Source code for parsons.sftp.sftp

from contextlib import contextmanager
import paramiko

from parsons.utilities import files
from parsons.etl import Table

[docs]class SFTP(object): """ Instantiate SFTP Class `Args:` host: str The host name username: str The user name password: str The password rsa_private_key_file str Absolute path to a private RSA key used to authenticate stfp connection port: int Specify if different than the standard port 22 `Returns:` SFTP Class """ def __init__(self, host, username, password, port=22, rsa_private_key_file=None): = host if not raise ValueError("Missing the SFTP host name") self.username = username if not self.username: raise ValueError("Missing the SFTP username") if not (password or rsa_private_key_file): raise ValueError("Missing password or ssh authentication key") self.password = password self.rsa_private_key_file = rsa_private_key_file self.port = port
[docs] @contextmanager def create_connection(self): """ Create an SFTP connection. You can then utilize this in a ``with`` block and it will close the connection when it is out of scope. You should use this when you wish to batch multiple methods using a single connection. .. code-block:: python import SFTP sftp = SFTP() connection = sftp.create_connection() with connection as conn: sftp.make_directory('my_dir', connection=conn) sftp.put_file('my_csv.csv', connection=conn) Returns: SFTP Connection object """ transport = paramiko.Transport((, self.port)) pkey = None if self.rsa_private_key_file: # we need to read it in pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(self.rsa_private_key_file) transport.connect(username=self.username, password=self.password, pkey=pkey) conn = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(transport) yield conn conn.close() transport.close()
[docs] def list_directory(self, remote_path='.', connection=None): """ List the contents of a directory `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the directory connection: obj An SFTP connection object `Returns:` list """ if connection: return connection.listdir(path=remote_path) else: with self.create_connection() as connection: return connection.listdir(path=remote_path)
[docs] def make_directory(self, remote_path, connection=None): """ Makes a new directory on the SFTP server `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the directory connection: obj An SFTP connection object """ if connection: connection.mkdir(remote_path) else: with self.create_connection() as connection: connection.mkdir(remote_path)
[docs] def remove_directory(self, remote_path, connection=None): """ Remove a directory from the SFTP server `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the directory connection: obj An SFTP connection object """ if connection: connection.rmdir(remote_path) else: with self.create_connection() as connection: connection.rmdir(remote_path)
[docs] def get_file(self, remote_path, local_path=None, connection=None): """ Download a file from the SFTP server `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the file to download local_path: str The local path where the file will be downloaded. If not specified, a temporary file will be created and returned, and that file will be removed automatically when the script is done running. connection: obj An SFTP connection object `Returns:` str The path of the local file """ if not local_path: local_path = files.create_temp_file_for_path(remote_path) if connection: connection.get(remote_path, local_path) with self.create_connection() as connection: connection.get(remote_path, local_path) return local_path
[docs] def get_table(self, remote_path, connection=None): """ Download a csv from the server and convert into a Parsons table. The file may be compressed with gzip, or zip, but may not contain multiple files in the archive. `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the file to download connection: obj An SFTP connection object `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if not files.valid_table_suffix(remote_path): raise ValueError('File type cannot be converted to a Parsons table.') return Table.from_csv(self.get_file(remote_path, connection=connection))
[docs] def put_file(self, local_path, remote_path, connection=None): """ Put a file on the SFTP server `Args:` local_path: str The local path of the source file remote_path: str The remote path of the new file connection: obj An SFTP connection object """ if connection: connection.put(local_path, remote_path) with self.create_connection() as connection: connection.put(local_path, remote_path)
[docs] def remove_file(self, remote_path, connection=None): """ Delete a file on the SFTP server `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the file connection: obj An SFTP connection object """ if connection: connection.remove(remote_path) with self.create_connection() as connection: connection.remove(remote_path)
[docs] def get_file_size(self, remote_path, connection=None): """ Get the size of a file in MB on the SFTP server. The file is not downloaded locally. `Args:` remote_path: str The remote path of the file connection: obj An SFTP connection object `Returns:` int The file size in MB. """ if connection: size = connection.file(remote_path, 'r')._get_size() else: with self.create_connection() as connection: size = connection.file(remote_path, 'r')._get_size() return size / 1024