FacebookAds =========== ******** Overview ******** The FacebookAds class allows you to interact with parts of the Facebook Business API. Facebook's advertising and Pages systems are massive, so check out the overviews to get oriented: * `Facebook Business Overview `_ * `Facebook Custom Audiences `_ * `Facebook Marketing API `_ Before using FacebookAds, you'll need to have the following: * A FB application, specifically the app ID and secret. See ``_ to find your app details or create a new app. (Note that a Facebook app isn't necessarily visible to anyone but you. It's just needed to interact with the FB API.) * A FB ad account. See ``_ to find your ad accounts or create one. * A FB access token representing a user that has access to the relevant ad account. You can generate an access token from your app, either via the Facebook API itself, or via console at ``_. In order to instantiate the class, you must pass valid Facebook credentials as kwargs or via the env vars: * ``FB_APP_ID`` * ``FB_APP_SECRET`` * ``FB_ACCESS_TOKEN`` * ``FB_AD_ACCOUNT_ID`` *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.FacebookAds :inherited-members: :members: