Braintree ========= `Braintree `_ is an online payment processor often integrated in other third-party donation platforms like ActionKit, etc. Even if much data is accessible through those other platforms things like credit card disputes and disbursement (to your bank account!) timing may only be available directly through Braintree. While much of the `Braintree API `_ is about processing payments, this integration into Parsons focuses on the record searching aspects. *********** Quick Start *********** .. code-block:: python from parsons import Braintree brains = Braintree() # Get disputes from a single day disputes = brains.get_disputes('2020-01-01', '2020-01-02') # Get disbursements from a single day disbursements = brains.get_transactions( disbursement_start_date='2020-01-01', disbursement_end_date='2020-01-02') *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.braintree.Braintree :inherited-members: