MobileCommons ========== ******** Overview ******** `MobileCommons `_ is a broadcast text messaging tool that helps orgranizations mobilize supporters and fundraise by building opt-ed in audiences. You can read more about the product `here `_. *********** Quick Start *********** To instantiate a class you must pass the username and password of a MobileCommons account as an argument or store the username and password into environmental variables called ``MOBILECOMMONS_USERNAME`` and ``MOBILECOMMONS_PASSWORD``, respectively. If you MobileCommons account has access to various MobileCommons companies (i.e. organizations), you'll need to specify which MobileCommons company you'd like to interact with by specifying the Company ID in the ``company_id`` parameter. To find the Company ID, navigate to the `Company and Users page `_. .. code-block:: python from parsons import MobileCommons # Pass credentials via environmental variables for account has access to only one MobileCommons company mc = MobileCommons() # Pass credentials via environmental variables for account has access to multiple MobileCommons companies mc = MobileCommons(company_id='EXAMPLE78363BOCA483954419EB70986A68888') # Pass credentials via argument for account has access to only one MobileCommons company mc = MobileCommons(username='', password='badpassword123') Then you can call various endpoints: .. code-block:: python # Return all MobileCommons subscribers in a table subscribers = get_campaign_subscribers(campaign_id=1234567) # Create a new profile, return profile_id new_profile=create_profile(phone=3073991987, first_name='Jane', last_name='Fonda') *** API *** .. autoclass :: parsons.MobileCommons :inherited-members: