Zoom ==== ******** Overview ******** `Zoom `_ is a video conferencing platform. This connector supports fetching users, fetching meetings, fetching metadata for past meetings, and fetching participants of past meetings via the `Zoom API `_. .. note:: Authentication The ``Zoom`` class uses server-to-server `OAuth ` to authenticate queries to the Zoom API. You must create a server-to-server application in `Zoom's app marketplace ` to obtain an ``account_id``, ``client_id``, and ``client_secret`` key. You will use this OAuth application to define your scopes, which gives your ``Zoom`` connector read permission on endpoints of your choosing (`meetings`, `webinars`, `reports`, etc.) *********** Quick Start *********** To instantiate the ``Zoom`` class, you can either store your Zoom account ID, client ID, and client secret as environmental variables (``ZOOM_ACCOUNT_ID``, ``ZOOM_CLIENT_ID``, ``ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET``) or pass them in as arguments. .. code-block:: python from parsons import Zoom # If environmental variables ZOOM_API_KEY and ZOOM_API_SECRET # are set, no need for arguments zoom = Zoom() # If providing authentication credentials via arguments zoom = Zoom( account_id="my_account_id", client_id="my_client_id", client_secret="my_client_secret" ) # Get a table of host's meetings via their email or user id meetings_tbl = zoom.get_meetings('my_name@mail.com') # Get the list of participants in a past meeting participants_tbl = zoom.get_past_meeting_participants('my_meeting_id') *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.Zoom :inherited-members: