========== ******** Overview ******** ` `_ is an online billing and invoicing tool. This class contains methods to: - Get lists of customers, users, and invoices - Read, create, and send invoices - Read, create, and get customers - Check whether two customers are the same For more information, see ` developer docs `_ .. note:: Authentication To instantiate the ``BillCom`` class, you must provide the username and password you used to sign up for, and the Organization ID and Dev Key you received when API access was granted. *********** Quick Start *********** Your Username, Password, Organization ID, and Dev Key must be provided as arguments. .. code-block:: python from parsons import BillCom bc = BillCom(username='my_username', password='my_password', org_id='my_org_id', dev_key='my_dev_key', api_url='') # List all Customers currently in the system all_contacts = bc.get_customer_list() # Create a new customer customer_data = { "contactFirstName": "Contact First Name", } bc.create_customer('Customer Name', '', customer_data) *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.BillCom :inherited-members: