from parsons.utilities import check_env
from parsons.utilities.oauth_api_connector import OAuth2APIConnector
from parsons import Table
import logging
import uuid
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Zoom:
Instantiate the Zoom class.
api_key: str
A valid Zoom api key. Not required if ``ZOOM_API_KEY`` env
variable set.
api_secret: str
A valid Zoom api secret. Not required if ``ZOOM_API_SECRET`` env
variable set.
def __init__(self, account_id=None, client_id=None, client_secret=None):
self.account_id = check_env.check("ZOOM_ACCOUNT_ID", account_id)
self.client_id = check_env.check("ZOOM_CLIENT_ID", client_id)
self.__client_secret = check_env.check("ZOOM_CLIENT_SECRET", client_secret)
self.client = OAuth2APIConnector(
authorization_kwargs={"account_id": self.account_id},
def _get_request(self, endpoint, data_key, params=None, **kwargs):
TODO: Consider increasing default page size.
endpoint: str
API endpoint to send GET request
data_key: str
Unique value to use to parse through nested data
(akin to a primary key in response JSON)
params: dict
Additional request parameters, defaults to None
Parsons Table of API responses
r = self.client.get_request(endpoint, params=params, **kwargs)
self.client.data_key = data_key
data = self.client.data_parse(r)
if not params:
params = {}
# Return a dict or table if only one item.
if "page_number" not in r.keys():
if isinstance(data, dict):
return data
if isinstance(data, list):
return Table(data)
# Else iterate through the pages and return a Table
while r["page_number"] < r["page_count"]:
params["page_number"] = int(r["page_number"]) + 1
r = self.client.get_request(endpoint, params=params, **kwargs)
return Table(data)
def __handle_nested_json(self, table: Table, column: str) -> Table:
This function unpacks JSON values from Zoom's API, which are often
objects nested in lists
table: parsons.Table
Parsons Table of Zoom API responses
column: str
Column name of nested JSON
Parsons Table
return Table(table.unpack_list(column=column)).unpack_dict(
column=f"{column}_0", prepend_value=f"{column}_"
def __process_poll_results(self, tbl: Table) -> Table:
Unpacks nested poll results values from the Zoom reports endpoint
tbl: parsons.Table
Table of poll results derived from Zoom API request
Parsons Table
if tbl.num_rows == 0:
return tbl
# Add surrogate key
tbl.add_column("poll_taker_id", lambda _: str(uuid.uuid4()))
# Unpack values
tbl = tbl.unpack_nested_columns_as_rows(
"question_details", key="poll_taker_id", expand_original=True
# Remove extraneous columns
# Unpack question values
tbl = tbl.unpack_dict("question_details_value", include_original=True, prepend=False)
# Remove column from API response
return tbl
def get_users(self, status="active", role_id=None):
Get users.
status: str
Filter by the user status. Must be one of following: ``active``,
``inactive``, or ``pending``.
role_id: str
Filter by the user role.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
if status not in ["active", "inactive", "pending"]:
raise ValueError("Invalid status type provided.")
params = {"status": status, "role_id": role_id}
tbl = self._get_request("users", "users", params=params)"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} users.")
return tbl
def get_meetings(self, user_id, meeting_type="scheduled"):
Get meetings scheduled by a user.
user_id: str
A user id or email address of the meeting host.
meeting_type: str
.. list-table::
:widths: 25 50
:header-rows: 1
* - Type
- Notes
* - ``scheduled``
- This includes all valid past meetings, live meetings and upcoming
scheduled meetings. It is the equivalent to the combined list of
"Previous Meetings" and "Upcoming Meetings" displayed in the user's
Meetings page.
* - ``live``
- All the ongoing meetings.
* - ``upcoming``
- All upcoming meetings including live meetings.
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"users/{user_id}/meetings", "meetings")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} meetings.")
return tbl
def get_past_meeting(self, meeting_uuid):
Get metadata regarding a past meeting.
meeting_id: int
The meeting id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"past_meetings/{meeting_uuid}", None)"Retrieved meeting {meeting_uuid}.")
return tbl
def get_past_meeting_participants(self, meeting_id):
Get past meeting participants.
meeting_id: int
The meeting id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"report/meetings/{meeting_id}/participants", "participants")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} participants.")
return tbl
def get_meeting_registrants(self, meeting_id):
Get meeting registrants.
meeting_id: int
The meeting id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"meetings/{meeting_id}/registrants", "registrants")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} registrants.")
return tbl
def get_user_webinars(self, user_id):
Get meeting registrants.
user_id: str
The user id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"users/{user_id}/webinars", "webinars")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} webinars.")
return tbl
def get_past_webinar_report(self, webinar_id):
Get past meeting participants
webinar_id: str
The webinar id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
dic = self._get_request(endpoint=f"report/webinars/{webinar_id}", data_key=None)
if dic:"Retrieved webinar report for webinar: {webinar_id}.")
return dic
def get_past_webinar_participants(self, webinar_id):
Get past meeting participants
webinar_id: str
The webinar id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"report/webinars/{webinar_id}/participants", "participants")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} webinar participants.")
return tbl
def get_webinar_registrants(self, webinar_id):
Get past meeting participants
webinar_id: str
The webinar id
Parsons Table
See :ref:`parsons-table` for output options.
tbl = self._get_request(f"webinars/{webinar_id}/registrants", "registrants")"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} webinar registrants.")
return tbl
def get_meeting_poll_results(self, meeting_id) -> Table:
Get a report of poll results for a past meeting
Required scopes: `report:read:admin`
endpoint = f"report/meetings/{meeting_id}/polls"
tbl = self._get_request(endpoint=endpoint, data_key="questions")
if isinstance(tbl, dict):
logger.debug(f"No poll data returned for meeting ID {meeting_id}")
return Table(tbl)"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} reults for meeting ID {meeting_id}")
return self.__process_poll_results(tbl=tbl)
def get_webinar_poll_results(self, webinar_id) -> Table:
Get a report of poll results for a past webinar
Required scopes: `report:read:admin`
endpoint = f"report/webinars/{webinar_id}/polls"
tbl = self._get_request(endpoint=endpoint, data_key="questions")
if isinstance(tbl, dict):
logger.debug(f"No poll data returned for webinar ID {webinar_id}")
return Table(tbl)"Retrieved {tbl.num_rows} reults for webinar ID {webinar_id}")
return self.__process_poll_results(tbl=tbl)