EveryAction is not responsible for support of Parsons. Their support team cannot answer questions about Parsons. Please direct any questions .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 ********** QuickStart ********** To call the VAN class you can either store the api key as an environmental variable VAN_API_KEY or pass it in as an argument. .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # Specify the DB type and pass api key via environmental variable. van = VAN(api_key='asdfa-sdfadsf-adsfasdf',db='MyVoters') # Pass api key directly You can then call various endpoints: .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # List events with a date filter events = van.get_events(starting_before='2018-02-01') # List all folders shared with API Key User folders = van.get_folders() # Return to a Redshift database saved_lists = van.get_saved_lists().to_redshift('van.my_saved_lists') This a is just a small sampling of all of the VAN endpoints that you can leverage. We recommend reviewing the documentation for all functions. **************** Common Workflows **************** =========== Bulk Import =========== For some methods, VAN allows you to bulk import multiple records to create or modify them. The bulk upload endpoint requires access to files on the public internet as it runs the upload asynchronously. Therefore, in order to bulk import, you must pass in cloud storage credentials (either AWS S3 or Google Cloud Storage) so that the file can be posted. **Bulk Apply Activist Codes** In this example we are applying activist codes to a list of contacts. The csv file would have the following columns: * ``vanid`` * ``activistcodeid`` .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN, Table van = VAN(db='EveryAction') # Load a table containing the VANID, activistcodeid and other options. tbl = Table.from_csv('new_volunteers.csv') # Table will be sent to S3 bucket and a POST request will be made to VAN creating # the bulk import job with all of the valid meta information. The method will # return the job id. job_id = van.bulk_apply_activist_codes(tbl, url_type="S3", bucket='my_bucket') # The bulk import job is run asynchronously, so you may poll the status of a job. job_status = van.get_bulk_import_job(job_id) ** Bulk Upsert Contacts** In this example we are creating and updating emails and addresses. The csv file would have the following columns: * ``vanid`` * ``first_name`` * ``last_name`` * ``address`` * ``city`` * ``state`` * ``zip`` * ``email`` Note that ``vanid`` must be the first column in your table. For additional fields, see the :func:`~parsons.ngpvan.van.BulkImport.bulk_upsert_contacts` documentation. If a record contains a null value, it will not be updated. If the VANID record is null, then a new record will be created. .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN, Table van = VAN(db=EveryAction) # Load a table containing VANID and PII columns tbl = Table.from_csv('hot_leads.csv') # Table will be sent to S3 bucket and a POST request will be made to VAN creating # the bulk import job with all of the valid meta information. The method will # return the job id. job_id = van.bulk_upsert_contacts(tbl, url_type="S3", bucket='my_bucket') # The bulk import job is run asynchronously, so you may poll the status of a job. job_status = van.get_bulk_import_job(job_id) # When the job is complete, get the results of the job. This file will include newly # created vanids. job_results = van.get_bulk_import_job_results(job_id) **Upload Saved List** .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN, Table van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # Load a table containing VANIDs tbl = Table.from_csv('gcs_test.csv') # The destination folder id. You can get a list of folder ids by running the # VAN.get_folders() method. Remember to share the folder with your API user # or you will not be able to access it. folder_id = 1171 # The destination list name list_name = 'My Winning List v1.0' # The cloud storage service and kwargs specific to GCS. url_type = 'GCS' bucket_name = 'my_bucket' app_creds = 'my_creds.json' # Not required if stored as env variable. van.upload_saved_list(tbl, list_name, folder_id, url_type, replace=true, bucket_name=bucket_name, app_creds=app_creds) ============================ Scores: Loading and Updating ============================ Loading a score is a multi-step process. Once a score is set to approved, loading takes place overnight. **Standard Auto Approve Load** .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN, Table van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # API key stored as an environmental variable # If you don't know the id, you can run van.get_scores() to list the # slots that are available and their associated score ids. score_id = 9999 # Load the Parsons table with the scores. The first column of the table # must be the person id (e.g. VANID). You could create this from Redshift or # another source. tbl = Table.from_csv('winning_scores.csv') # Specify the score id slot and the column name for each score. config = [{'score_id': score_id, 'score_column': 'winning_model'}] # If you have multiple models in the same file, you can load them all at the same time. # In fact, VAN recommends that you do so to reduce their server loads. config = [{'score_id': 5555, 'score_column': 'score1'}, {'score_id': 5556, 'score_column': 'score2'}] # The score file must posted to the internet. This configuration uses S3 to do so. In this # example, your S3 keys are stored as environmental variables. If not, you can pass them # as arguments. job_id = van.upload_scores(tbl, config, url_type='S3', email='', bucket='tmc-fake') **Standard Load Requiring Approval** .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN van = VAN(db='MyVoters') # API key stored as an environmental variable config = [{'score_id': 3421, 'score_column': 'winning_model'}] # Note that auto_approve is set to False. This means that you need to manually approve # the job once it is loaded. job_id = van.upload_scores(tbl, config, url_type='S3', email='', bucket='tmc-fake', auto_approve=False) # Approve the job van.update_score_status(job_id,'approved') =========================== People: Add Survey Response =========================== The following workflow can be used to apply survey questions, activist codes and canvass responses. .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN # Instantiate Class van = VAN(db="MyVoters") van_id = 13242 sq = 311838 # Valid survey question id sr = 1288926 # Valid survey response id ct = 36 # Valid contact type id it = 4 # Valid input type id # Create a valid survey question response van.apply_survey_response(vanid, sq, sr, contact_type_id=ct, input_type_id=it) ============================= Event: Creating and Modifying ============================= Events are made up of sub objects that need to exist to create an event * Event Object - The event itself * Event Type - The type of event, such as a `Canvass` or `Phone Bank`. These are created in the VAN UI and can be reused for multiple events. * Locations - An event can have multiple locations. While not required to initially create an event, these are required to add signups to an event. * Roles - The various roles that a person can have at an event, such as ``Lead`` or ``Canvasser``. These are set as part of the event type. * Shifts - Each event can have multiple shits in which a person can be assigned. These are specified in the event creation. .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN # Instantiate class van = VAN(db="EveryAction") # Create A Location loc_id = van.location(name='Big `Ol Canvass', address='100 W Washington', city='Chicago', state='IL') # Create Event name = 'GOTV Canvass' # Name of event short_name = 'GOTVCan' # Short name of event, 12 chars or less start_time = '2018-11-01T15:00:00' # ISO formatted date end_time = '2018-11-01T18:00:00' # ISO formatted date after start time event_type_id = 296199 # A valid event type id roles = [259236] # A list of valid role ids location_ids = [loc_id] # An optional list of locations ids for the event description = 'CPD Super Volunteers Canvass' # Optional description of 200 chars or less shifts = [{'name': 'Shift 1', 'start_time': '2018-11-01T15:00:00', 'end_time': '2018-11-11T17:00:00'}] # Shifts must fall within event start/end time. new_event = van.event_create(name, short_name, start_time, end_time, event_type_id, roles, location_ids=location_ids, shifts=shifts, description=description) ============================ Signup: Adding and Modifying ============================ .. code-block:: python from parsons import VAN # Instantiate class van = VAN(db="EveryAction") # Create a new signup vanid = 100349920 event_id = 750001004 shift_id = 19076 role_id = 263920 location_id = 3 role_id = 263920 status_id = 11 # Create the signup. Will return a signup id signup_id = van.signup_create(vanid, event_id, shift_id, role_id, status_id, location_id # Modify a status of the signup new_status_id = 6 van.signup_update(signup_id, status_id=new_status_id) *** API *** ====== People ====== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.People :inherited-members: ============== Activist Codes ============== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.ActivistCodes :inherited-members: =========== Bulk Import =========== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.BulkImport :inherited-members: ================= Canvass Responses ================= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.CanvassResponses :inherited-members: ================ Changed Entities ================ .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.ChangedEntities :inherited-members: ===== Codes ===== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Codes :inherited-members: ============= Custom Fields ============= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.CustomFields :inherited-members: ====== Events ====== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Events :inherited-members: =========== Export Jobs =========== .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.ExportJobs :inherited-members: ================= File Loading Jobs ================= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.FileLoadingJobs :inherited-members: ======= Folders ======= .. note:: A folder must be shared with the user associated with your API key to be listed. .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Folders :inherited-members: ========= Locations ========= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Locations :inherited-members: =========== Saved Lists =========== .. note:: A saved list must be shared with the user associated with your API key to be listed. .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.SavedLists :inherited-members: ====== Scores ====== Prior to loading a score for the first time, you must contact VAN support to request a score slot. .. note:: Score Auto Approval Scores can be automatically set to ``approved`` through the :meth:`VAN.upload_scores` method allowing you to skip calling :meth:`VAN.update_score_status`, if the average of the scores is within the fault tolerance specified by the user. It is only available to API keys with permission to automatically approve scores. .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Scores :inherited-members: ======= Signups ======= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Signups :inherited-members: ================ Supporter Groups ================ .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.SupporterGroups :inherited-members: ================ Survey Questions ================ .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.SurveyQuestions :inherited-members: ======= Targets ======= .. autoclass:: parsons.ngpvan.van.Targets :inherited-members: