Source code for parsons.action_network.action_network

import json
from parsons import Table
import re
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

API_URL = ''

[docs]class ActionNetwork(object): """ `Args:` api_token: str The OSDI API token """ def __init__(self, api_token=None): self.api_token = check_env.check('AN_API_TOKEN', api_token) self.headers = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "OSDI-API-Token": self.api_token } self.api_url = API_URL self.api = APIConnector(self.api_url, headers=self.headers) def _get_page(self, object_name, page, per_page=25): # returns data from one page of results if per_page > 25: per_page = 25"Action Network's API will not return more than 25 entries per page. \ Changing per_page parameter to 25.") page_url = f"{object_name}?page={page}&per_page={per_page}" return self.api.get_request(url=page_url) def _get_entry_list(self, object_name, limit=None, per_page=25): # returns a list of entries for a given object, such as people, tags, or actions count = 0 page = 1 return_list = [] while True: response = self._get_page(object_name, page, per_page) page = page + 1 response_list = response['_embedded'][f"osdi:{object_name}"] if not response_list: return Table(return_list) return_list.extend(response_list) count = count + len(response_list) if limit: if count >= limit: return Table(return_list[0:limit])
[docs] def get_people(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return `Returns:` A list of JSONs of people stored in Action Network. """ if page: self._get_page("people", page, per_page) return self._get_entry_list("people", limit, per_page)
[docs] def get_person(self, person_id): """ `Args:` person_id: Id of the person. `Returns:` A JSON of the entry. If the entry doesn't exist, Action Network returns ``{'error': 'Couldn't find person with id = <id>'}``. """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"people/{person_id}")
[docs] def add_person(self, email_address=None, given_name=None, family_name=None, tags=None, languages_spoken=None, postal_addresses=None, mobile_number=None, mobile_status='subscribed', **kwargs): """ `Args:` email_address: Either email_address or mobile_number are required. Can be any of the following - a string with the person's email - a list of strings with a person's emails - a dictionary with the following fields - email_address (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary email address - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" - "bouncing" - "previous bounce" - "spam complaint" - "previous spam complaint" given_name: The person's given name family_name: The person's family name tags: Any tags to be applied to the person languages_spoken: Optional field. A list of strings of the languages spoken by the person postal_addresses: Optional field. A list of dictionaries. For details, see Action Network's documentation: mobile_number: Either email_address or mobile_number are required. Can be any of the following - a string with the person's cell phone number - an integer with the person's cell phone number - a list of strings with the person's cell phone numbers - a list of integers with the person's cell phone numbers - a dictionary with the following fields - number (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary mobile number - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" mobile_status: 'subscribed' or 'unsubscribed' **kwargs: Any additional fields to store about the person. Action Network allows any custom field. Adds a person to Action Network """ email_addresses_field = None if type(email_address) == str: email_addresses_field = [{"address": email_address}] elif type(email_address) == list: if type(email_address[0]) == str: email_addresses_field = [{"address": email} for email in email_address] email_addresses_field[0]['primary'] = True if type(email_address[0]) == dict: email_addresses_field = email_address mobile_numbers_field = None if type(mobile_number) == str: mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": re.sub('[^0-9]', "", mobile_number), "status": mobile_status}] elif type(mobile_number) == int: mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": str(mobile_number), "status": mobile_status}] elif type(mobile_number) == list: if len(mobile_number) > 1: raise('Action Network allows only 1 phone number per activist') if type(mobile_number[0]) == str: mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": re.sub('[^0-9]', "", cell), "status": mobile_status} for cell in mobile_number] mobile_numbers_field[0]['primary'] = True if type(mobile_number[0]) == int: mobile_numbers_field = [{"number": cell, "status": mobile_status} for cell in mobile_number] mobile_numbers_field[0]['primary'] = True if type(mobile_number[0]) == dict: mobile_numbers_field = mobile_number if not email_addresses_field and not mobile_numbers_field: raise("Either email_address or mobile_number is required and can be formatted " "as a string, list of strings, a dictionary, a list of dictionaries, or " "(for mobile_number only) an integer or list of integers") data = {"person": {}} if email_addresses_field is not None: data["person"]["email_addresses"] = email_addresses_field if mobile_numbers_field is not None: data["person"]["phone_numbers"] = mobile_numbers_field if given_name is not None: data["person"]["given_name"] = given_name if family_name is not None: data["person"]["family_name"] = family_name if languages_spoken is not None: data["person"]["languages_spoken"] = languages_spoken if postal_addresses is not None: data["person"]["postal_address"] = postal_addresses if tags is not None: data["add_tags"] = tags data["person"]["custom_fields"] = {**kwargs} response = self.api.post_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/people", data=json.dumps(data)) identifiers = response['identifiers'] person_id = [entry_id.split(':')[1] for entry_id in identifiers if 'action_network:' in entry_id][0]"Entry {person_id} successfully added to people.") return response
[docs] def update_person(self, entry_id, **kwargs): """ `Args:` entry_id: The person's Action Network id **kwargs: Fields to be updated. The possible fields are email_address: Can be any of the following - a string with the person's email - a dictionary with the following fields - email_address (REQUIRED) - primary (OPTIONAL): Boolean indicating the user's primary email address - status (OPTIONAL): can taken on any of these values - "subscribed" - "unsubscribed" - "bouncing" - "previous bounce" - "spam complaint" - "previous spam complaint" given_name: The person's given name family_name: The person's family name tags: Any tags to be applied to the person languages_spoken: Optional field. A list of strings of the languages spoken by the person postal_addresses: Optional field. A list of dictionaries. For details, see Action Network's documentation: custom_fields: A dictionary of any other fields to store about the person. Updates a person's data in Action Network """ data = {**kwargs} response = self.api.put_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/people/{entry_id}", json=json.dumps(data), success_codes=[204, 201, 200])"Person {entry_id} successfully updated") return response
[docs] def get_tags(self, limit=None, per_page=25, page=None): """ `Args:` limit: The number of entries to return. When None, returns all entries. per_page The number of entries per page to return. 25 maximum. page Which page of results to return `Returns:` A list of JSONs of tags in Action Network. """ if page: self.get_page("tags", page, per_page) return self._get_entry_list("tags", limit, per_page)
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag_id): """ `Args:` tag_id: Id of the tag. `Returns:` A JSON of the entry. If the entry doesn't exist, Action Network returns "{'error': 'Couldn't find tag with id = <id>'}" """ return self.api.get_request(url=f"tags/{tag_id}")
[docs] def add_tag(self, name): """ `Args:` name: The tag's name. This is the ONLY editable field Adds a tag to Action Network. Once created, tags CANNOT be edited or deleted. """ data = { "name": name } response = self.api.post_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/tags", data=json.dumps(data)) identifiers = response['identifiers'] person_id = [entry_id.split(':')[1] for entry_id in identifiers if 'action_network:' in entry_id][0]"Tag {person_id} successfully added to tags.") return response
[docs] def create_event(self, title, start_date=None, location=None): """ Create an event in Action Network `Args:` title: str The public title of the event start_date: str OR datetime OPTIONAL: The starting date & time. If a string, use format "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" (hint: the default format you get when you use `str()` on a datetime) location: dict OPTIONAL: A dict of location details. Can include any combination of the types of values in the following example: .. code-block:: python my_location = { "venue": "White House", "address_lines": [ "1600 Pennsylvania Ave" ], "locality": "Washington", "region": "DC", "postal_code": "20009", "country": "US" } `Returns:` Dict of Action Network Event data. """ data = { "title": title } if start_date: start_date = str(start_date) data["start_date"] = start_date if isinstance(location, dict): data["location"] = location event_dict = self.api.post_request(url=f"{self.api_url}/events", data=json.dumps(data)) an_event_id = event_dict["_links"]["self"]["href"].split('/')[-1] event_dict["event_id"] = an_event_id return event_dict