Source code for parsons.hustle.hustle

from parsons.etl import Table
from requests import request
from parsons.utilities import check_env, json_format
import datetime
from parsons.hustle.column_map import LEAD_COLUMN_MAP
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Hustle(object): """ Instantiate Hustle Class `Args:` client_id: The client id provided by Hustle. Not required if ``HUSTLE_CLIENT_ID`` env variable set. client_secret: The client secret provided by Hustle. Not required if ``HUSTLE_CLIENT_SECRET`` env variable set. `Returns:` Hustle Class """ def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret): self.uri = HUSTLE_URI self.client_id = check_env.check('HUSTLE_CLIENT_ID', client_id) self.client_secret = check_env.check('HUSTLE_CLIENT_SECRET', client_secret) self.token_expiration = None self._get_auth_token(client_id, client_secret) def _get_auth_token(self, client_id, client_secret): # Generate a temporary authorization token data = {'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'grant_type': 'client_credentials'} r = request('POST', self.uri + 'oauth/token', data=data) logger.debug(r.json()) self.auth_token = r.json()['access_token'] self.token_expiration = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200)"Authentication token generated") def _token_check(self): # Tokens are only valid for 7200 seconds. This checks to make sure that it has # not expired and generate another one if it has. logger.debug("Checking token expiration.") if >= self.token_expiration:"Refreshing authentication token.") self._get_auth_token(self.client_id, self.client_secret) else: pass def _request(self, endpoint, req_type='GET', args=None, payload=None, raise_on_error=True): url = self.uri + endpoint self._token_check() headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.auth_token}'} parameters = {'limit': PAGE_LIMIT} if args: parameters.update(args) r = request(req_type, url, params=parameters, json=payload, headers=headers) self._error_check(r, raise_on_error) # If a single item return the dict if 'items' not in r.json().keys(): return r.json() else: result = r.json()['items'] # Pagination while r.json()['pagination']['hasNextPage'] == 'true': parameters['cursor'] = r.json['pagination']['cursor'] r = request(req_type, url, params=parameters, headers=headers) self._error_check(r, raise_on_error) result.append(r.json()['items']) return result def _error_check(self, r, raise_on_error): # Check for errors if r.status_code in (200, 201): logger.debug(r.json()) return None if raise_on_error: r.raise_for_status() return None else: return None
[docs] def get_agents(self, group_id): """ Get a list of agents. `Args:` group_id: str The group id. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self._request(f'groups/{group_id}/agents'))'Got {tbl.num_rows} agents from {group_id} group.') return tbl
[docs] def get_agent(self, agent_id): """ Get a single agent. `Args:` agent_id: str The agent id. `Returns:` dict """ r = self._request(f'agents/{agent_id}')'Got {agent_id} agent.') return r
[docs] def create_agent(self, group_id, name, full_name, phone_number, send_invite=False, email=None): """ Create an agent. `Args:` group_id: str The group id to assign the agent. name: str The name of the agent. full_name: str The full name of the agent. phone_number: str The valid phone number of the agent. send_invite: boolean Send an invitation to the agent. email: The email address of the agent. `Returns:` dict """ agent = {'name': name, 'fullName': full_name, 'phoneNumber': phone_number, 'sendInvite': send_invite, 'email': email} # Remove empty args in dictionary agent = json_format.remove_empty_keys(agent)'Generating {full_name} agent.') return self._request(f'groups/{group_id}/agents', req_type="POST", payload=agent)
[docs] def update_agent(self, agent_id, name=None, full_name=None, send_invite=False): """ Update an agent. `Args:` agent_id: str The agent id. name: str The name of the agent. full_name: str The full name of the agent. phone_number: str The valid phone number of the agent. send_invite: boolean Send an invitation to the agent. `Returns:` dict """ agent = {'name': name, 'fullName': full_name, 'sendInvite': send_invite} # Remove empty args in dictionary agent = json_format.remove_empty_keys(agent)'Updating agent {agent_id}.') return self._request(f'agents/{agent_id}', req_type="PUT", payload=agent)
[docs] def get_organizations(self): """ Get organizations. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self._request('organizations'))'Got {tbl.num_rows} organizations.') return tbl
[docs] def get_organization(self, organization_id): """ Get a single organization. `Args:` organization_id: str The organization id. `Returns:` dict """ r = self._request(f'organizations/{organization_id}')'Got {organization_id} organization.') return r
[docs] def get_groups(self, organization_id): """ Get a list of groups. `Args:` organization_id: str `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self._request(f'organizations/{organization_id}/groups'))'Got {tbl.num_rows} groups.') return tbl
[docs] def get_group(self, group_id): """ Get a single group. `Args:` group_id: str The group id. """ r = self._request(f'groups/{group_id}')'Got {group_id} group.') return r
[docs] def get_lead(self, lead_id): """ Get a single lead.. `Args`: lead_id: str The lead id. `Returns:` dict """ r = self._request(f'leads/{lead_id}')'Got {lead_id} lead.') return r
[docs] def get_leads(self, organization_id=None, group_id=None): """ Get leads metadata. One of ``organization_id`` and ``group_id`` must be passed as an argument. If both are passed, an error will be raised. `Args:` organization_id: str The organization id. group_id: str The group id. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ if organization_id is None and group_id is None: raise ValueError('Either organization_id or group_id required.') if organization_id is not None and group_id is not None: raise ValueError('Only one of organization_id and group_id may be populated.') if organization_id: endpoint = f'organizations/{organization_id}/leads''Retrieving {organization_id} organization leads.') if group_id: endpoint = f'groups/{group_id}/leads''Retrieving {group_id} group leads.') tbl = Table(self._request(endpoint))'Got {tbl.num_rows} leads.') return tbl
[docs] def create_lead(self, group_id, phone_number, first_name, last_name=None, email=None, notes=None, follow_up=None, custom_fields=None, tag_ids=None): """ Create a lead. `Args:` group_id: str The group id to assign the leads. first_name: str The first name of the lead. phone_number: str The phone number of the lead. last_name: str The last name of the lead. email: str The email address of the lead. notes: str The notes for the lead. follow_up: str Follow up for the lead. custom_fields: dict A dictionary of custom fields, with key as the value name, and value as the value. tag_ids: list A list of tag ids. `Returns:` ``None`` """ lead = {'firstName': first_name, 'lastName': last_name, 'email': email, 'phoneNumber': phone_number, 'notes': notes, 'followUp': follow_up, 'customFields': custom_fields, 'tagIds': tag_ids } # Remove empty args in dictionary lead = json_format.remove_empty_keys(lead)'Generating lead for {first_name} {last_name}.') return self._request(f'groups/{group_id}/leads', req_type="POST", payload=lead)
[docs] def create_leads(self, table, group_id=None): """ Create multiple leads. All unrecognized fields will be passed as custom fields. Column names must map to the following names. .. list-table:: :widths: 20 80 :header-rows: 1 * - Column Name - Valid Column Names * - first_name - ``first_name``, ``first``, ``fn``, ``firstname`` * - last_name - ``last_name``, ``last``, ``ln``, ``lastname`` * - phone_number - ``phone_number``, ``phone``, ``cell``, ``phonenumber``, ``cell_phone`` ``cellphone`` * - email - ``email``, ``email_address``, ``emailaddress`` * - follow_up - ``follow_up``, ``followup`` `Args:` table: Parsons table A Parsons table containing leads group_id: The group id to assign the leads. If ``None``, must be passed as a column value. `Returns:` A table of created ids with associated lead id. """ table.map_columns(LEAD_COLUMN_MAP) arg_list = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'phone_number', 'follow_up', 'tag_id', 'group_id'] created_leads = [] for row in table: lead = {'group_id': group_id} custom_fields = {} # Check for column names that map to arguments, if not assign # to custom fields for k, v in row.items(): if k in arg_list: lead[k] = v else: custom_fields[k] = v lead['custom_fields'] = custom_fields # Group Id check if not group_id and 'group_id' not in table.columns: raise ValueError('Group Id must be passed as an argument or a column value.') if group_id: lead['group_id'] == group_id created_leads.append(self.create_lead(**lead))"Created {table.num_rows} leads.") return Table(created_leads)
[docs] def update_lead(self, lead_id, first_name=None, last_name=None, email=None, global_opt_out=None, notes=None, follow_up=None, tag_ids=None): """ Update a lead. `Args`: lead_id: str The lead id first_name: str The first name of the lead last_name: str The last name of the lead email: str The email address of the lead global_opt_out: boolean Opt out flag for the lead notes: str The notes for the lead follow_up: str Follow up for the lead `Returns:` dict """ lead = {'leadId': lead_id, 'firstName': first_name, 'lastName': last_name, 'email': email, 'globalOptedOut': global_opt_out, 'notes': notes, 'followUp': follow_up, 'tagIds': tag_ids} # Remove empty args in dictionary lead = json_format.remove_empty_keys(lead)'Updating lead for {first_name} {last_name}.') return self._request(f'leads/{lead_id}', req_type="PUT", payload=lead)
[docs] def get_tags(self, organization_id): """ Get an organization's tags. `Args:` organization_id: str The organization id. `Returns:` Parsons Table See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options. """ tbl = Table(self._request(f'organizations/{organization_id}/tags'))'Got {tbl.num_rows} tags for {organization_id} organization.') return tbl
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag_id): """ Get a single tag. `Args:` tag_id: str The tag id. `Returns:` dict """ r = self._request(f'tags/{tag_id}')'Got {tag_id} tag.') return r