Source code for parsons.rockthevote.rtv

import datetime
import logging
import petl
import re
import requests
import time

from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_date

from parsons import Table
from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons.utilities.api_connector import APIConnector

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

"""Datetime format for sending date's to the API."""

    # For some reason, RTV's firewall REALLY doesn't like the
    # user-agent string that Python's request library gives by default,
    # though it seems fine with the curl user agent
    # For more info on user agents, see:
    'user-agent': 'curl/7.54.0'
"""Standard request header for sending requests to the API."""

STATUS_URL_PARSE_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\d+)$')
"""Regex for parsing the report ID from the status URL."""

class RTVFailure(Exception):
    """Exception raised when there is an error with the connector."""

[docs]class RockTheVote: """ `Args:` partner_id: str The RockTheVote partner ID for the RTV account partner_api_key: str The API Key for the partner `Returns`: RockTheVote class """ def __init__(self, partner_id=None, partner_api_key=None): self.partner_id = check_env.check('RTV_PARTNER_ID', partner_id) self.partner_api_key = check_env.check('RTV_PARTNER_API_KEY', partner_api_key) self.client = APIConnector('', headers=REQUEST_HEADERS)
[docs] def create_registration_report(self, before=None, since=None): """ Create a new registration report. `Args:` before: str Date before which to return registrations for since: str Date for filtering registrations `Returns:` int The ID of the created report. """ report_url = f'{self.client.uri}/registrant_reports.json' # Create the report for the new data report_parameters = { 'partner_id': self.partner_id, 'partner_API_key': self.partner_api_key, } if since: since_date = parse_date(since) report_parameters['since'] = since_date.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) if before: before_date = parse_date(before) report_parameters['before'] = before_date.strftime(DATETIME_FORMAT) # The report parameters get passed into the request as JSON in the body # of the request. response = self.client.request(report_url, 'post', json=report_parameters) if response.status_code != raise RTVFailure("Couldn't create RTV registrations report") response_json = response.json() # The RTV API says the response should include the report_id, but I have not found # that to be the case report_id = response_json.get('report_id') if report_id: return report_id # If the response didn't include the report_id, then we will parse it out of the URL. status_url = response_json.get('status_url') url_match = if url_match: report_id = return report_id
[docs] def get_registration_report(self, report_id, block=False, poll_interval_seconds=60, report_timeout_seconds=3600): """ Get data from an existing registration report. `Args:` report_id: int The ID of the report to get data from block: bool Whether or not to block execution until the report is complete poll_interval_seconds: int If blocking, how long to pause between attempts to check if the report is done report_timeout_seconds: int If blocking, how long to wait for the report before timing out `Returns:` Parsons Table Parsons table with the report data. """ credentials = { 'partner_id': self.partner_id, 'partner_API_key': self.partner_api_key, } status_url = f'{self.client.uri}/registrant_reports/{report_id}' download_url = None # Let's figure out at what time should we just give up because we waited # too long end_time = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=report_timeout_seconds) # If we have a download URL, we can move on and just download the # report. Otherwise, as long as we haven't run out of time, we will # check the status. while not download_url and < end_time: logger.debug(f'Registrations report not ready yet, sleeping %s seconds', poll_interval_seconds) # Check the status again via the status endpoint status_response = self.client.request(status_url, 'get', params=credentials) # Check to make sure the call got a valid response if status_response.status_code == status_json = status_response.json() # Grab the download_url from the response. download_url = status_json.get('download_url') if not download_url and not block: return None else: raise RTVFailure("Couldn't get report status") if not download_url: # We just got the status, so we should wait a minute before # we check it again. time.sleep(poll_interval_seconds) # If we never got a valid download_url, then we timed out waiting for # the report to generate. We will log an error and exit. if not download_url: raise RTVFailure('Timed out waiting for report') # Download the report data download_response = self.client.request(download_url, 'get', params=credentials) # Check to make sure the call got a valid response if download_response.status_code == report_data = download_response.text # Load the report data into a Parsons Table table = Table.from_csv_string(report_data) # Transform the data from the report's CSV format to something more # Pythonic (snake case) normalized_column_names = [ re.sub(r'\s', '_', name).lower() for name in table.columns ] normalized_column_names = [ re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z\d_]', '', name) for name in normalized_column_names ] table.table = petl.setheader(table.table, normalized_column_names) return table else: raise RTVFailure('Unable to download report data')
[docs] def run_registration_report(self, before=None, since=None, poll_interval_seconds=60, report_timeout_seconds=3600): """ Run a new registration report. This method will block until the report has finished generating, or until the specified timeout is reached. `Args:` before: str Date before which to return registrations for since: str Date for filtering registrations poll_interval_seconds: int If blocking, how long to pause between attempts to check if the report is done report_timeout_seconds: int If blocking, how long to wait for the report before timing out `Returns:` int The ID of the created report. """ report_id = self.create_registration_report(before=before, since=since) return self.get_registration_report(report_id, block=True, poll_interval_seconds=poll_interval_seconds, report_timeout_seconds=report_timeout_seconds)