ActionKit ========= ******** Overview ******** `ActionKit `_ is a platform for advocacy, fundraising, and get-out-the-vote. This Parsons integration with the `ActionKit REST API `_ supports fetching, creating, and updating records of campaigns, events, mailers, orders, survey questions, transactions, and users. Bulk upload of new users and user updates is also supported. .. note:: Authentication ActionKit requires `HTTP Basic Auth `_. Clients with an ActionKit account can obtain the domain, username, and password needed to access the ActionKit API. See the `ActionKit REST API Authentication `_ documentation for more information on obtaining ActionKit API credentials. ********** Quickstart ********** To instantiate the ActionKit class, you can either store your ActionKit API domain, username, and password as environmental variables (``ACTION_KIT_DOMAIN``, ``ACTION_KIT_USERNAME``, and ``ACTION_KIT_PASSWORD``, respectively) or pass in your domain, username, and password as arguments: .. code-block:: python from parsons import ActionKit # First approach: Use API credentials via environmental variables ak = ActionKit() # Second approach: Pass API credentials as arguments ak = ActionKit(domain='', username='my_name', password='1234') You can then call various endpoints: .. code-block:: python # Create a new user ak.create_user(email='john@email', first_name='John', last_name='Smith', city='Boston') # Fetch user fields user_fields = ak.get_user(user_id='123') # Update user fields ak.update_user(user_id='123', city='New York') # Delete user ak.delete_user(user_id='123') *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.ActionKit :inherited-members: