Databases ========= ******** Overview ******** Parsons offers support for a variety of popular SQL database dialects. The functionality is focused on the ability to query and upload data to SQL databases. Each database class also includes the ability to infer datatypes and data schemas from a Parsons table and automatically create new tables. Similar to other classes in Parsons, the query methods for databases all return :ref:`parsons-table`, which allow them to be easily converted to other data types. There is also support for synchronization of tables between databases as part of the :doc:`dbsync` framework. *************** Google BigQuery *************** See :doc:`google` for documentation. ***** MySQL ***** .. _my-sql: MySQL is the world's most popular open source database. The Parsons class leverages on the `MySQLdb1 `_ python package. =========== Quick Start =========== **Authentication** .. code-block:: python from parsons import MySQL # Instantiate MySQL from environmental variables mysql = MySQL() # Instantiate MySQL from passed variables mysql = MySQL(username='me', password='secret', host='', db='dev', port=3306) **Quick Start** .. code-block:: python # Query database tbl = mysql.query('select * from my_schema.secret_sauce') # Copy data to database tbl = Table.from_csv('my_file.csv') # Load from a CSV or other source. mysql.copy(tbl, 'my_schema.winning_formula') .. autoclass:: parsons.MySQL :inherited-members: .. _postgres: ******** Postgres ******** Postgres is popular open source SQL database dialect. The Parsons class leverages the `mysql `_ python package. =========== Quick Start =========== **Authentication** .. code-block:: python from parsons import Postgres # Instantiate Postgres from environmental variables mysql = Postgres() # Instantiate Postgres from passed variables Postgres = Postgres(username='me', password='secret', host='', db='dev', port=3306) # Instantiate Postgres from a ~/.pgpass file Postgres = Postgres() **Quick Start** .. code-block:: python # Query database tbl = postgres.query('select * from my_schema.secret_sauce') # Copy data to database tbl = Table.from_csv('my_file.csv') # Load from a CSV or other source. postgres.copy(tbl, 'my_schema.winning_formula') .. autoclass:: parsons.Postgres :inherited-members: ******** Redshift ******** See :ref:`Redshift ` for documentation.